


故障:正常尋道不就緒,com端BSY,需要短路才能到F3 T>,短路後再次進入會提示以下訊息,并可以正常到T級


短路,到T級,T級查看V40 NON...Glist 為空,利用systemfile備份Plist(28)、Glist(35)、Translate(2B)、HDD ID(93);

走regeneration translate(m0,6,2,,,,,22),HDD ID禁用auto功能,斷電上電。

sector edit 檢驗OK,可以開始clone,具體操作可以參考:


MCMainPOR: Start:
User Data Base 009AC4F0
Check MCMT Version: Factory Init
MCInitialize: Start: Host VBM Size (Bytes): 00000210 Metadata VBM Size (Bytes):
ClearMC: Start Full Starting LBA 000149B0, Count 0098A140
LPC Disc Xfr: EXCEPTION: ProcessRWError: Status =00000002
Next Accessed LBA = 00002936
Retry LBA = 00002936
Retry Level = 00000000
ProcessRWError -Write- at LBA 0000002936 Sense Code=40000087
FAILED to spare00000903
Device Fault is set!
ClearMC: Completed, Last LBA 000099EAF0
MCInitialize: MC Cleared
MCInitialize: MCTBufferPtr->Header.MCTStateFlags = 0000000A
MCInitialize: MCTBufferPtr->Header.MCStateFlagsDisc = 00000001
MCInitialize: MCStateFlags = 00000001

Set MCMT Version Current
[MCMTWS] Tail/Head 0000 0000
MCInitialize: Init complete:
MCMainPOR: MCTStateFlags 00000022 MCStateFlags 00000040 Tms 00000000 00000000 00001A77
No HOST FIS-ReadyStatusFlags 0002A1A1




HDD family detecting...

Family ID: 58
Selected family......................... : 58, Grenada
Model by ID............................. : ST3000DM001-1E6166

Loading default settings!
Use the options dialog to review and save utility settings.
Then press OK!

Family default settings loading!

Tech Key...

Requesting FW Pkg ver ........ GSG22D.CCD4.BR0N79.CC45

Detecting Phys Sct Size...
Result.................................. : 4096

Detecting Max Head number...
Phys. heads............................. : 6

Obtaining Saved Mode Pages File information...
Reading Saved Mode Pages...
Parsing Saved Mode Pages...
SMP Dbl: 0x3C001000 - 0x0001FFFF (0x0000000F)

LBA alignment........................... : 0

Obtaining Registry File information...
Reading Registry File...
Parsing Registry File...

Media Cache
MC : enabled
MC Size : 0x9AE008

Collecting Sys Files information...
ID Len
0 36 Reserved Defect Table (SA defect table)
1 2 Drive Information File (DIF)
2 16 Performance Parameter File (PPF)
3 7782 Primary Defect File (P-List))
5 4 Manufacturing Information File (MIF)
8 4800
B 1000
C 122880 Serial Port Test Results File (Self Scan Log)
D 160
E 432 Data Integrity Check (DIC), HEAD 0
F 223 DIC Dummy File
13 8 Disc Registry File (settings, security, etc)
15 100 BGMS File (Directed Offline Scan)
16 2
17 40
19 24 Log File
1A 33 Log File
1B 1 Log File
1C 9
1D 128 Physical Overlay File 0
1E 128 Physical Overlay File 1
22 80 Drive Self Test (DST), Head 0
23 80 Drive Self Test (DST), Head 1
24 80 Drive Self Test (DST), Head 2
25 80 Drive Self Test (DST), Head 3
26 80 Drive Self Test (DST), Head 4
27 80 Drive Self Test (DST), Head 5
2A 9 Saved Mode Pages (HDD settings)
2B 9990 R/W Operating Parameters (translator, etc)
2C 432 Data Integrity Check (DIC), HEAD 1
2D 432 Data Integrity Check (DIC), HEAD 2
2E 432 Data Integrity Check (DIC), HEAD 3
2F 432 Data Integrity Check (DIC), HEAD 4
30 432 Data Integrity Check (DIC), HEAD 5
33 4576
34 640 Packed CONGEN XML definition
39 8192
3A 4
3D 3072
3E 3072
3F 4576
40 7
41 2180
42 4096
43 10241
44 2747380
45 1617160
46 226044
47 226044
48 226044
49 226044
4A 226044
4B 8192
4F 14336
Collecting Sys File Infos completed

Collecting DT Infos...
ID MemOffs Len
0 40030200 40944 Read Adaptive Parameters File (RAP)
1 40030000 512 Controller Adaptive Parameters File (CAP)
4 1D400 7168 Servo Adaptive Parameter File (SAP)
40002000 13288
total 20456
5 6C000 81920 Servo Firmware Table
A 25E404 1024 Seek Profile
13 40129CA0 768 Dependent Zone Table for User Area
14 40129FA0 64 Dependent Zone Table for System Area
15 0 524288 Flash ROM
1D 40030220 2592 VBAR Configuration File
1E 40031260 3232 Zone Format Parameters File
26 40127F90 7440
27 40127DF8 408

ID MemOffs Len
0 40030200 40944 Read Adaptive Parameters File (RAP)
1 40030000 512 Controller Adaptive Parameters File (CAP)
2 40030C40 1568 Zone Table
4 1D400 7168 Servo Adaptive Parameter File (SAP)
40002000 13288
total 20456
5 6C000 81920 Servo Firmware Table
6 11F2BC0 81956 Servo Flaw Table
A 25E404 1024 Seek Profile
13 40129CA0 768 Dependent Zone Table for User Area
14 40129FA0 64 Dependent Zone Table for System Area
15 0 524288 Flash ROM
16 40030200 32 Drive Configuration Table
17 40032278 1632 Temperature Control Configuration
1D 40030220 2592 VBAR Configuration File
1E 40031260 3232 Zone Format Parameters File
1F 4032C918 3840 RW working user preamp table
20 4032D818 128 RW working system preamp table
26 40127F90 7440
27 40127DF8 408

Collecting DT Infos completed

Reading autotuning buffer............... Ok
Searching module table in RAM........... Ok
Searching volume 3 file table in RAM.... Ok
Searching volume 0 file table in RAM.... Ok
Searching SMP RAM FID in RAM............ Ok
Searching Non Resident G-List FID in RAM Ok
Searching CFW OVL FID in RAM............ Ok
Searching DT table(RAM, WR) in RAM...... Ok
Searching DT table(RAM, RD) in RAM...... Ok

System Files I/O method detection... ATA(direct)

posted @ 2015-04-08 14:11  诺岚生  阅读(1548)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报