django orm 批量存储数据

项目中 需要大量数据的保存操作,每条执行save操作效率太低,在官网上找到bull_create 的批量存储方式,效率提高很多


Insert in bulk

When creating objects, where possible, use the bulk_create() method to reduce the number of SQL queries. For example:

    Entry(headline="Python 3.0 Released"),
    Entry(headline="Python 3.1 Planned")
]) preferable to:

Entry.objects.create(headline="Python 3.0 Released")
Entry.objects.create(headline="Python 3.1 Planned")

Note that there are a number of caveats to this method, so make sure it’s appropriate for your use case.

This also applies to ManyToManyFields, so doing:

my_band.members.add(me, my_friend) preferable to:


...where Bands and Artists have a many-to-many relationship.

posted @ 2014-06-18 11:58  天外飞仙丶  阅读(2374)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报