

42 Design/Tech Magazines To Read
Regardless of what it is that you’re selling, in order to remain competitive, you have to know exactly, what’s going on in the field you’re working in. More than that - actually, you have to know what happens next, which trends are coming up and which technologies will become big in the future. Achieving that is a solid foundation for successful development and right decisions at the right time.
What is right for business, is also right for online business. To catch up with the latest developments in design, development and web-related areas, it’s reasonable to read design/tech-related online-magazines. However, the choice is huge, and the quality of magazines isn’t always as good as you’d probably like it to be. Therefore decent references can be extremely useful, particularly if you don’t know where to start from.
This overview of over 40 established international design/tech-related sources is supposed to give you an overview of magazines you should read or at least scan from time to time. Some of the sources are well-known by (almost) everybody; hopefully not all of them.

设计,Web开发(Design, Web-Development)

1.Digital Web Magazine

2.A List Apart

3. Sitepoint.com

4. Netdiver digital culture magazine

5. PingMag

6. Boxes and Arrows: The design behind the design

7. Ajaxian

8. Design Meltdown

9. UX Magazine - The User Experience Magazine

10. Vitamin - a resource for web developers, designers and entrepreneurs

11. Web Developer’s Journal- Tips on Web Page Design, HTML, Graphics and Development Tools

12. Poynter Online - Design / Graphics

13. Treehouse

14. Hiveminds Magazine for web publishers and community builders

15. Graphics.com: The shared resource for creative design

16. Fadtastic: a multi-author web design trends journal

17. Web Design from Scratch - Free web design course - basics, layout, free tutorials, case studies, how to guides and examples

18. 9rules - Design Community: The best web content on design and a lot more.

19. Design-Feed Latest

20. graphicPUSH: News, articles and tutorials for print and web designers.

21. Devlounge

22. Design Observer: writings about design & culture

23. design.Principles

24. 24 ways

25. Iconfactory

26. Before & After magazine

27. The FWA: Favourite Website Awards - Web awards at the cutting edge

28. Speak Up › Design Dialog

网站,技术,Web2.0的最新趋势(Latest Trends in Web, Tech, Web 2.0)

29. Read/Write Web

30. Wired News

31. Techcrunch

32. Web 2.0 Explorer

33. Modern Life - News & Views of the Modern Internet

34. Solution Watch

35. Mashable! - The Social Networking Blog

36. Home - .net magazine


37. Typographica. A Journal of Typography.

用户体验,可用性(User Experience, Usability)

38. UXmatters: Insights and inspirations for the user experience community

有用的小贴士,参考(Useful tips, references)

39. Lifehacker, the Productivity and Software Guide

以技术/设计为主的新闻(News, with Tech/Design section)

40. Newsvine - Get Smarter Here

41. SlashDot

42. Digg

更多的网上杂志(Further Online Journals)

pdf-mags.com - Your PDF mag’s magazine

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