

  • 第一个 Hello World 程序实战
  • 用户输入实战
  • 模块介紹
  • 变量介绍
  • 格式化介紹
  • 条件判断介紹和操作实战
  • for 循环介紹和操作实战
  • 作业需求


Python 第一个 Hello World 程序实战

Python是一门动态解释性的强类型定义语言,在 Python 的世界裡,打印出 Hello World 是一種很簡單的語法
print(x, y, z, sep='...', end='!\n')

print (最简单例子)

print("Hello World")
#Hello World

print (有参数例子)

x = 'apple'
y = 'orange'
z = 'waterlemon'


print(x, y, file=afile) #Send text to afile.write, not to sys.stdout.write

print (打印输出结果到文件中)

print(x, y, z, sep='...', file=open('data.txt', 'w'))


Python 用户输入实战

这个练习会来要求用户输入信息,然后会把用户输入的结果存储在一个变量中,然后在打印这个变量!在 Python 2.0 和 3.0 中对要求用户输入信息的语句有些不同。 2.0 和 3.0 都有 input( ),但它表达的意义有些不同。

  1. 在 Python 2.0,如果你用 input( ) 来要求用户输入信息,当输入信息后它会报错,因为这个函数只接受数字或者是变量,而不是接受字符串,在下面情况下就没有报错;
    age = input("How old are you?")
    #How old are you?21
    print age
    但如果直接输入字符串信息,它就会以为你是输入一个叫 Janice 的变量,这个变量在之前没有声明,然后直接调用,Python 在找这个变量的过程中发现找不到,它就会报错
    >>> user_input = input("What is your name? ")
    What is your name? Janice
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
      File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
    NameError: name 'Janice' is not defined # Janice 变量在之前没有声明便直接调用
    Python2.0 input()
    所以在 Python 2.0 里如果想接受字符串的輸入,請務必用 raw_input ( ) 函数
    >>> user_name = raw_input("What is your name? ")
    What is your name? Janice
    >>> print user_name
    Python2.0 raw_input()
  2. 在 Python 3.0,就沒有 raw_input( ) 這個函数,統一用 input( ),但這個 Input( ) 的函数默應返回類型是 String
    >>> user_name = input("What is your name? ")
    What is your name? Janice
    >>> print(user_name)
    Python3.0 input()
  3. Python 可以在把 Input 存儲在一個變量裡,然後打印出來的時候配合一些格式。
    >>> name = input("What is your name? ")
    What is your name? Janice
    >>> age = int(input("What is your age? ")) #Convert String to Integer
    What is your age? 20
    >>> occupation = input("What is your occupation? ")
    What is your occupation? Sales
    >>> msg = """
    ... Information of user %s:
    ... ------------------------
    ... Name: %s
    ... Age: %d
    ... Job: %s
    ... -----------End----------
    ... """ % (name,name,age,occupation)
    >>> print(msg)
    Information of user Janice:
    Name: Janice
    Age: 20
    Job: Sales

Python 模块介紹

  1. import os
    import os
    os.getcwd() 					            # 打印当前目录位置
    os.mkdir('/Users/DirA') 		            # 在指定位置创建新目录
    os.rename('DirA','RDirA') 		            # 把当前目录称从 testDir 改成 renameTestDir
    os.remove("/Users/DirA/a.py") 	            # 删除指定文件
    os.listdir() 					            # 返回一个列表
    os.chdir("/Users/DirB") 		            # 返回一个列表
    os.system("ls -a")                          # 执行 Linux Shell Command
    os.getenv("SPARK_HOME")			            # echo $SPARK_HOME
    os.path.isfile('/etc/passwd')               # 判断当前输入是不是文件
    os.path.isdir('/etc/passwd')                # 判断当前输入是不是文件夹
    os.path.islink('/usr/local/bin/python3')    # 判断当前输入是不是LINK
    os.path.getsize('/etc/passwd')              # 获取文件的大小
    os.path.getmtime('/etc/passwd')             # 获取文件创建时的时间戳
  2. import sys
  3. import getpass
    getpass.getpass() 							#获取用户输入密码
    getpass.getpass(prompt='Input Password: ') 	#获取用户输入密码并且打印输入信息
    getpass.getuser() 							#获取当前用户名称
  4. import 自定義的模块 

Python 变量介绍

  1. 变量很重要的概念是变量取名字的意义,要容易明白,可以用下划线分开,变量就像一个容器一样:比如是 sonoftwinsbrotherage = 2  和 son_of_twins_brother_age = 2
  2. 可以一次同时赋值给多个变量
    >>> x,y,z = 1,2,3
    >>> x
    >>> y
    >>> z
  3. 注意:变量可以赋值给变量,一旦赋值了,它会指向变量存储的对象,如下图:有一个name = “Janice” ,然后有一个name2 = name 的时候,name2 是指向name 实际存储的对象e.g. “Janice" ,所以在图左這两个变量的name 都是“Janice”;然后当name 这个变量改变了变成Ronald 的时候,它也不会影响name2 里面的值,因为它们实际指向对象本身,而不是指向name 的Reference。

    # 首先赋值 name 变量
    # 然后把 name 变量里的赋值给 name2
    >>> name = "Janice"
    >>> name2 = name
    >>> id(name) #内存地址是一样的
    >>> id(name2) #内存地址是一样的
    >>> print("Part1: ",name, name2)
    Part1:  Janice Janice
    # 然后重新赋值 name 变量
    >>> name = "Ronald"
    >>> id(name)
    >>> id(name2)
    >>> print("Part2: ",name, name2)
    Part2:  Ronald Janice
    重新赋值 name 变量

Python 条件判断介紹和操作实战

if True:
	# 条件为真时的操作
	# 条件为假时的操作
  1. if 表達式的基本語法是以下:if else 的如果别的的流程判斷,永遠只會有一種流程結果,如果第一條滿足了條件,他就不會往下走啦,如果沒有else 呢,其實他不會出錯
    >>> age = int(input("What is your age? "))
    What is your age? 20
    >>> if age < 18:  # Execute the next line if the condition is True
    ...      print("You are still a teenagers")
    ... else:   # Execute the next line if the condition is False
    ...      print("You are an adult now!")
    You are an adult now!
  2. 下面是一个 number guessing game 的例子,也是用了 if-then-else 的逻辑判断来完成的
    >>> secret_number = 8 #Define a secret_number
    >>> guess_number = int(input("Guess a number: ")) #Getting the user input
    Guess a number: 3
    >>> if guess_number == secret_number: #Comparing the user_input with the secret number
    ...    print("Congratulations! You got it!")
    ... elif guess_number >= secret_number:
    ...    print("You guess a higher number! Try again")
    ... else:
    ...    print("You guess a lower number! Try again")
    You guess a lower number! Try again
  3. 三元运算
    >>> if 1 == 1:
    ...     fruit = "apple"
    ... else:
    ...     fruit = "orange"
    >>> name = "apple" if 1 == 1 else "orange"
    >>> name

Python for 循环介紹和操作实战

for i in iterable: #iterable可以是列表、字典、元组、集合、字符串
  1. 表达式 for 循环基本語法如下:
    1 for i in range(10):
    2     print("Value of i: ",i)
    4 #Value of i: 0
    5 #Value of i: 1
    6 #Value of i: 2
    7 #Value of i: 3
    8 #Value of i: 4
  2. 根据上面猜数字游戏的逻辑判断,这个游戏只可以玩一次;现在就结合 For-loop,让游戏可以在特定时间里循环,然後至少玩3次。
     1 secret_number = 8
     3 for i in range(10):
     4     if i < 3:
     5         guess_number = int(input("Guess a number: "))
     6         if guess_number == secret_number:
     7             print("Congratulations! You got it!")
     8             break
     9         elif guess_number > secret_number:
    10             print("You guess a higher number! Try again")
    11         else:
    12             print("You guess a lower number! Try again")
    13     else:
    14         print("too many attempts....Bye!")
    15         break
    #python3 numebr_guessing_game_v2.py 
    Guess a number: 4
    You guess a lower number! Try again
    Guess a number: 2
    You guess a lower number! Try again
    Guess a number: 3
    You guess a lower number! Try again
    too many attempts....Bye!
    #python3 numebr_guessing_game_v2.py 
    Guess a number: 7
    You guess a lower number! Try again
    Guess a number: 8
    Congratulations! You got it!
  3. 这个程序优化了一点点,我们就可以玩多于一次,现在再多加一些需求,就是可以让玩家输入 yes 重覆游戏
     1 secret_number = 8
     2 counter = 0
     4 for i in range(10):
     5     print("Counter ->",counter)
     6     if counter < 3:
     7         guess_number = int(input("Guess a number: "))
     8         if guess_number == secret_number:
     9             print("Congratulations! You got it!")
    10             break
    11         elif guess_number > secret_number:
    12             print("You guess a higher number! Try again")
    13         else:
    14             print("You guess a lower number! Try again")
    15     else:
    16         play_again = input("Do you want to play again? y/n ")
    17         # Ask if want to play again?
    18         if play_again == 'y':
    19             counter = 0
    20             continue #continue the for loop
    21         else:
    22             print("Bye! See you again!")
    23             break
    24     # Increase one for the counter        
    25     counter += 1
    #python3 numebr_guessing_game_v5.py 
    Counter -> 0
    Guess a number: 1
    You guess a lower number! Try again
    Counter -> 1
    Guess a number: 3
    You guess a lower number! Try again
    Counter -> 2
    Guess a number: 5
    You guess a lower number! Try again
    Counter -> 3
    Do you want to play again? y/n y
    Counter -> 0
    Guess a number: 3
    You guess a lower number! Try again
    Counter -> 1
    Guess a number: 7
    You guess a lower number! Try again
    Counter -> 2
    Guess a number: 8
    Congratulations! You got it!




  • 输入用户名密码
  • 认证成功后显示欢迎信息
  • 输错三次后锁定


  • 三级菜单
  • 可依次选择进入各子菜单




  1. 认证成功后显示欢迎信息

  2. 输错三次后锁定






金角大王:[Python之路,Day1 - Python基础1]


怎样才算是精通 Python



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