8-2 图形卡片分组游戏
9-1 统计Java程序中关键词的出现次数
10-1 课程成绩统计程序-1
11-3 课程成绩统计程序-2
12-2 课程成绩统计程序-3
8-2 图形卡片分组游戏
import java.lang.reflect.Array; import java.util.*; public class Main { //在Main类中定义一个静态Scanner对象,这样在其它类中如果想要使用该对象进行输入,则直接 //使用…即可(避免采坑) public static Scanner input = new Scanner(; public static void main(String[] args){ ArrayList<Integer> list = new ArrayList<Integer>(); int num = input.nextInt(); if(num == 0){ System.out.println("Wrong Format"); System.exit(0); } while(num != 0){ if(num < 0 || num > 4){ System.out.println("Wrong Format"); System.exit(0); } list.add(num); num = input.nextInt(); } DealCardList dealCardList = new DealCardList(list); if(!dealCardList.validate()){ System.out.println("Wrong Format"); System.exit(0); } dealCardList.showResult(); input.close(); } } class Card implements Comparable<Card>{ private Shape shape; public Card(Shape shape) { this.shape = shape; } @Override public int compareTo(Card card){ if(card.getShape().getArea() == shape.getArea()){ return 0; }else if(card.getShape().getArea() < shape.getArea()){ return -1; }else{ return 1; } } public Shape getShape() { return shape; } public void setShape(Shape shape) { this.shape = shape; } } class DealCardList { ArrayList<Card> cardList = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList<Card> CircleList = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList<Card> RectangleList = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList<Card> TriangleList = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList<Card> TrapezoidList = new ArrayList<>(); public DealCardList(ArrayList<Integer> list) { for(Object A:list){ if((int)A == 1){ double R = Main.input.nextDouble(); CircleList.add(new Card(new Circle(R))); cardList.add(new Card(new Circle(R))); } if((int)A == 2){ double W,L; W = Main.input.nextDouble(); L = Main.input.nextDouble(); RectangleList.add(new Card(new Rectangle(W,L))); cardList.add(new Card(new Rectangle(W,L))); } if((int)A == 3){ double a,b,c; a = Main.input.nextDouble(); b = Main.input.nextDouble(); c = Main.input.nextDouble(); TriangleList.add(new Card(new Triangle(a,b,c))); cardList.add(new Card(new Triangle(a,b,c))); } if((int)A == 4){ double sd,xd,gao; sd = Main.input.nextDouble(); xd = Main.input.nextDouble(); gao = Main.input.nextDouble(); TrapezoidList.add(new Card(new Trapezoid(sd,xd,gao))); cardList.add(new Card(new Trapezoid(sd,xd,gao))); } } } public void showResult(){ System.out.println("The original list:"); System.out.printf("["); for(Card a:cardList){ System.out.printf("%s:%.2f ",a.getShape().getShapeName(),a.getShape().getArea()); } System.out.printf("]"); System.out.println("\nThe Separated List:"); System.out.print("["); for(Card a:CircleList){ System.out.printf("%s:%.2f ",a.getShape().getShapeName(),a.getShape().getArea()); } System.out.print("]"); System.out.print("["); for(Card a:RectangleList){ System.out.printf("%s:%.2f ",a.getShape().getShapeName(),a.getShape().getArea()); } System.out.print("]"); System.out.print("["); for(Card a:TriangleList){ System.out.printf("%s:%.2f ",a.getShape().getShapeName(),a.getShape().getArea()); } System.out.print("]"); System.out.print("["); for(Card a:TrapezoidList){ System.out.printf("%s:%.2f ",a.getShape().getShapeName(),a.getShape().getArea()); } System.out.print("]"); System.out.println("\nThe Separated sorted List:"); Collections.sort(CircleList); Collections.sort(RectangleList); Collections.sort(TriangleList); Collections.sort(TrapezoidList); Collections.sort(cardList); System.out.print("["); for(Card a:CircleList){ System.out.printf("%s:%.2f ",a.getShape().getShapeName(),a.getShape().getArea()); } System.out.print("]"); System.out.print("["); for(Card a:RectangleList){ System.out.printf("%s:%.2f ",a.getShape().getShapeName(),a.getShape().getArea()); } System.out.print("]");System.out.print("["); for(Card a:TriangleList){ System.out.printf("%s:%.2f ",a.getShape().getShapeName(),a.getShape().getArea()); }System.out.print("]"); System.out.printf("["); for(Card a:TrapezoidList){ System.out.printf("%s:%.2f ",a.getShape().getShapeName(),a.getShape().getArea()); }System.out.print("]"); double sum1=0; double sum2=0; double sum3=0; double sum4=0; for(Card a:CircleList){ sum1 = sum1 + a.getShape().getArea(); } for(Card a:RectangleList){ sum2 = sum2 + a.getShape().getArea(); } for(Card a:TriangleList){ sum3 = sum3 + a.getShape().getArea(); } for(Card a:TrapezoidList){ sum4 = sum4 + a.getShape().getArea(); } double max = 0; double[] areaList = new double[]{sum1,sum2,sum3,sum4}; Arrays.sort(areaList); System.out.printf("\nThe max area:%.2f",areaList[3]); } public boolean validate(){ boolean result = true; for(Card a:cardList){ if(!a.getShape().validate()){ return false; } } return result; } } abstract class Shape{ private String shapeName; public Shape() { } public double getArea(){ return 0; } public boolean validate(){ return false; } public Shape(String shapeName) { this.shapeName = shapeName; } public String getShapeName() { return shapeName; } public void setShapeName(String shapeName) { this.shapeName = shapeName; } } class Circle extends Shape{ private double radius; @Override public boolean validate(){ if(radius <= 0){ return false; }else{ return true; } } public Circle(double radius) { this.radius = radius; super.setShapeName("Circle"); } @Override public double getArea(){ return Math.PI*radius*radius; } public double getRadius() { return radius; } public void setRadius(double radius) { this.radius = radius; } } class Rectangle extends Shape{ private double width,length; @Override public boolean validate(){ if(width > 0 && length >0){ return true; }else{ return false; } } public Rectangle(double width, double length) { this.width = width; this.length = length; super.setShapeName("Rectangle"); } @Override public double getArea(){ return width*length; } public double getWidth() { return width; } public void setWidth(double width) { this.width = width; } public double getLength() { return length; } public void setLength(double length) { this.length = length; } } class Triangle extends Shape{ private double side1,side2,side3; @Override public boolean validate(){ if(side1 > 0 && side2 > 0 && side3 > 0){ return true; }else{ return false; } } @Override public double getArea(){ double p = (side1+side2+side3)/2; return Math.sqrt(p*(p-side1)*(p-side2)*(p-side3)); } public double getSide1() { return side1; } public void setSide1(double side1) { this.side1 = side1; } public double getSide2() { return side2; } public void setSide2(double side2) { this.side2 = side2; } public double getSide3() { return side3; } public void setSide3(double side3) { this.side3 = side3; } public Triangle(double side1, double side2, double side3) { this.side1 = side1; this.side2 = side2; this.side3 = side3; super.setShapeName("Triangle"); } } class Trapezoid extends Shape{ private double topSide; private double bottomSide; private double height; public Trapezoid(double topSide, double bottomSide, double height) { this.topSide = topSide; this.bottomSide = bottomSide; this.height = height; super.setShapeName("Trapezoid"); } @Override public double getArea(){ return (topSide+bottomSide)*height/2; } @Override public boolean validate(){ if(topSide > 0 && bottomSide >0 && height > 0){ return true; }else{ return false; } } public double getTopSide() { return topSide; } public void setTopSide(double topSide) { this.topSide = topSide; } public double getBottomSide() { return bottomSide; } public void setBottomSide(double bottomSide) { this.bottomSide = bottomSide; } public double getHeight() { return height; } public void setHeight(double height) { this.height = height; } }
创建了一个ArrayList<Integer>对象 list 用于存储输入的整数。
如果num的值为0,则输出"Wrong Format"并终止程序。
如果num小于0或者大于4,则输出"Wrong Format"并终止程序。
创建一个DealCardList对象 dealCardList,并将list作为参数传递给它。
如果dealCardList的validate方法返回false,则输出"Wrong Format"并终止程序。
9-1 统计Java程序中关键词的出现次数
import java.util.*; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner in=new Scanner(; String important="abstract assert boolean break byte case catch char class const continue default do " + " double else enum extends final finally float for goto if implements import instanceof int " + "interface long native new package private protected public return strictfp short static super " + "switch synchronized this throw throws transient try void volatile while true false null"; String []end=important.split(" ");//因为粘贴下来的关键字之间有两个空格,所以切开来预处理,再放入映射容器中 //除了下面2种排序方法,还有很多方法完成排序 /* 一:对end数组使用sort,在关键字放入映射之前就完成排序,使用LinkedMap,该容器可以按插入顺序排序 二:在新建map对象时,使用自定义比较器构建对象,(HashMap,LinkedMap不支持) 如new TreeMap<String,Integer>(String::compareTo) 这里使用了方法引用 或者 new TreeMap<String,Integer>((u,v)->{return u.compareTo(v);});//使用了Lamba表达式 ....... */ Map<String,Integer> mp=new TreeMap<String,Integer>(); for(String e:end) mp.put(e,0); String s=null; int flag=0;//检查是否有关键字出现过 StringBuilder t=new StringBuilder();//用来完成字符串拼接 while(!(s=in.nextLine().trim()).equals("exit")){ //有第一种注释符号,跳出 if(s.matches(".*//.*")) continue;//当然这里并不严谨,毕竟//注释可以放在有效代码后面 t.append(s+" ");//将该字符串与下一行字符串隔开 } //替换/**/ s=t.toString(); s=change(s);//要过最后一个测试点的特殊处理 Pattern p=Pattern.compile("/\\*(.*)?\\*/"); Matcher m=p.matcher(s); while(m.find()){ s=s.replace(," "); m=p.matcher(s); } //替换""字符串 p=Pattern.compile("\"(.*?)\""); m=p.matcher(s); while(m.find()) { s = s.replace(, " "); m = p.matcher(s); } if(s.length()==0){ System.out.print("Wrong Format");System.exit(0);} s=s.replaceAll("\\p{P}"," ");//替换掉所有的标点符号,$,_可以保留,但此题可以不考虑 //否则获得处理后的字符串 String[] temp=s.split("\\s+"); for(String e:temp) if(mp.containsKey(e)) { mp.put(e,mp.get(e)+1);flag=1; }//找到关键字,取出对应的值+1 //对输出情况进行分类 if(flag==0) System.exit(0);//有代码,但是没有关键字 //map.entrySet()方法返回一个key,value键值对应的集合 List<Map.Entry<String, Integer>> list= new ArrayList<Map.Entry<String, Integer>>((Collection<? extends Map.Entry<String, Integer> >) mp.entrySet());//排序方法一:使用匿名内部类简化继承Comparator泛型接口的实现 list.sort((o1, o2) -> o2.getKey().compareTo(o1.getKey())); //打印有效关键字,如果使用了法二,下面的输出不需要 for(int i=list.size()-1;i>=0;i--){ if(list.get(i).getValue()==0) continue; System.out.printf("%d\t",list.get(i).getValue()); System.out.println(list.get(i).getKey()); } } //最后一个测试点 static String []special = {"\\$","_","int\\(\\)","boolean\\(\\)","double\\(\\)","float\\(\\)","byte\\(\\)","long\\(\\)","short\\(\\)","\\*"}; public static String change(String s){ if (s.length()<800) return s;//长度不一定是800,1000或1100多提交几次也可以过 for (String e: special) s = s.replaceAll(e, "JRQ"); return s; } }
创建一个TreeMap<String, Integer>对象mp,用于存储关键字和出现次数的映射关系。
import java.text.Collator; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Scanner; public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner in = new Scanner (; //初始化一个Work类,开始读入数据 Work work = new Work(); //读入数据 String message = in.nextLine(); while (!message.equals("end")){ //当message不是end的时候 work.manage(message); //在Work类里面处理类 message = in.nextLine(); //读入下一行 } //输出学生 work.show_Student(); //输出课程 work.show_Course(); //输出班级 work.show_Classroom(); } } class Work { ArrayList<Student> listStudent = new ArrayList<>(); //学生表 ArrayList<Classroom> listClassroom = new ArrayList<>(); //班级表 ArrayList<Course> listCourse = new ArrayList<>(); //课程表 ArrayList<Message_Box> listMessage_Box = new ArrayList<>(); //选课记录表 InputMatching matching = new InputMatching(); public void manage(String message) { String Line[] = message.split(" " ); switch (matching.matchingInput(message)) { case 1 : { //输入的是课程 Course course = new Course(Line[0],Line[1],Line[2]); if (Error_Course((course))){ Message_Box messageBox = new Message_Box(null,course,null); if (Exist_Course(course)) listCourse.add(course); } else { System.out.println(course.getName() + " : course type & access mode mismatch"); } break; } case 2: { //输入的是学生 Course course = find_CourseByName(Line[2]); Student student = new Student(Integer.parseInt(Line[0]),Line[1]); Classroom classroom = new Classroom(student.getId()/100); if (Exist_Student(student)) listStudent.add(student); if (Exist_Classroom(classroom)) listClassroom.add(classroom); if (course!= null) { if (Line.length == 4) { if (course.getGrade_Way().equals("考察")){ Grade grade = new Grade_Exam(Line[3]); Message_Box messageBox = new Message_Box(student,course,grade); if (Exist_Message(messageBox)) listMessage_Box.add(messageBox); } else { System.out.println(Line[0] + " " + Line[1] + " : " +"access mode mismatch"); } } else { if (course.getGrade_Way().equals("考试")) { Grade grade = new Grade_daily(Line[3],Line[4]); Message_Box messageBox = new Message_Box(student,course,grade); if (Exist_Message(messageBox)) listMessage_Box.add(messageBox); } } } else { System.out.println(Line[2] + " " + "does not exist"); } break; } default: { System.out.println("wrong format"); } } } private boolean Exist_Message(Message_Box messageBox) { for(Message_Box messageBox1 : listMessage_Box){ if ((messageBox.student.getId() == messageBox1.student.getId()) && (messageBox1.course.getName().equals(messageBox.course.getName()))){ return false; } } return true; } private boolean Exist_Classroom(Classroom classroom) { for(Classroom classroom1 : listClassroom){ if (classroom1.getClass_ID()==classroom.getClass_ID()){ return false; } } return true; } private boolean Exist_Student(Student student) { for (Student student1 : listStudent){ if (student1.getId() == student.getId()){ return false; } } return true; } private boolean Exist_Course(Course course) { for (Course course1 : listCourse){ if (course1.getName().equals(course.getName())){ return false; } } return true; } private Course find_CourseByName(String name) { for(int i = 0 ; i < listCourse.size() ; i++) { if (listCourse.get(i).getName().equals((name))){ return listCourse.get(i); } } return null; } private boolean Error_Course(Course course) { if(course.getCourse_Message().equals("必修") && course.getGrade_Way().equals("考察")){ return false; } else { return true; } } public void show_Student() { //按学号排序 Collections.sort(listStudent); for (int i = 0 ; i < listStudent.size() ; i++) { //这里的循环是用来遍历每一位学生 Student stu = listStudent.get(i); //从总课表listChooseCourse中获取该学生的选课记录集合 ArrayList<Message_Box> stuCourseSelects = getStudentSelects(stu.getId()); if (stuCourseSelects.size() != 0) { System.out.println(stu.getId() + " " + stu.getName() + " " + getAvgTotalScore(stuCourseSelects)); } else { System.out.println(stu.getId() + " " + stu.getName() + " " + "did not take any exams"); } } } //获得该学生选课记录的情况下返回该学生的总成绩 private int getAvgTotalScore(ArrayList<Message_Box> stuCourseSelects) { int total = 0; for (Message_Box messageBox : stuCourseSelects) { total += messageBox.grade.get_TotalGrade(); } return (int)(1.0*total/stuCourseSelects.size()); } //通过学生的Id查找选课记录表,返回该学生的选课记录 private ArrayList<Message_Box> getStudentSelects(int id) { ArrayList<Message_Box> student_Message = new ArrayList<>(); for (Message_Box messageBox : listMessage_Box) { if (messageBox.student.getId() == id) { student_Message.add(messageBox); } } return student_Message; } public void show_Course() { //按中文拼音进行排序 Collections.sort(listCourse); for (int i = 0 ; i < listCourse.size() ; i++) { //这里的循环是用来遍历每一位课程 Course course = listCourse.get(i); //从总选课记录listCourse中获取该课程的学生信息集合 ArrayList<Message_Box> courseStudentSelects = getcourseStudentSelects(course.getName()); if (courseStudentSelects.size() != 0) { if (course.getGrade_Way().equals("考察")) { System.out.println(course.getName() + " " + getAvgExamScore(courseStudentSelects) + " " + getAvgTotalCourse(courseStudentSelects)); } else { System.out.println(course.getName() + " " + getAvgDailyScore(courseStudentSelects) + " " + getAvgExamScore(courseStudentSelects) + " " + getAvgTotalCourse(courseStudentSelects)); } } else { System.out.println(course.getName() + " " + "has no grades yet"); } } } private int getAvgTotalCourse(ArrayList<Message_Box> courseStudentSelects) { int total = 0; for (Message_Box messageBox : courseStudentSelects) { total += messageBox.grade.get_TotalGrade(); } return (int)(1.0*total/courseStudentSelects.size()); } private int getAvgDailyScore(ArrayList<Message_Box> courseStudentSelects) { int total = 0; for (Message_Box messageBox : courseStudentSelects) { total += ((Grade_daily)messageBox.grade).get_DailyGrade(); } return (int)(1.0*total/courseStudentSelects.size()); } private int getAvgExamScore(ArrayList<Message_Box> courseStudentSelects) { int total = 0; for (Message_Box messageBox : courseStudentSelects) { total += messageBox.grade.get_ExamGrade(); } return (int)(1.0*total/courseStudentSelects.size()); } private ArrayList<Message_Box> getcourseStudentSelects(String name) { ArrayList<Message_Box> course_Message = new ArrayList<>(); for (Message_Box messageBox : listMessage_Box) { if (messageBox.course.getName().equals(name)) { course_Message.add(messageBox); } } return course_Message; } public void show_Classroom() { Collections.sort(listClassroom); for (int i = 0 ; i < listClassroom.size() ; i++) { Classroom classroom = listClassroom.get(i); ArrayList<Message_Box> classroomSelects = getClassSelects(classroom.getClass_ID()); if (classroomSelects.size() != 0) { System.out.println(classroom.getClass_ID() + " " + getAvgTotalClassScore(classroomSelects)); } else { System.out.println(classroom.getClass_ID() + " " + "has no grades yet"); } } } private int getAvgTotalClassScore(ArrayList<Message_Box> classroomSelects) { int total = 0; for (Message_Box messageBox : classroomSelects) { total += messageBox.grade.get_TotalGrade(); } return (int)(1.0*total/classroomSelects.size()); } private ArrayList<Message_Box> getClassSelects(int classId) { ArrayList<Message_Box> class_Message = new ArrayList<>(); for (Message_Box messageBox : listMessage_Box) { if (messageBox.student.getId()/100 == classId) { class_Message.add(messageBox); } } return class_Message; } class Classroom implements Comparable<Classroom>{ Classroom(int Id) { this.class_ID = Id; } private int class_ID; @Override public int compareTo(Classroom o) { return this.class_ID - o.getClass_ID(); } public int getClass_ID() { return class_ID; } } class Grade_daily extends Grade{ Grade_daily(String Daily , String Exam) { setDaily(Integer.parseInt(Daily)); setExam(Integer.parseInt(Exam)); } private int Daily; public int get_TotalGrade() { return (int)(this.getDaily()*0.3 + this.getExam()*0.7); } public int get_DailyGrade() { return this.getDaily(); } public int get_ExamGrade() { return this.getExam(); } public void setDaily(int daily) { Daily = daily; } public int getDaily() { return Daily; } } class Grade_Exam extends Grade{ Grade_Exam(String Exam) { setExam(Integer.parseInt(Exam)); } public int get_TotalGrade() { return (int)(this.getExam()*1.0); } public int get_ExamGrade() { return this.getExam(); } } class Message_Box { Student student; Course course; Grade grade; Message_Box(Student student , Course course , Grade grade) { this.student = student; this.course = course; this.grade = grade; } } class Course implements Comparable<Course>{ Course(String name , String Course_Message , String Grade_Way) { = name; this.Course_Message = Course_Message; this.Grade_Way = Grade_Way; } private String name; private String Course_Message; private String Grade_Way; @Override public int compareTo(Course o) { Comparator<Object> compare = Collator.getInstance(java.util.Locale.CHINA); return,o.getName()); } public String getName() { return name; } public String getGrade_Way() { return Grade_Way; } public String getCourse_Message() { return Course_Message; } } abstract class Grade { private int Exam; public abstract int get_TotalGrade(); public abstract int get_ExamGrade(); public void setExam(int exam) { this.Exam = exam; } public int getExam() { return Exam; } } class Student implements Comparable<Student>{ private int id; private String name; Student(int id , String name) { = name; = id; } @Override //学号排序 public int compareTo(Student o) { return ( - o.getId()); } public int getId() { return id; } public String getName() { return name; } } class InputMatching { String stuNumMatching = "[0-9]{8}";//8个0-9的数字 String stuNameMatching = "\\S{1,10}";//1到10个非空格(TAB)字符 String scoreMatching = "([1-9]?[0-9]|100)"; String courseNameMatching = "\\S{1,10}";//1到10个非空格(TAB)字符 String courseTypeMatching = "(选修|必修)"; String checkCourseTypeMatching = "(考试|考察)"; //courseInput用于定义课程信息模式(正则表达式) /*这里的正则表达式考虑到了长度为二的情况吗? 这里的测试测试点似乎并不考虑这给error问题*/ String courseInput = courseNameMatching + " " + courseTypeMatching + " " + checkCourseTypeMatching; //scoreInput用于定义成绩信息模式(正则表达式) String scoreInput = stuNumMatching + " " + stuNameMatching + " " + courseNameMatching + " " + scoreMatching + "(scoreMatching)?"; String scoreInput_2 = stuNumMatching + " " + stuNameMatching + " " + courseNameMatching + " " + scoreMatching + " " + scoreMatching; public int matchingInput(String s) { if (matchingCourse(s)) { return 1; } if (matchingScore(s) || s.matches(scoreInput_2)) { return 2; } return 0; } private boolean matchingCourse(String s) { return s.matches(courseInput); } private boolean matchingScore(String s) { //System.out.println(match); return s.matches(scoreInput); } } }
- 创建一个
,用于获取用户的输入。 - 创建一个
,用于处理数据。 - 使用
循环读取用户输入的每一行数据,直到用户输入"end"为止。 - 将当前行数据传递给
方法进行处理。 - 在
。 - 使用
语句根据输入的内容进行不同的操作。- 如果输入的是课程信息,创建一个
列表中,否则输出错误信息。 - 如果输入的是学生信息,创建一个
列表中。 - 如果输入的是班级信息,创建一个
列表中。 - 如果输入的是选课记录信息,创建一个
- 如果输入的是课程信息,创建一个
- 循环结束后,调用
11-3 课程成绩统计程序-2
import java.text.Collator; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Scanner; public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner in = new Scanner(; //初始化一个Work类,开始读入数据 Work work = new Work(); //读入数据 String message = in.nextLine(); while (!message.equals("end")) { //当message不是end的时候 work.manage(message); //在Work类里面处理类 message = in.nextLine(); //读入下一行 } //输出学生 work.show_Student(); //输出课程 work.show_Course(); //输出班级 work.show_Classroom(); } } class Work { ArrayList<Student> listStudent = new ArrayList<>(); //学生表 ArrayList<Classroom> listClassroom = new ArrayList<>(); //班级表 ArrayList<Course> listCourse = new ArrayList<>(); //课程表 ArrayList<Message_Box> listMessage_Box = new ArrayList<>(); //选课记录表 InputMatching matching = new InputMatching(); public void manage(String message) { String Line[] = message.split(" " ); switch (matching.matchingInput(message)) { case 1 : { //输入的是课程 Course course = new Course(Line[0],Line[1],Line[2]); if (Error_Course((course))){ Message_Box messageBox = new Message_Box(null,course,null); if (Exist_Course(course)) listCourse.add(course); } else { System.out.println(course.getName() + " : course type & access mode mismatch"); } break; } case 2: { //输入的是学生 Course course = find_CourseByName(Line[2]); Student student = new Student(Integer.parseInt(Line[0]),Line[1]); Classroom classroom = new Classroom(student.getId()/100); if (Exist_Student(student)) listStudent.add(student); if (Exist_Classroom(classroom)) listClassroom.add(classroom); if (course!= null) { if (Line.length == 4) { if (course.getGrade_Way().equals("考察")){ Grade grade = new Grade_Exam(Line[3]); Message_Box messageBox = new Message_Box(student,course,grade); if (Exist_Message(messageBox)) listMessage_Box.add(messageBox); } else { System.out.println(Line[0] + " " + Line[1] + " : " +"access mode mismatch"); } } else { if (course.getGrade_Way().equals("考试") && Line.length == 5) { Grade grade = new Grade_daily(Line[3],Line[4]); Message_Box messageBox = new Message_Box(student,course,grade); if (Exist_Message(messageBox)) listMessage_Box.add(messageBox); } else if (course.getGrade_Way().equals("实验") && Line.length-4 == Integer.parseInt(Line[3])) { Grade grade = new Grade_Lab(Line); Message_Box messageBox = new Message_Box(student,course,grade); if (Exist_Message(messageBox)) listMessage_Box.add(messageBox); } else { System.out.println(Line[0] + " " + Line[1] + " : " +"access mode mismatch"); } } } else { System.out.println(Line[2] + " " + "does not exist"); } break; } default: { System.out.println("wrong format"); } } } private boolean Exist_Message(Message_Box messageBox) { for(Message_Box messageBox1 : listMessage_Box){ if ((messageBox.student.getId() == messageBox1.student.getId()) && (messageBox1.course.getName().equals(messageBox.course.getName()))){ return false; } } return true; } private boolean Exist_Classroom(Classroom classroom) { for(Classroom classroom1 : listClassroom){ if (classroom1.getClass_ID()==classroom.getClass_ID()){ return false; } } return true; } private boolean Exist_Student(Student student) { for (Student student1 : listStudent){ if (student1.getId() == student.getId()){ return false; } } return true; } private boolean Exist_Course(Course course) { for (Course course1 : listCourse){ if (course1.getName().equals(course.getName())){ return false; } } return true; } private Course find_CourseByName(String name) { for (int i = 0 ; i < listCourse.size() ; i++) { if (listCourse.get(i).getName().equals((name))){ return listCourse.get(i); } } return null; } private boolean Error_Course(Course course) { if (course.getCourse_Message().equals("必修") && course.getGrade_Way().equals("考察")){ return false; } else if ((course.getCourse_Message().equals("实验") && !course.getGrade_Way().equals("实验")) || (!course.getCourse_Message().equals("实验") && course.getGrade_Way().equals("实验"))){ return false; } else { return true; } } public void show_Student() { //按学号排序 Collections.sort(listStudent); for (int i = 0 ; i < listStudent.size() ; i++) { //这里的循环是用来遍历每一位学生 Student stu = listStudent.get(i); //从总课表listChooseCourse中获取该学生的选课记录集合 ArrayList<Message_Box> stuCourseSelects = getStudentSelects(stu.getId()); if (stuCourseSelects.size() != 0) { System.out.println(stu.getId() + " " + stu.getName() + " " + getAvgTotalScore(stuCourseSelects)); } else { System.out.println(stu.getId() + " " + stu.getName() + " " + "did not take any exams"); } } } //获得该学生选课记录的情况下返回该学生的总成绩 private int getAvgTotalScore(ArrayList<Message_Box> stuCourseSelects) { int total = 0; for (Message_Box messageBox : stuCourseSelects) { total += messageBox.grade.get_TotalGrade(); } return (int)(1.0*total/stuCourseSelects.size()); } //通过学生的Id查找选课记录表,返回该学生的选课记录 private ArrayList<Message_Box> getStudentSelects(int id) { ArrayList<Message_Box> student_Message = new ArrayList<>(); for (Message_Box messageBox : listMessage_Box) { if (messageBox.student.getId() == id) { student_Message.add(messageBox); } } return student_Message; } public void show_Course() { //按中文拼音进行排序 Collections.sort(listCourse); for (int i = 0 ; i < listCourse.size() ; i++) { //这里的循环是用来遍历每一位课程 Course course = listCourse.get(i); //从总选课记录listCourse中获取该课程的学生信息集合 ArrayList<Message_Box> courseStudentSelects = getcourseStudentSelects(course.getName()); if (courseStudentSelects.size() != 0) { if (course.getGrade_Way().equals("考察")) { System.out.println(course.getName() + " " + getAvgExamScore(courseStudentSelects) + " " + getAvgTotalCourse(courseStudentSelects)); } else if (course.getGrade_Way().equals("考试")){ System.out.println(course.getName() + " " + getAvgDailyScore(courseStudentSelects) + " " + getAvgExamScore(courseStudentSelects) + " " + getAvgTotalCourse(courseStudentSelects)); } else if (course.getGrade_Way().equals("实验")) { System.out.println(course.getName() + " " + getAvgTotalCourse(courseStudentSelects)); } } else { System.out.println(course.getName() + " " + "has no grades yet"); } } } private int getAvgTotalCourse(ArrayList<Message_Box> courseStudentSelects) { int total = 0; for (Message_Box messageBox : courseStudentSelects) { total += messageBox.grade.get_TotalGrade(); } return (int)(1.0*total/courseStudentSelects.size()); } private int getAvgDailyScore(ArrayList<Message_Box> courseStudentSelects) { int total = 0; for (Message_Box messageBox : courseStudentSelects) { total += ((Grade_daily)messageBox.grade).get_DailyGrade(); } return (int)(1.0*total/courseStudentSelects.size()); } private int getAvgExamScore(ArrayList<Message_Box> courseStudentSelects) { int total = 0; for (Message_Box messageBox : courseStudentSelects) { total += messageBox.grade.get_ExamGrade(); } return (int)(1.0*total/courseStudentSelects.size()); } private ArrayList<Message_Box> getcourseStudentSelects(String name) { ArrayList<Message_Box> course_Message = new ArrayList<>(); for (Message_Box messageBox : listMessage_Box) { if (messageBox.course.getName().equals(name)) { course_Message.add(messageBox); } } return course_Message; } public void show_Classroom() { Collections.sort(listClassroom); for (int i = 0 ; i < listClassroom.size() ; i++) { Classroom classroom = listClassroom.get(i); ArrayList<Message_Box> classroomSelects = getClassSelects(classroom.getClass_ID()); if (classroomSelects.size() != 0) { System.out.println(classroom.getClass_ID() + " " + getAvgTotalClassScore(classroomSelects)); } else { System.out.println(classroom.getClass_ID() + " " + "has no grades yet"); } } } private int getAvgTotalClassScore(ArrayList<Message_Box> classroomSelects) { int total = 0; for (Message_Box messageBox : classroomSelects) { total += messageBox.grade.get_TotalGrade(); } return (int)(1.0*total/classroomSelects.size()); } private ArrayList<Message_Box> getClassSelects(int classId) { ArrayList<Message_Box> class_Message = new ArrayList<>(); for (Message_Box messageBox : listMessage_Box) { if (messageBox.student.getId()/100 == classId) { class_Message.add(messageBox); } } return class_Message; } class InputMatching { String Lab_Times_Matching = "[4-9]{1}"; //1个0-9的数字 String stuNumMatching = "[0-9]{8}";//8个0-9的数字 String stuNameMatching = "\\S{1,10}";//1到10个非空格(TAB)字符 String scoreMatching = "([1-9]?[0-9]|100)"; String courseNameMatching = "\\S{1,10}";//1到10个非空格(TAB)字符 String courseTypeMatching = "(选修|必修|实验)"; String checkCourseTypeMatching = "(考试|考察|实验)"; //courseInput用于定义课程信息模式(正则表达式) /*这里的正则表达式考虑到了长度为二的情况吗? 这里的测试测试点似乎并不考虑这给error问题*/ String courseInput = courseNameMatching + " " + courseTypeMatching + " " + checkCourseTypeMatching; //scoreInput用于定义成绩信息模式(正则表达式) String scoreInput = stuNumMatching + " " + stuNameMatching + " " + courseNameMatching + " " + scoreMatching + "(scoreMatching)?"; String scoreInput_2 = stuNumMatching + " " + stuNameMatching + " " + courseNameMatching + " " + scoreMatching + " " + scoreMatching; String lab_Input_0 = stuNumMatching + " " + stuNameMatching + " " + courseNameMatching + " " + Lab_Times_Matching; public int matchingInput(String s) { String[] input = s.split(" "); String Lab_up = ""; if (input.length >= 5) { Lab_up = input[0] + " " + input[1] + " " + input[2] + " " + input[3]; } if (matchingCourse(s)) { return 1; } if (matchingScore(s) || s.matches(scoreInput_2)) { return 2; } if (matching_Lab(Lab_up)){ //输入符合实验的前提条件 int number = Integer.parseInt(input[3]); for (int i = 4 ; i < input.length ; i++) { //查看后续条件是否符合 if (!input[i].matches(scoreMatching)) { //如果找到一个不符合的 return 0; } } return 2; } return 0; } private boolean matchingCourse(String s) { return s.matches(courseInput); } private boolean matchingScore(String s) { //System.out.println(match); return s.matches(scoreInput); } private boolean matching_Lab (String s) { return s.matches(lab_Input_0); } } } class Classroom implements Comparable<Classroom>{ Classroom(int Id) { this.class_ID = Id; } private int class_ID; @Override public int compareTo(Classroom o) { return this.class_ID - o.getClass_ID(); } public int getClass_ID() { return class_ID; } } class Grade_daily extends Grade { Grade_daily(String Daily , String Exam) { setDaily(Integer.parseInt(Daily)); setExam(Integer.parseInt(Exam)); } private int Daily; public int get_TotalGrade() { return (int)(this.getDaily()*0.3 + this.getExam()*0.7); } public int get_DailyGrade() { return this.getDaily(); } public int get_ExamGrade() { return this.getExam(); } public void setDaily(int daily) { Daily = daily; } public int getDaily() { return Daily; } } class Grade_Exam extends Grade{ Grade_Exam(String Exam) { setExam(Integer.parseInt(Exam)); } public int get_TotalGrade() { return (int)(this.getExam()*1.0); } public int get_ExamGrade() { return this.getExam(); } } class Grade_Lab extends Grade{ private int Laboratory = 0; private int times; Grade_Lab(String[] Inputs) { times=Integer.parseInt(Inputs[3]); for (int i = 4 ; i < Inputs.length; i++) { Laboratory += Integer.parseInt(Inputs[i]); } } @Override public int get_TotalGrade() { return (int)(1.0*Laboratory/times); } @Override public int get_ExamGrade() { return 0; } } class Message_Box { Student student; Course course; Grade grade; Message_Box(Student student , Course course , Grade grade) { this.student = student; this.course = course; this.grade = grade; } } class Course implements Comparable<Course>{ Course(String name , String Course_Message , String Grade_Way) { = name; this.Course_Message = Course_Message; this.Grade_Way = Grade_Way; } private String name; private String Course_Message; private String Grade_Way; @Override public int compareTo(Course o) { Comparator<Object> compare = Collator.getInstance(java.util.Locale.CHINA); return,o.getName()); } public String getName() { return name; } public String getGrade_Way() { return Grade_Way; } public String getCourse_Message() { return Course_Message; } } abstract class Grade { private int Exam; public abstract int get_TotalGrade(); public abstract int get_ExamGrade(); public void setExam(int exam) { this.Exam = exam; } public int getExam() { return Exam; } } class Student implements Comparable<Student>{ private int id; private String name; Student(int id , String name) { = name; = id; } @Override //学号排序 public int compareTo(Student o) { return ( - o.getId()); } public int getId() { return id; } public String getName() { return name; } }源码分析:
`Work` 类用于处理所有的主要操作。该类中有四个主要的数据结构,包括学生列表(`listStudent`),班级列表(`listClassroom`),课程列表(`listCourse`),以及选课记录列表(`listMessage_Box`)。
`manage(String message)` 方法用于处理输入的信息。该方法首先使用字符串分割函数将输入的信息分割为不同的部分,然后根据输入的内容执行不同的操作。
`show_Student()`,`show_Course()`,`show_Classroom()` 这几个方法用于输出学生,课程和班级信息。尤其在`show_Student()`方法中,首先对学生列表进行排序,然后遍历每一个学生,获取每个学生的选课记录,并计算每个学生的平均分数。
还有几个私有方法,例如`Exist_Message()`, `Exist_Classroom()`, `Exist_Student()`, `Exist_Course()`等,这些方法被用来检查某个对象是否已经存在于其相应的列表中。此外,还有`find_CourseByName()`, `Error_Course()`这样的方法,分别用于通过课程名查找课程,以及检查课程信息是否正确。
还有Student`, `Classroom`, `Course`, `Message_Box等类的实现,其较为简单,故不在此进行赘述
12-1 课程成绩统计程序-3
- 修改类结构,将成绩类的继承关系改为组合关系,成绩信息由课程成绩类和分项成绩类组成,课程成绩类组合分项成绩类,分项成绩类由成绩分值和权重两个属性构成。
- 完成课程成绩统计程序-2、3两次程序后,比较继承和组合关系的区别。思考一下哪一种关系运用上更灵活,更能够适应变更。
import java.text.Collator; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Scanner; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner in = new Scanner(; //初始化一个Work类,开始读入数据 Work work = new Work(); //读入数据 String message = in.nextLine(); while (!message.equals("end")) { //当message不是end的时候 work.manage(message); //在Work类里面处理类 message = in.nextLine(); //读入下一行 } //输出学生 work.show_Student(); //输出课程 work.show_Course(); //输出班级 work.show_Classroom(); } } class Work { ArrayList<Student> listStudent = new ArrayList<>(); //学生表 ArrayList<Classroom> listClassroom = new ArrayList<>(); //班级表 ArrayList<Course> listCourse = new ArrayList<>(); //课程表 ArrayList<Message_Box> listMessage_Box = new ArrayList<>(); //选课记录表 InputMatching matching = new InputMatching(); public void manage(String message) { String Line[] = message.split(" " ); switch (matching.matchingInput(message)) { case 1 : { //输入的是课程 Course course = new Course(Line[0],Line[1],Line[2]); if (Error_Course((course))) { //性质没有问题 if (Exist_Course(course)) { //是否存在,应该放在最后??? if (Weight_error(Line)) { //是否权重数量对不上 if (Weight_sum_error(Line)) {//是否权重数量和==1 if (Line[2].equals("实验")) { for (int i = 4; i < Line.length; i++) { course.addWeight(Double.parseDouble(Line[i])); } } else if (Line[2].equals("考试")) { course.addWeight(Double.parseDouble(Line[3])); course.addWeight(Double.parseDouble(Line[4])); } else { course.addWeight(1); } listCourse.add(course); } else { System.out.println(Line[0] + " : weight value error"); } } else { System.out.println(Line[0] + " : number of scores does not match"); } } } else { System.out.println(course.getName() + " : course type & access mode mismatch"); } break; } case 2: { //输入的是学生 boolean add = false; Course course = find_CourseByName(Line[2]); Student student = new Student(Integer.parseInt(Line[0]),Line[1]); Classroom classroom = new Classroom(student.getId()/100); if (Exist_Student(student)){ listStudent.add(student); add = true; } if (Exist_Classroom(classroom) && add) listClassroom.add(classroom); if (course!= null) { if (Line.length == 4) { if (course.getGrade_Way().equals("考察")){ Grade_Course grade_course = new Grade_Course(course,Line); Message_Box messageBox = new Message_Box(student,course,grade_course); if (Exist_Message(messageBox) && add) listMessage_Box.add(messageBox); } else { System.out.println(Line[0] + " " + Line[1] + " : " +"access mode mismatch"); } } else { if (course.getGrade_Way().equals("考试") && Line.length == 5) { Grade_Course grade_course = new Grade_Course(course,Line); Message_Box messageBox = new Message_Box(student,course,grade_course); if (Exist_Message(messageBox) && add) listMessage_Box.add(messageBox); } else if (course.getGrade_Way().equals("实验") && Line.length-3 == course.get_Weight_size()) { Grade_Course grade_course = new Grade_Course(course,Line); Message_Box messageBox = new Message_Box(student,course,grade_course); if (Exist_Message(messageBox) && add) listMessage_Box.add(messageBox); } else { System.out.println(Line[0] + " " + Line[1] + " : " +"access mode mismatch"); } } } else { System.out.println(Line[2] + " " + "does not exist"); } break; } default: { System.out.println("wrong format"); } } } private boolean Exist_Message(Message_Box messageBox) { for(Message_Box messageBox1 : listMessage_Box){ if ((messageBox.student.getId() == messageBox1.student.getId()) && (messageBox1.course.getName().equals(messageBox.course.getName()))){ return false; } } return true; } private boolean Exist_Classroom(Classroom classroom) { for(Classroom classroom1 : listClassroom){ if (classroom1.getClass_ID()==classroom.getClass_ID()){ return false; } } return true; } private boolean Exist_Student(Student student) { for (Student student1 : listStudent){ if (student1.getId() == student.getId()){ return false; } } return true; } private boolean Exist_Course(Course course) { for (Course course1 : listCourse){ if (course1.getName().equals(course.getName())){ return false; } } return true; } private boolean Weight_error(String[] Line) { if (Line[2].equals("实验")) { int number = Integer.parseInt(Line[3]); if (Line.length - 4 == number) return true; else return false; } else if (Line[2].equals("考试")){ if (Line.length - 3 == 2) return true; else return false; } else { return true; } } private boolean Weight_sum_error(String[] Line){ if (Line[2].equals("实验")) { double total = 0; int number = Integer.parseInt(Line[3]); for (int i = 4 ; i < number + 4 ; i++) { total += Double.parseDouble(Line[i]); } if (total==1) return true; else return false; } else if (Line[2].equals("考试")) { double total = Double.parseDouble(Line[3]) + Double.parseDouble(Line[4]); if (total==1) return true; else return false; } else { return true; } } private Course find_CourseByName(String name) { for (int i = 0 ; i < listCourse.size() ; i++) { if (listCourse.get(i).getName().equals((name))){ return listCourse.get(i); } } return null; } private boolean Error_Course(Course course) { if (course.getCourse_Message().equals("必修") && course.getGrade_Way().equals("考察")){ return false; } else if ((course.getCourse_Message().equals("实验") && !course.getGrade_Way().equals("实验")) || (!course.getCourse_Message().equals("实验") && course.getGrade_Way().equals("实验"))){ return false; } else { return true; } } public void show_Student() { //按学号排序 Collections.sort(listStudent); for (int i = 0 ; i < listStudent.size() ; i++) { //这里的循环是用来遍历每一位学生 Student stu = listStudent.get(i); //从总课表listChooseCourse中获取该学生的选课记录集合 ArrayList<Message_Box> stuCourseSelects = getStudentSelects(stu.getId()); if (stuCourseSelects.size() != 0) { System.out.println(stu.getId() + " " + stu.getName() + " " + getAvgTotalScore(stuCourseSelects)); } else { System.out.println(stu.getId() + " " + stu.getName() + " " + "did not take any exams"); } } } //获得该学生选课记录的情况下返回该学生的总成绩 private int getAvgTotalScore(ArrayList<Message_Box> stuCourseSelects) { int total = 0; for (Message_Box messageBox : stuCourseSelects) { total += messageBox.grade_course.get_grade_Total(); } return (int)(total/stuCourseSelects.size()); } //通过学生的Id查找选课记录表,返回该学生的选课记录 private ArrayList<Message_Box> getStudentSelects(int id) { ArrayList<Message_Box> student_Message = new ArrayList<>(); for (Message_Box messageBox : listMessage_Box) { if (messageBox.student.getId() == id) { student_Message.add(messageBox); } } return student_Message; } public void show_Course() { //按中文拼音进行排序 Collections.sort(listCourse); for (int i = 0 ; i < listCourse.size() ; i++) { //这里的循环是用来遍历每一位课程 Course course = listCourse.get(i); //从总选课记录listCourse中获取该课程的学生信息集合 ArrayList<Message_Box> courseStudentSelects = getcourseStudentSelects(course.getName()); if (courseStudentSelects.size() != 0) { System.out.println(course.getName() + " " + getAvgTotalCourse(courseStudentSelects)); } else { System.out.println(course.getName() + " " + "has no grades yet"); } } } private int getAvgTotalCourse(ArrayList<Message_Box> courseStudentSelects) { int total = 0; for (Message_Box messageBox : courseStudentSelects) { total += messageBox.grade_course.get_grade_Total(); } return (int)(total/courseStudentSelects.size()); } private ArrayList<Message_Box> getcourseStudentSelects(String name) { ArrayList<Message_Box> course_Message = new ArrayList<>(); for (Message_Box messageBox : listMessage_Box) { if (messageBox.course.getName().equals(name)) { course_Message.add(messageBox); } } return course_Message; } public void show_Classroom() { Collections.sort(listClassroom); for (int i = 0 ; i < listClassroom.size() ; i++) { Classroom classroom = listClassroom.get(i); ArrayList<Message_Box> classroomSelects = getClassSelects(classroom.getClass_ID()); if (classroomSelects.size() != 0) { System.out.println(classroom.getClass_ID() + " " + getAvgTotalClassScore(classroomSelects)); } else { System.out.println(classroom.getClass_ID() + " " + "has no grades yet"); } } } private int getAvgTotalClassScore(ArrayList<Message_Box> classroomSelects) { int total = 0; for (Message_Box messageBox : classroomSelects) { total += messageBox.grade_course.get_grade_Total(); } return (int)(total/classroomSelects.size()); } private ArrayList<Message_Box> getClassSelects(int classId) { ArrayList<Message_Box> class_Message = new ArrayList<>(); for (Message_Box messageBox : listMessage_Box) { if (messageBox.student.getId()/100 == classId) { class_Message.add(messageBox); } } return class_Message; } class InputMatching { String Lab_Times_Matching = "[4-9]{1}"; //1个4-9的数字 String stuNumMatching = "[0-9]{8}";//8个0-9的数字 String stuNameMatching = "\\S{1,10}";//1到10个非空格(TAB)字符 String scoreMatching = "([1-9]?[0-9]|100)"; String courseNameMatching = "\\S{1,10}";//1到10个非空格(TAB)字符 String courseTypeMatching = "(选修|必修|实验)"; String checkCourseTypeMatching = "(考试|考察|实验)"; String rate = "^(0(\\.\\d+)?|1(\\.0+)?)$"; //courseInput用于定义课程信息模式(正则表达式) /*这里的正则表达式考虑到了长度为二的情况吗? 这里的测试测试点似乎并不考虑这给error问题*/ String courseInput_1 = courseNameMatching + " " + courseTypeMatching + " " + checkCourseTypeMatching; String courseInput_2 = courseNameMatching + " " + courseTypeMatching + " " + checkCourseTypeMatching + " " + rate + " " + rate; String courseInput_3 = courseNameMatching + " " + courseTypeMatching + " " + checkCourseTypeMatching + " " + Lab_Times_Matching; //scoreInput用于定义成绩信息模式(正则表达式) String scoreInput_1 = stuNumMatching + " " + stuNameMatching + " " + courseNameMatching + " " + scoreMatching; String scoreInput_2 = stuNumMatching + " " + stuNameMatching + " " + courseNameMatching + " " + scoreMatching + " " + scoreMatching; String scoreInput_3 = stuNumMatching + " " + stuNameMatching + " " + courseNameMatching; public int matchingInput(String s) { String[] input = s.split(" "); String Lab_up = ""; String Lab_down = ""; if (input.length >= 4) {//防止报错 Lab_up = input[0] + " " + input[1] + " " + input[2] + " " + input[3]; Lab_down = input[0] + " " + input[1] + " " + input[2]; } if (matchingCourse(s)) {//课程之考试、考察匹配 return 1; } if (matching_Lab(Lab_up)){//课程之实验匹配 for (int i = 4 ; i < input.length ; i++) {//查看后续条件是否符合 if (!input[i].matches(rate)) {//如果找到一个不符合的 return 0; } } return 1; } if (matchingScore(s)) {//成绩之考试、考察 return 2; } if (matching_Score_Lab(Lab_down)) {//成绩之实验 for (int i = 4 ; i < input.length ; i++) {//查看后续条件是否符合 if (!input[i].matches(scoreMatching)) {//如果找到一个不符合的 return 0; } } return 2; } return 0; } private boolean matchingCourse(String s) { String[] ppp = s.split(" "); if (ppp.length==5){ if (ppp[0].matches(courseNameMatching) && ppp[1].matches(courseTypeMatching) && ppp[2].matches(checkCourseTypeMatching) && ppp[3].matches(rate) && ppp[4].matches(rate)){ return true; } } if (s.matches(courseInput_1) || s.matches(courseInput_2)) return true; else return false; } private boolean matchingScore(String s) { if (s.matches(scoreInput_1) || s.matches(scoreInput_2)) return true; else return false; } private boolean matching_Lab (String s) { return s.matches(courseInput_3); } private boolean matching_Score_Lab(String s) { return s.matches(scoreInput_3); } } } class Message_Box { Student student; Course course; // Grade grade; Grade_Course grade_course; Message_Box(Student student , Course course , Grade_Course grade_course) { this.student = student; this.course = course; this.grade_course = grade_course; } } class Classroom implements Comparable<Classroom>{ Classroom(int Id) { this.class_ID = Id; } private int class_ID; @Override public int compareTo(Classroom o) { return this.class_ID - o.getClass_ID(); } public int getClass_ID() { return class_ID; } } class Student implements Comparable<Student>{ private int id; private String name; Student(int id , String name) { = name; = id; } @Override //学号排序 public int compareTo(Student o) { return ( - o.getId()); } public int getId() { return id; } public String getName() { return name; } } class Course implements Comparable<Course>{ Course(String name , String Course_Message , String Grade_Way) { = name; this.Course_Message = Course_Message; this.Grade_Way = Grade_Way; } private String name; private String Course_Message; private String Grade_Way; private ArrayList<Double> Weight = new ArrayList<>(); @Override public int compareTo(Course o) { Comparator<Object> compare = Collator.getInstance(java.util.Locale.CHINA); return,o.getName()); } public String getName() { return name; } public String getGrade_Way() { return Grade_Way; } public String getCourse_Message() { return Course_Message; } public void addWeight(double weight) { Weight.add(weight); } public double getWeight(int i) { return Weight.get(i); } public int get_Weight_size(){ return Weight.size(); } } class Grade_Course { ArrayList<Grade_itemize> grade_itemizes = new ArrayList<>(); Grade_Course(Course course, String[] Line) { int num = course.get_Weight_size(); if (num == 1) { grade_itemizes.add(new Grade_itemize(Integer.parseInt(Line[3]), course.getWeight(0))); } else if (num == 2) { for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { grade_itemizes.add(new Grade_itemize(Integer.parseInt(Line[i + 3]), course.getWeight(i))); } } else if (num >= 4 && num <= 9) { for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { grade_itemizes.add(new Grade_itemize(Integer.parseInt(Line[i + 3]), course.getWeight(i))); } } } public int get_grade_Total() { double total = 0; for (Grade_itemize gradeItemize : grade_itemizes) { total += gradeItemize.get_grade_One(); } return (int) (total); } class Grade_itemize { private int score; private double date; Grade_itemize(int score, double date) { this.score = score; = date; } public double get_grade_One() { return score * date; } } }
1. 在`main`函数中,程序会一直读取并处理用户的输入,直到输入的字符串为"end"为止。处理完成后,它会依次打印学生信息、课程信息以及班级信息。
2. `manage`函数负责处理输入的信息,它依据输入的不同内容选择不同的处理方式:
3. `Exist_Message`, `Exist_Classroom`, `Exist_Student`和`Exist_Course`这几个函数都是用来检查对象是否已经存在于对应的列表中。
4. `Weight_error`和`Weight_sum_error`函数用来检查课程的权重设置是否正确。如果权重的设置与课程的类型不符或者所有权重的和不等于1,那么就返回false。
5. Student、Classroom、Course、Message_Box、InputMatching、Grade_Course等较为简单,不做过多赘述。
import java.util.*; import java.text.Collator; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Objects; public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner scanner = new Scanner(; HashSet<CourseSelection> courseSelectionHashSet = new HashSet<>(); HashSet<String> courseNameSet = new HashSet<>(); HashMap<Student, Boolean> studentScorehashMap = new HashMap<>(); TreeMap<Student, Integer> averageStudentScore = new TreeMap<>(); TreeMap<Course, Integer> courseUsualAverage = new TreeMap<>(); TreeMap<Course, Integer> courseFinalAverage = new TreeMap<>(); TreeMap<Course, Integer> courseCombinedAverage = new TreeMap<>(); TreeMap<String, Integer> classCombinedAverage = new TreeMap<>(); TreeMap<Course, ArrayList<Float>> scoreWeight = new TreeMap<>(); StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); while (true) { String temp = scanner.nextLine(); if (temp.equals("end")) { break; } String[] s = temp.split(" "); if (s[0].matches("[0-9]{0,100}")) { Student student = new Student(s[0], s[1]); Course course = null; Grade grade = new ExamScore(); ArrayList<Float>weight=new ArrayList<>(); if (s.length >= 5) { int flag = 0; for (int i = 4; i < s.length; i++) { if (!s[i].matches("[0-9]{1,3}")) { System.out.println("wrong format"); flag = 1; break; } else if (Integer.parseInt(s[i]) < 0 || Integer.parseInt(s[i]) > 100) { System.out.println("wrong format"); flag = 1; break; } } if (flag == 1) continue; } if (s[0].length() != 8 || s[1].length() > 10 || s[2].length() > 10 || !s[3].matches("[0-9]{1,3}") || (Integer.parseInt(s[3]) < 0 || Integer.parseInt(s[3]) > 100)) { System.out.println("wrong format"); continue; } if (courseNameSet.contains(s[2])) { for (Course tempCourse : courseUsualAverage.keySet()) { if ([2])) { grade.weight = scoreWeight.get(tempCourse); weight=grade.weight; course = tempCourse; break; } } } if (s.length == 5 && ((Integer.parseInt(s[4]) < 0) || (Integer.parseInt(s[4]) > 100))) { System.out.println("wrong format"); continue; } else if (course != null && course.mode == 2) { if(course.mode!=2&&s.length>5){ System.out.println("wrong format"); continue; } if (s.length != grade.weight.size() + 3) { System.out.println(s[0] + " " + s[1] + " " + ": access mode mismatch"); classCombinedAverage.put(s[0].substring(0, 6), 0); averageStudentScore.put(student, 0); continue; } } if (!courseNameSet.contains(s[2])) { System.out.println(s[2] + " does not exist"); averageStudentScore.put(student, 0); classCombinedAverage.put(s[0].substring(0, 6), 0); continue; } if (s.length == 4 && course.mode == 1) { grade = new ExamineGrade(); grade.weight=weight; grade.finalGrade = Integer.parseInt(s[3]); } else if (s.length == 5 && course.mode == 0) { grade = new ExamScore(); grade.weight=weight; grade.usualGrade = Integer.parseInt(s[3]); grade.finalGrade = Integer.parseInt(s[4]); } else if (course.mode == 2) { grade = new ExperimentalScore(); grade.weight=weight; for (int i = 3; i < s.length; i++) { grade.experimentalGrades.add(Integer.parseInt(s[i])); } } classCombinedAverage.put(s[0].substring(0, 6), 0); if ((s.length != 5 && course.mode == 0) || (s.length != 4 && course.mode == 1)) { System.out.println(s[0] + " " + s[1] + " " + ": access mode mismatch"); averageStudentScore.put(student, 0); continue; } //获取每个同学,以便计算平均分 averageStudentScore.put(student, 0); CourseSelection courseSelection = new CourseSelection(course, student, grade); courseSelectionHashSet.add(courseSelection); } else { if(s.length>=5&&s[2].equals("考试")&&(!s[3].matches("0\\.[0-9]{1,2}")||!s[4].matches("0\\.[0-9]{1,2}"))){ System.out.println("wrong format"); continue; } if ((s[0].length() > 10 || ((!s[1].equals("必修") && !s[1].equals("选修") && !s[1].equals("实验")) || (!s[2].equals("考试") && !s[2].equals("考察") && !s[2].equals("实验"))))) { System.out.println("wrong format"); continue; } else if ((s.length == 2) && (s[0].length() > 10 || !s[1].equals("必修"))) { System.out.println("wrong format"); continue; } int type = 0; ArrayList<Float> arrayList = new ArrayList<>(); if (s[1].equals("必修")) type = 0; if (s[1].equals("选修")) type = 1; if (s[1].equals("实验")) type = 2; Course course = new Course(s[0], type); int mode = 0; if (s[2].equals("考试")) mode = 0; if (s[2].equals("考察")) mode = 1; if (s[2].equals("实验")) mode = 2; course.mode = mode; if ((course.type == 0 && course.mode == 1) || (course.mode == 2 && course.type != 2) || course.type == 2 && course.mode != 2) { System.out.println(s[0] + " : course type & access mode mismatch"); continue; } if (s[1].equals("实验") && !s[3].matches("[4-9]")) { System.out.println("wrong format"); continue; } else if (s[1].equals("实验") && Integer.parseInt(s[3]) + 4 != s.length) { System.out.println( + " : number of scores does not match"); continue; } else if ((s[2].equals("考试"))&&(Math.abs (Float.parseFloat(s[3])+Float.parseFloat(s[4])- 1)>0.01)) { System.out.println( + " : weight value error"); continue; } else if (s[1].equals("实验")) { int n = Integer.parseInt(s[3]); float sum = 0; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { float tempFloat = Float.parseFloat(s[i + 4]); sum += tempFloat; arrayList.add(tempFloat); } if (Math.abs(sum-1)>0.01) { System.out.println( + " : weight value error"); continue; } } else if (s[2].equals("考试")) { arrayList.add(Float.parseFloat(s[3])); arrayList.add(Float.parseFloat(s[4])); } if(courseNameSet.contains({ continue; } scoreWeight.put(course, arrayList); courseUsualAverage.put(course, 0); courseFinalAverage.put(course, 0); courseCombinedAverage.put(course, 0); courseNameSet.add(s[0]); } } //>; //1.求每个同学平均成绩,排序打印 for (Student student : averageStudentScore.keySet()) { List<Integer> list = new ArrayList<>(); for (CourseSelection courseSelection : courseSelectionHashSet) { if ( { list.add(courseSelection.grade.getGrade()); } } //List<Integer> list = -> -> s.grade.getGrade()).toList(); for (Integer tempScore : list) { averageStudentScore.replace(student, averageStudentScore.get(student) + tempScore); } if (list.size() != 0) averageStudentScore.replace(student, averageStudentScore.get(student) / list.size()); if (list.size() == 0) { studentScorehashMap.put(student, false); System.out.println( + " " + + " " + "did not take any exams"); } else { studentScorehashMap.put(student, true); System.out.println( + " " + + " " + averageStudentScore.get(student)); } } //2.计算每门课程的平均 平时分,期末分,综合分 for (Course course : courseUsualAverage.keySet()) { List<Integer> list = new ArrayList<>(); List<Integer> list1 = new ArrayList<>(); List<Integer> list2 = new ArrayList<>(); //平时分 for (CourseSelection courseSelection : courseSelectionHashSet) { if ( { list.add(courseSelection.grade.usualGrade); } } //list = -> -> s.grade.usualGrade).toList(); //期末分 for (CourseSelection courseSelection : courseSelectionHashSet) { if ( { list1.add(courseSelection.grade.finalGrade); } } //list1 = -> -> s.grade.finalGrade).toList(); //综合分 for (CourseSelection courseSelection : courseSelectionHashSet) { if ( { list2.add(courseSelection.grade.getGrade()); } } //list2 = -> -> s.grade.getGrade()).toList(); for (Integer tempScore : list) { courseUsualAverage.replace(course, courseUsualAverage.get(course) + tempScore); } for (Integer tempScore : list1) { courseFinalAverage.replace(course, courseFinalAverage.get(course) + tempScore); } for (Integer tempScore : list2) { courseCombinedAverage.replace(course, courseCombinedAverage.get(course) + tempScore); } if (list.size() != 0) courseUsualAverage.replace(course, courseUsualAverage.get(course) / list.size()); if (list1.size() != 0) courseFinalAverage.replace(course, courseFinalAverage.get(course) / list1.size()); if (list2.size() != 0) courseCombinedAverage.replace(course, courseCombinedAverage.get(course) / list2.size()); if (list.size() == 0) { System.out.println( + " has no grades yet"); } else { System.out.println( + " " + courseCombinedAverage.get(course)); } } //3.计算班级的分数 for (String classId : classCombinedAverage.keySet()) { int sum = 0;//人数 boolean flag = false;//班级是否有分数记录 for (Student student : averageStudentScore.keySet()) { if (, 6).equals(classId)) { classCombinedAverage.replace(classId, classCombinedAverage.get(classId) + averageStudentScore.get(student)); if (studentScorehashMap.get(student)) { flag = true; sum++; } } } if (sum != 0) classCombinedAverage.replace(classId, classCombinedAverage.get(classId) / sum); if (flag) { System.out.println(classId + " " + classCombinedAverage.get(classId)); } else { System.out.println(classId + " " + "has no grades yet"); } } } } class Course implements Comparable<Course>{ protected String name; protected int type;//0为必修,1为选修,2为实验 protected int mode=0;//0为考试,1为考察,2为实验 public Course(String name, int type, int mode) { = name; this.type = type; this.mode = mode; } public Course(String name){ ; }; public Course(String name,int type){; this.type=type; } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) return true; if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false; Course course = (Course) o; return Objects.equals(name,; } @Override public int hashCode() { return Objects.hash(name); } @Override public int compareTo(Course o) { return Collator.getInstance(Locale.CHINA).compare(,; } } class CourseSelection { protected Course course; protected Student student; protected Grade grade; public CourseSelection(Course course, Student student, Grade grade) { this.course = course; this.student = student; this.grade = grade; } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) return true; if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false; CourseSelection that = (CourseSelection) o; return Objects.equals(course, that.course) && Objects.equals(student, that.student); } @Override public int hashCode() { return Objects.hash(course, student); } } class ExamineGrade extends Grade{ @Override Integer getGrade() { return this.finalGrade; } public ExamineGrade(){ type=1; } } class ExamScore extends Grade{ @Override Integer getGrade() { if(weight.size()!=0) return (int)( this.usualGrade* weight.get(0)+this.finalGrade*weight.get(1)); return (int)( this.usualGrade* 0.3+this.finalGrade*0.7); } public ExamScore(){ type=0; } } class ExperimentalScore extends Grade{ Integer getGrade(){ float result=0; for(int i=0;i<experimentalGrades.size();i++){ result+=experimentalGrades.get(i)* weight.get(i); } return (int)result; } } abstract class Grade { protected Integer finalGrade=0; protected int type; protected Integer usualGrade=0; protected ArrayList<Integer>experimentalGrades=new ArrayList<>(); protected ArrayList<Float>weight=new ArrayList<>(); abstract Integer getGrade(); } class Student implements Comparable<Student>{ protected String id; protected String name; public Student() { } public Student(String id, String name) { = id; = name; } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) return true; if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false; Student student = (Student) o; return Objects.equals(id,; } @Override public int hashCode() { return Objects.hash(id); } @Override public int compareTo(Student s) { return; } }
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