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1. 名词解释:

AFI(应用类型识别): Application Family Identify

DSFID(数据存储格式识别): Data Storage Format Identify

EAS(电子商品防盗功能): Electronic Article Surveillance

2. 内存结构(1024bit示例, 896bit user memory):

片内含1024位E2PROM,共分为32 Block,每个Block 32bit。其中64位为唯一序列号,32位用作特殊功能(EAS、AFI、DSFID等),32位用于Block锁定,其余为用户使用区。

3. NXP 15693标签汇总:

型号 说明 容量说明
SL2ICS2001 ICODE SLI Smart Label IC 1024 bits, organised in 32 blocks of 4 byte each
SL2ICS50; SL2ICS51 ICODE SLI-L/ICODE SLI-L HC 512 bits, organised in 16 blocks of 4 byte each
SL2ICS53; SL2ICS54 ICODE SLI-S/ICODE SLI-S HC 2048 bits, organised in 64 blocks of 4 byte each
SL2S1402; SL2S1502; SL2S1602 ICODE ILT Up to 240-bit of EPC memory, 96-bit tag identifier (TID) including 48-bit unique serial number
SL2S1412; SL2S1512; SL2S1612 ICODE ILT-M 512-bit user memory, Up to 240-bit of EPC memory, 96-bit tag identifier (TID) including 48-bit unique serial number
SL2S2002; SL2S2102 ICODE SLIX 1024 bits, organized in 32 blocks of 4 bytes each
SL2S5002; SL2S5102 ICODE SLIX-L 512 bits, organized in 16 blocks of 4 bytes each, 4 blocks are summed up to 1 page
SL2S5302; SL2S5402 ICODE SLIX-S 2048 bits (2 KB), organized in 64 blocks of 4 bytes each, 4 blocks are summed up to 1 page


posted on 2013-12-27 13:29  jayhust  阅读(2945)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报