

IBM公司的developerWorks Java技术专区,有很多关于J2EE的技术文章,并且文章的质量很高。


专注于中间件技术的站点和论坛,国内开源软件做的相当不错的组织,推出了自己的J2EE服务器产品JFox以及相关的OpenSource 产品。

SUN的中文技术社区,有SUN 的技术人员的支持维护,很多不错的文章,在线讲堂栏目办的很有特色。推出了新版的技术论坛,但是人气一直不是很旺。






  http://www-900.ibm.com/developerWorks/cn/java/index.shtml  IBM的JAVA专题——永远的蓝色巨人
  http://www.huihoo.com   灰狐动力——Enterprise Open Source
  http://www.jdon.com   J道——JAVA和J2EE解决之道
  http://www.chinaunix.net   ChinaUnix——我们在努力打造一个Unix时代!
  http://www.theserverside.com   TheServerSide.COM——Your Enterprise Java Community
  http://www.onjava.com   O'REILLY ON java.com
  http://www.matrix.org.cn   Matrix与Java共舞
  http://www.java-source.net   JavaSource
  http://www.javaresearch.org   Java研究组织——汇聚技术精英,增进技术交流
  http://www.cn-java.com   中文Java技术网——为Java爱好者服务
  http://www.javalobby.org   JavaLobby
  http://www.javajia.com   Java家
  http://www.cnjavaclub.com   中国JAVA俱乐部
  http://www.jspcn.net   JSP中文网
  http://www.cnjsp.org   中国JSP技术网站
  http://www.xuejava.com   学Java——学习Java的精髓
  http://tech.ccidnet.com   赛迪网技术天地
  http://www.uml.org.cn   UML软件工程组织
  http://dev2dev.bea.com.cn/index.jsp   BEAdev2dev在线
  http://www.kissjava.com   爪哇流氓
  http://java.about.com   来自About.com的Java新闻和技术文章
  http://www.jcp.org/en/home/index   Java Community Process
  http://www.java-cn.com   Java中文站——每一天我们都在进步
  http://www.chedong.com/   车东
  http://www.javayou.com/   Java自由人
  http://www.j2medev.com/   J2ME开发网


  http://bbs.chinajavaworld.com      ChinaJavaWorld技术论坛
  http://www.javaworld.com.tw/jute/index.html   JavaWorld技术论坛
  http://forum.javaeye.com   Java视线论坛
  http://www.jdon.com/jive/index.jsp   J道论坛
  http://gceclub.sun.com.cn/NASApp/sme/jive/index.jsp   Sun技术社区论坛
  http://www.cjsdn.com   中国Java开发网
  http://spring.jactiongroup.net   SpringFramework中文论坛
  http://www.cartexpert.com/forum/forum.jsp?column=24   Jive研究论坛
  http://www.javafan.net/jive/index.jsp   JavaFan论坛

  http://blog.csdn.net/casularm   Casularm Blog
  http://hedong.3322.org   竹笋炒肉
  http://blog.csdn.net/baijsp   Java and OpenSource Software
  http://leosky.java.mblogger.cn   leo的Blog
  http://java2guru.java.mblogger.cn   J2EE Blog
  http://blog.csdn.net/chenyun2000   Open Java Project
  http://gigix.blogdriver.com/gigix/index.html   透明思考
  http://blog.tomxp.com/Home.html   东波的Blog
  http://blog.csdn.net/liaoxingya276   liaoxingya的Blog
  http://blog.csdn.net/arielxp   !Java
  http://www.nncn.com/blog/weblog.php   HuiFei's Blog
  http://www.donews.net/yahoo163/   BlogJava

  6927954   Java爱好者   5747018   Java开源框架研究
  2184090   Java最后通道   5464040   Java技术交流
  6090680   Java讨论组   6868040   Java讨论区
  2848217   Java技术交流   5287881   Java社团
  3057466   Java世界   3657130   Java夜未眠
  4874250   Java开发者   6522650   Java联盟
  4972763   Java爱好者   6880123   Java技术交流
  2473372   Java学习班   6347116   Java学院
  3049837   Java人生路   1407900   Java爱好者
  2371661   Java最爱   7096701   Java思想与技术
  4421567   Java菜鸟交流室   3493424   Java学习班
  1822386   Java学习小组   3905714   Java乐园
  4085683   Java疯狂编程   5718771   Java社区
  4578000   Jsp技术群   4384534   Jsp学习组
  4617990   Jsp学习班   1845656   Jsp爱好者
  2493314   Jsp交流中心   3241217   Jsp专题学习
  6788666   Jsp爱好者   3417234   Jsp交流
  7378475   开发联盟Jsp学习   2347397   Java和Jsp技术讨论
  1020937   Jsp   1693379   Jsp
  200016    J2ME   4453572   J2ME
  6074752   J2ME   4835602   J2ME
  1772284   J2ME   155348    开发联盟 WAP J2ME

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Online Resources for Java Programmers


The Web offers many resources to help you use the Java platform. This section lists some that we use ourselves, or that we've heard good things about.

Caveat: A Web site that's good one year might stagnate the next, and it can be difficult to tell unless you know the site well. Please tell us if any of these Web sites is obsolete, or if you have a URL for an excellent resource not mentioned here.

We list three kinds of resources:

General Programming Resources
Web sites that provide information useful to most developers.
Specialized Programming Resources
Sources of more specialized programming information. Examples include assorted tutorials, The Swing Connection, and a Web site for Macintosh programmers.
Other Resources
Other stuff, such as the latest industry news.
Don't forget that our Tutorial has many examples, and that you can search all the java.sun.com tutorials (outside of the tutorial). Another source of resources is the Help section (outside of the tutorial) of java.sun.com.

General Programming Resources

The Java Developer ConnectionSM
http://developer.java.sun.com (outside of the tutorial)

Essential. Here are some of the things you can do at the JDC:

  • research bugs
  • vote for which bugs should be fixed first
  • view tutorials and book samples
  • download early access software
  • chat with developers and API architects
Code Conventions
http://java.sun.com/docs/codeconv/ (outside of the tutorial)
Conventions that developers within Sun try to follow when writing programs in the Java programming language.
About.com Focus on Java
http://java.about.com (outside of the tutorial)
Has articles and links to many resources.
JavaWorld Magazine
http://www.javaworld.net (outside of the tutorial)
Has articles about current programming topics.
Java Boutique
http://javaboutique.internet.com (outside of the tutorial)
Has applets (some including source code), tutorials, book reviews, and more.
Java Developer's Journal
http://www.sys-con.com/java/ (outside of the tutorial)
An online subset of a print magazine. Includes source code and selected articles.

Specialized Programming Resources

The J2EETM Tutorial
http://java.sun.com/j2ee/tutorial/index.html (outside of the tutorial)
A beginner's guide to developing enterprise applications on the Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition SDK.

Java 3DTM API Tutorial
http://java.sun.com/products/java-media/3D/collateral/ (outside of the tutorial)

Has descriptions and examples of the most commonly used features in the Java 3D API.

XML Technologies
http://java.sun.com/xml/tutorial_intro.html (outside of the tutorial)

Introduces XML and tells you how to use the Java XML APIs.

The JNDI Tutorial
http://java.sun.com/products/jndi/tutorial/ (outside of the tutorial)

Tells you how to use the JavaTM Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI) for associating names and attributes with objects.

JDC Tutorials
http://developer.java.sun.com/developer/onlineTraining/ (outside of the tutorial)

Many tutorials, covering a wealth of topics. Subjects include JavaBeans, Enterprise JavaBeans, JDBC, and Java 2D.

The Swing Connection
http://java.sun.com/products/jfc/tsc/ (outside of the tutorial)

The Swing engineering team's Web site. Has articles written both by Swing creators and by external programmers who use Swing.

The Swing/JFC FAQ
http://www.drye.com/java/faq.html (outside of the tutorial)

Unofficial answers to frequently asked questions about Swing.

Apple's Developer Site
http://developer.apple.com/java/ (outside of the tutorial)

For programmers who use Macs.

Other Resources

How To Write Unmaintainable Code
http://mindprod.com/unmain.html (outside of the tutorial)
Long, funny essay on how (not) to write code that no one else can read.
http://slashdot.org/search.pl?topic=108 (outside of the tutorial)
News and discussions about the Java platform.


posted on 2005-10-12 23:23  java  阅读(11393)  评论(16编辑  收藏  举报