Struts2学习笔记(十一) 类型转换(Type Conversion)(上)




public static Object convertValue(Object value, Class toType, boolean preventNulls)
        Object result = null;
        if (value != null && toType.isAssignableFrom(value.getClass()))
            return value;
        if (value != null) {
            /* If array -> array then convert components of array individually */
            if (value.getClass().isArray() && toType.isArray()) {
                Class componentType = toType.getComponentType();

                result = Array.newInstance(componentType, Array.getLength(value));
                for(int i = 0, icount = Array.getLength(value); i < icount; i++) {
                    Array.set(result, i, convertValue(Array.get(value, i), componentType));
            } else if (value.getClass().isArray() && !toType.isArray()) {
                return convertValue(Array.get(value, 0), toType);
            } else if (!value.getClass().isArray() && toType.isArray()){
                if (toType.getComponentType() == Character.TYPE) {

                    result = stringValue(value).toCharArray();
                } else if (toType.getComponentType() == Object.class) {
                    return new Object[] { value };
            } else {
                if ((toType == Integer.class) || (toType == Integer.TYPE)) {
                    result = new Integer((int) longValue(value));
                if ((toType == Double.class) || (toType == Double.TYPE)) result = new Double(doubleValue(value));
                if ((toType == Boolean.class) || (toType == Boolean.TYPE))
                    result = booleanValue(value) ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE;
                if ((toType == Byte.class) || (toType == Byte.TYPE)) result = new Byte((byte) longValue(value));
                if ((toType == Character.class) || (toType == Character.TYPE))
                    result = new Character((char) longValue(value));
                if ((toType == Short.class) || (toType == Short.TYPE)) result = new Short((short) longValue(value));
                if ((toType == Long.class) || (toType == Long.TYPE)) result = new Long(longValue(value));
                if ((toType == Float.class) || (toType == Float.TYPE)) result = new Float(doubleValue(value));
                if (toType == BigInteger.class) result = bigIntValue(value);
                if (toType == BigDecimal.class) result = bigDecValue(value);
                if (toType == String.class) result = stringValue(value);
        } else {
            if (toType.isPrimitive()) {
                result = OgnlRuntime.getPrimitiveDefaultValue(toType);
            } else if (preventNulls && toType == Boolean.class) {
                result = Boolean.FALSE;
            } else if (preventNulls && Number.class.isAssignableFrom(toType)){
                result = OgnlRuntime.getNumericDefaultValue(toType);
        if (result == null && preventNulls)
            return value;

        if (value != null && result == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unable to convert type " + value.getClass().getName() + " of " + value + " to type of " + toType.getName());

        return result;


public Object convertValue(Map<String, Object> context, Object target, Member member, String property, Object value, Class toClass) {
        // Process the conversion using the default mappings, if one exists
        TypeConverter tc = null;

        if ((value != null) && (toClass == value.getClass())) {
            return value;

        // allow this method to be called without any context
        // i.e. it can be called with as little as "Object value" and "Class toClass"
        if (target != null) {
            Class clazz = target.getClass();

            Object[] classProp = null;

            // this is to handle weird issues with setValue with a different type
            if ((target instanceof CompoundRoot) && (context != null)) {
                classProp = getClassProperty(context);

            if (classProp != null) {
                clazz = (Class) classProp[0];
                property = (String) classProp[1];

            tc = (TypeConverter) getConverter(clazz, property);

            if (LOG.isDebugEnabled())
                LOG.debug("field-level type converter for property [" + property + "] = " + (tc == null ? "none found" : tc));

        if (tc == null && context != null) {
            // ok, let's see if we can look it up by path as requested in XW-297
            Object lastPropertyPath = context.get(ReflectionContextState.CURRENT_PROPERTY_PATH);
            Class clazz = (Class) context.get(XWorkConverter.LAST_BEAN_CLASS_ACCESSED);
            if (lastPropertyPath != null && clazz != null) {
                String path = lastPropertyPath + "." + property;
                tc = (TypeConverter) getConverter(clazz, path);

        if (tc == null) {
            if (toClass.equals(String.class) && (value != null) && !(value.getClass().equals(String.class) || value.getClass().equals(String[].class))) {
                // when converting to a string, use the source target's class's converter
                tc = lookup(value.getClass());
            } else {
                // when converting from a string, use the toClass's converter
                tc = lookup(toClass);

            if (LOG.isDebugEnabled())
                LOG.debug("global-level type converter for property [" + property + "] = " + (tc == null ? "none found" : tc));

        if (tc != null) {
            try {
                return tc.convertValue(context, target, member, property, value, toClass);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                if (LOG.isDebugEnabled())
                    LOG.debug("unable to convert value using type converter [#0]", e, tc.getClass().getName());
                handleConversionException(context, property, value, target);

                return TypeConverter.NO_CONVERSION_POSSIBLE;

        if (defaultTypeConverter != null) {
            try {
                if (LOG.isDebugEnabled())
                    LOG.debug("falling back to default type converter [" + defaultTypeConverter + "]");
                return defaultTypeConverter.convertValue(context, target, member, property, value, toClass);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                if (LOG.isDebugEnabled())
                    LOG.debug("unable to convert value using type converter [#0]", e, defaultTypeConverter.getClass().getName());
                handleConversionException(context, property, value, target);

                return TypeConverter.NO_CONVERSION_POSSIBLE;
        } else {
            try {
                if (LOG.isDebugEnabled())
                    LOG.debug("falling back to Ognl's default type conversion");
                return super.convertValue(value, toClass);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                if (LOG.isDebugEnabled())
                    LOG.debug("unable to convert value using type converter [#0]", e, super.getClass().getName());
                handleConversionException(context, property, value, target);

                return TypeConverter.NO_CONVERSION_POSSIBLE;
protected void addConverterMapping(Map<String, Object> mapping, Class clazz) {
        try {
            String converterFilename = buildConverterFilename(clazz);
            InputStream is = FileManager.loadFile(converterFilename, clazz);

            if (is != null) {
                if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    LOG.debug("processing conversion file [" + converterFilename + "] [class=" + clazz + "]");

                Properties prop = new Properties();

                for (Map.Entry<Object, Object> entry : prop.entrySet()) {
                    String key = (String) entry.getKey();

                    if (mapping.containsKey(key)) {
                    // for keyProperty of Set
                    if (key.startsWith(DefaultObjectTypeDeterminer.KEY_PROPERTY_PREFIX)
                            || key.startsWith(DefaultObjectTypeDeterminer.CREATE_IF_NULL_PREFIX)) {
                        if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
                            LOG.debug("\t" + key + ":" + entry.getValue() + "[treated as String]");
                        mapping.put(key, entry.getValue());
                    //for properties of classes
                    else if (!(key.startsWith(DefaultObjectTypeDeterminer.ELEMENT_PREFIX) ||
                            key.startsWith(DefaultObjectTypeDeterminer.KEY_PREFIX) ||
                            ) {
                        TypeConverter _typeConverter = createTypeConverter((String) entry.getValue());
                        if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
                            LOG.debug("\t" + key + ":" + entry.getValue() + "[treated as TypeConverter " + _typeConverter + "]");
                        mapping.put(key, _typeConverter);
                    //for keys of Maps
                    else if (key.startsWith(DefaultObjectTypeDeterminer.KEY_PREFIX)) {

                        Class converterClass = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().loadClass((String) entry.getValue());

                        //check if the converter is a type converter if it is one
                        //then just put it in the map as is. Otherwise
                        //put a value in for the type converter of the class
                        if (converterClass.isAssignableFrom(TypeConverter.class)) {
                            TypeConverter _typeConverter = createTypeConverter((String) entry.getValue());
                            if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
                                LOG.debug("\t" + key + ":" + entry.getValue() + "[treated as TypeConverter " + _typeConverter + "]");
                            mapping.put(key, _typeConverter);
                        } else {
                            if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
                                LOG.debug("\t" + key + ":" + entry.getValue() + "[treated as Class " + converterClass + "]");
                            mapping.put(key, converterClass);
                    //elements(values) of maps / lists
                    else {
                        Class _c = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().loadClass((String) entry.getValue());
                        if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
                            LOG.debug("\t" + key + ":" + entry.getValue() + "[treated as Class " + _c + "]");
                        mapping.put(key, _c);
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            LOG.error("Problem loading properties for " + clazz.getName(), ex);

        // Process annotations
        Annotation[] annotations = clazz.getAnnotations();

        for (Annotation annotation : annotations) {
            if (annotation instanceof Conversion) {
                Conversion conversion = (Conversion) annotation;

                for (TypeConversion tc : conversion.conversions()) {

                    String key = tc.key();

                    if (mapping.containsKey(key)) {
                    if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
                        LOG.debug(key + ":" + key);

                    if (key != null) {
                        try {
                            if (tc.type() == ConversionType.APPLICATION) {
                                defaultMappings.put(key, createTypeConverter(tc.converter()));
                            } else {
                                if (tc.rule().toString().equals(ConversionRule.KEY_PROPERTY) || tc.rule().toString().equals(ConversionRule.CREATE_IF_NULL)) {
                                    mapping.put(key, tc.value());
                                //for properties of classes
                                else if (!(tc.rule().toString().equals(ConversionRule.ELEMENT.toString())) ||
                                        tc.rule().toString().equals(ConversionRule.KEY.toString()) ||
                                        ) {
                                    mapping.put(key, createTypeConverter(tc.converter()));

                                //for keys of Maps
                                else if (tc.rule().toString().equals(ConversionRule.KEY.toString())) {
                                    Class converterClass = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().loadClass(tc.converter());
                                    if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
                                        LOG.debug("Converter class: " + converterClass);
                                    //check if the converter is a type converter if it is one
                                    //then just put it in the map as is. Otherwise
                                    //put a value in for the type converter of the class
                                    if (converterClass.isAssignableFrom(TypeConverter.class)) {
                                        mapping.put(key, createTypeConverter(tc.converter()));
                                    } else {
                                        mapping.put(key, converterClass);
                                        if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
                                            LOG.debug("Object placed in mapping for key "
                                                    + key
                                                    + " is "
                                                    + mapping.get(key));


                                //elements(values) of maps / lists
                                else {
                                    mapping.put(key, Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().loadClass(tc.converter()));
                        } catch (Exception e) {

        Method[] methods = clazz.getMethods();

        for (Method method : methods) {

            annotations = method.getAnnotations();

            for (Annotation annotation : annotations) {
                if (annotation instanceof TypeConversion) {
                    TypeConversion tc = (TypeConversion) annotation;

                    String key = tc.key();
                    if (mapping.containsKey(key)) {
                    // Default to the property name
                    if (key != null && key.length() == 0) {
                        key = AnnotationUtils.resolvePropertyName(method);
                        LOG.debug("key from method name... " + key + " - " + method.getName());

                    if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
                        LOG.debug(key + ":" + key);

                    if (key != null) {
                        try {
                            if (tc.type() == ConversionType.APPLICATION) {
                                defaultMappings.put(key, createTypeConverter(tc.converter()));
                            } else {
                                if (tc.rule().toString().equals(ConversionRule.KEY_PROPERTY)) {
                                    mapping.put(key, tc.value());
                                //for properties of classes
                                else if (!(tc.rule().toString().equals(ConversionRule.ELEMENT.toString())) ||
                                        tc.rule().toString().equals(ConversionRule.KEY.toString()) ||
                                        ) {
                                    mapping.put(key, createTypeConverter(tc.converter()));
                                //for keys of Maps
                                else if (tc.rule().toString().equals(ConversionRule.KEY.toString())) {
                                    Class converterClass = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().loadClass(tc.converter());
                                    if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
                                        LOG.debug("Converter class: " + converterClass);
                                    //check if the converter is a type converter if it is one
                                    //then just put it in the map as is. Otherwise
                                    //put a value in for the type converter of the class
                                    if (converterClass.isAssignableFrom(TypeConverter.class)) {
                                        mapping.put(key, createTypeConverter(tc.converter()));
                                    } else {
                                        mapping.put(key, converterClass);
                                        if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
                                            LOG.debug("Object placed in mapping for key "
                                                    + key
                                                    + " is "
                                                    + mapping.get(key));


                                //elements(values) of maps / lists
                                else {
                                    mapping.put(key, Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().loadClass(tc.converter()));
                        } catch (Exception e) {



(1)    检测我们是否设置了自定义类型转换器,如果找到自定义类型转换器,则使用自定义的类型转换器,否则进行下一步

(2)    检查defaultTypeConverter(默认类型转换器)属性是否可用,如果可用,则使用默认类型转换器进行转换,否则进行下一步

(3)    调用父类DefaultTypeConverter进行类型转换



















public class HelloWorld extends ActionSupport {


    private String[] names;


    private List<String> list;


    public String execute() throws Exception {


       return "success";





<form action="hello.action" method="post">

     name1 : <input type="text" name="names"/><br/>

     name2 :<input type="text" name="names"><br/>

     list:<input type="text" name="list[0]"><br/>

     list:<input type="text" name="list[1]"><br/>

      <input type="submit" value="submit"/>





map:<input type="text" name="map[‘name1’]"><br/>

map:<input type="text" name="map[‘name2’]"><br/>






posted @ 2012-05-21 23:59  心静欣  阅读(385)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报