2015-02-10 14:59 jediael 阅读(199) 评论(0) 编辑 收藏 举报
nutch将从网页中抓取到的信息放入hbase数据库中,默认情况下表名为$crawlId_webpage,但表中的内容以16进制进行表示,直接scan或者通过Java API进行读取均只能读取到16进制信息。
$ bin/nutch readdb Usage: WebTableReader (-stats | -url [url] | -dump <out_dir> [-regex regex]) [-crawlId <id>] [-content] [-headers] [-links] [-text] -crawlId <id> - the id to prefix the schemas to operate on, (default: storage.crawl.id) -stats [-sort] - print overall statistics to System.out [-sort] - list status sorted by host -url <url> - print information on <url> to System.out -dump <out_dir> [-regex regex] - dump the webtable to a text file in <out_dir> -content - dump also raw content -headers - dump protocol headers -links - dump links -text - dump extracted text [-regex] - filter on the URL of the webtable entry
bin/nutch inject seed.txt -crawlId test001
hbase(main):002:0> scan 'test001_webpage' ROW COLUMN+CELL com.163.money:http/ column=f:fi, timestamp=1423550107073, value=\x00'\x8D\x00 com.163.money:http/ column=f:ts, timestamp=1423550107073, value=\x00\x00\x01Kr2\xC7\xD6 com.163.money:http/ column=mk:_injmrk_, timestamp=1423550107073, value=y com.163.money:http/ column=mk:dist, timestamp=1423550107073, value=0 com.163.money:http/ column=mtdt:_csh_, timestamp=1423550107073, value=?\x80\x00\x00 com.163.money:http/ column=s:s, timestamp=1423550107073, value=?\x80\x00\x00 1 row(s) in 0.4090 seconds
bin/nutch readdb -dump /mnt/jediael/2 -crawlId test001 -content
$ ll total 4 -rwxrwxrwx. 1 jediael jediael 344 Feb 10 14:41 part-r-00000 -rwxrwxrwx. 1 jediael jediael 0 Feb 10 14:41 _SUCCESS
$ cat part-r-00000 http://money.163.com/ key: com.163.money:http/ baseUrl: null status: 0 (null) fetchTime: 1423550105558 prevFetchTime: 0 fetchInterval: 2592000 retriesSinceFetch: 0 modifiedTime: 0 prevModifiedTime: 0 protocolStatus: (null) parseStatus: (null) title: null score: 1.0 marker _injmrk_ : y marker dist : 0 reprUrl: null metadata _csh_ : ?锟