powershell type

powershell type system is .net type system.but powershell can catch .net ,wmi,com type .

This diagram shows the architecture of the PowerShell type adaptation system.
For each kind of data that PowerShell works with, there is a corresponding adapter. An instance
of a particular data object is subsequently wrapped in an instance of the associated
type adapter. This type adapter instance acts as an intermediary between the object and PowerShell,
proxying all accesses


.NET Adapter This is the basic adapter for all .NET types. This adapter directly maps the
properties on the .NET object and adds several new ones that start with a
PS prefix.
COM Object Adapter This adapter provides access to COM objects. Supported objects include
the Windows Script Host classes and scriptable applications such as
Microsoft Word or Internet Explorer.
WMI Adapter This adapts objects returned from a WMI provider.
ADO Adapter This adapter allows you to treat the columns in ADO data tables as though
they were properties.
Custom Object Adapter This adapter manages objects for which there is no actual underlying
object, only synthetic properties.
ADSI Object Adapter This adapts objects returned from the Active Directory Service Interfaces.

posted @ 2010-01-08 13:20  Jerry Qian  阅读(394)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报