
SQLite 的连接串

2011-08-22 15:19  通心菜  阅读(557)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报

      Data Source=filename;Version=3;
Using UTF16(使用UTF16编码)
      Data Source=filename;Version=3;UseUTF16Encoding=True;
With password(带密码的)
      Data Source=filename;Version=3;Password=myPassword;
Using the pre 3.3x database format(使用3.3x前数据库格式)
      Data Source=filename;Version=3;Legacy Format=True;
Read only connection(只读连接)
      Data Source=filename;Version=3;Read Only=True;
With connection pooling(设置连接池)
      Data Source=filename;Version=3;Pooling=False;Max Pool Size=100;
Using DateTime.Ticks as datetime format()
      Data Source=filename;Version=3;DateTimeFormat=Ticks;
The default value is ISO8601 which activates the use of the ISO8601 datetime format
Store GUID as text(把Guid作为文本存储,默认是Binary)
     Data Source=filename;Version=3;BinaryGUID=False;
Specify cache size(指定Cache大小)
Data Source=filename;Version=3;Cache Size=2000;
      Cache Size 单位是字节
Specify page size(指定页大小)
      Data Source=filename;Version=3;Page Size=1024;
      Page Size 单位是字节
Disable enlistment in distributed transactions
      Data Source=filename;Version=3;Enlist=N;
Disable create database behaviour(禁用创建数据库行为)
Data Source=filename;Version=3;FailIfMissing=True;
Limit the size of database(限制数据库大小
      Data Source=filename;Version=3;Max Page Count=5000;
      The Max Page Count is measured in pages. This parameter limits the maximum number of pages of the database.
Disable the Journal File禁用日志回滚
      Data Source=filename;Version=3;Journal Mode=Off;
      This one disables the rollback journal entirely.
Persist the Journal File(持久)
      Data Source=filename;Version=3;Journal Mode=Persist;
      This one blanks and leaves the journal file on disk after a commit. Default behaviour is to delete the Journal File after each commit.
Controling file flushing
      Data Source=filename;Version=3;Synchronous=Full;
      Full specifies a full flush to take action after each write. Normal is the default value. Off means that the underlying OS flushes I/O's.