-- * @description: 通过某一时间点获取时间 -- * @params: @futureDays:0代表的意思是当天,1是明天,@_hour:指的24格式的时间,传入2就是凌晨2点 -- * @return: 时间戳 function Tool:GetFutureTime(futureDays, _hour) local curTimestamp = os.time() local dayTimestamp = 24 * 60 * 60 local newTime = curTimestamp + dayTimestamp * futureDays local newDate ="*t", newTime) --这里返回的是你指定的时间点的时间戳 return os.time({ year = newDate.year, month = newDate.month, day =, hour = _hour, minute = newDate.minute, second = newDate.second }) end
self:GetFutureTime(1, 0)
-- * @description: 转换为天时间 -- * @params: @_time:秒数 -- * @return:返回剩余时间,格式如:05:07:16:33 -- * @date: 2020-12-7 11:10 function ToolKit:FormatUnixTime(_time) if _time and _time >= 0 then ---一天的秒数86400 local day = math.floor(_time / 60 / 60 / 24) --小于10 需要十位补0 local hour = math.floor(_time / 3600) % 24 local minute = math.floor(_time / 60) % 60 local second = math.floor(_time % 60) local dayStr = day < 10 and "0" .. day or day local hourStr = hour < 10 and "0" .. hour or hour local minuteStr = minute < 10 and "0" .. minute or minute local secondStr = second < 10 and "0" .. second or second return dayStr .. ":" .. hourStr .. ":" .. minuteStr .. ":" .. secondStr end end
-- * @description: 转换为天时间 -- * @params: @_time:秒数 -- * @return:返回剩余时间,格式如:05:07:16:33 -- * @date: 2020-12-7 11:10 -- * @author: 云更 function ToolKit:FormatUnixTime(_time) if _time and _time >= 0 then --一天的秒数86400 local day = math.floor(_time / 86400) local hour = math.fmod(math.floor(_time / 3600), 24); local minute = math.fmod(math.floor(_time / 60), 60) local second = math.fmod(_time, 60) --小于10 需要十位补0 ,%02d 格式化为至少2位十进制整数 return string.format("%02d:%02d:%02d:%02d", day, hour, minute, second) end end
-- * @description: 转换为小时时间 -- * @params: @_time:秒数 -- * @return:返回剩余时间,格式如:07:16:33 -- * @date: 2020-12-7 11:10 function ToolKit:FormatHourUnixTime(_time) if _time and _time >= 0 then local hour = math.fmod(math.floor(_time / 3600), 24); local minute = math.fmod(math.floor(_time / 60), 60) local second = math.fmod(_time, 60) --小于10 需要十位补0 ,%02d 格式化为至少2位十进制整数 return string.format("%02d:%02d:%02d", hour, minute, second) end end -- * @description: 获得明天零点的时间戳 -- * @params: @_timerStamp:当前的时间 -- * @return: 明天零点的时间戳 -- * @date: 2020-12-15 16:27 function ToolKit:GetNextDayZeroTimestamp(_timerStamp) --获得当前的时间 local timeStamp = _timerStamp if not timeStamp then timeStamp = os.time() end --获得时间格式 local formatTime ="*t", timeStamp) formatTime.hour = 23 formatTime.min = 59 formatTime.sec = 59 --获得第二天零点的时间戳 local nextTimestamp = os.time(formatTime) + 1 return nextTimestamp end -- * @description: 获得当天零点的时间戳 -- * @params: @_timerStamp:当前的时间 -- * @return: 明天零点的时间戳 -- * @date: 2020-12-15 16:27 function ToolKit:GetCurrentDayZeroTimestamp(_timerStamp) --获得当前的时间 local timeStamp = _timerStamp if not timeStamp then timeStamp = os.time() end --获得时间格式 local formatTime ="*t", timeStamp) formatTime.hour = 0 formatTime.min = 0 formatTime.sec = 0 --获得第二天零点的时间戳 local curTimestamp = os.time(formatTime) return curTimestamp end -- * @description: 通过某一时间点获取时间(获取隔周的时间戳) -- * @params: @updateTime:更新时间(几点0-24) -- * @return: @residueStr:剩余天数(05:16:14:22(天:时:分:秒));@diffTimestamp:剩余时间 -- * @date: 2020-12-15 10:45 function ToolKit:GetFutureWeekTime(updateTime) if not updateTime then updateTime = 0 end --获得当前服务器的时间 local curTimestamp = os.time() --获得时间格式 {"day":15,"hour":15,"isdst":false,"min":34,"month":12,"sec":13,"wday":3,"yday":350,"year":2020} local curTimeFormat ="*t", curTimestamp) local nextTimestamp = 0 if curTimeFormat.hour < updateTime then --当时间小于更新时间 nextTimestamp = ToolKit:GetCurrentDayZeroTimestamp(curTimestamp) + updateTime * 3600 else --获得第二天零点的时间戳 nextTimestamp = ToolKit:GetNextDayZeroTimestamp(curTimestamp) + updateTime * 3600 end --剩余天数 local residueDay = 0 --到本周末还有多少时间 if curTimeFormat.wday == 1 then --周日 residueDay = curTimeFormat.hour < updateTime and 6 or 7 elseif curTimeFormat.wday == 2 then --周一 residueDay = curTimeFormat.hour < updateTime and 7 or 1 else residueDay = curTimeFormat.hour < updateTime and curTimeFormat.wday - 2 or curTimeFormat.wday - 1 end residueDay = 7 - residueDay --转换显示格式 local residueStr = "" local diffTimestamp = os.difftime(nextTimestamp, curTimestamp) local temp = ToolKit:FormatHourUnixTime(diffTimestamp) if residueDay > 0 then residueStr = string.format("%02d:%s", residueDay, temp) else residueStr = ToolKit:FormatUnixTime(diffTimestamp) end return residueStr, diffTimestamp end