018: class, objects and instance: static method
2016-01-24 21:55 Miles.Yao 阅读(175) 评论(0) 编辑 收藏 举报静态方法
静态方法调用不需要实实例也不需要类,其实该方法本质上与该类毫无关系,唯一的关系就是名字会该类有些关系, 用途应该只是为了组织一些代码,本质上和面向对象无关
class Book(object): num = 10 # instance method, will be bound to an object def __init__(self, title, price): self.title = title self.price = price # class method, will not be bound to an object @staticmethod def display(): print("\n*******************************") print("this is a static method") print("===============================\n") book = Book("Python Basic", 25) Book.display() book.display() print("\n*******************************") print("<static method essence>") print(Book.display) print(book.display) print("===============================\n")
******************************* this is a static method =============================== ******************************* this is a static method =============================== ******************************* <class method essence> <function Book.display at 0x01F85108> <function Book.display at 0x01F85108> ===============================