

20世纪70年代末,David Marr 尝试将生物视觉融合进一个可以用于机器视觉的模型。Marr描述道“早期视觉处理的目标是对图像构建一个原始但丰富的描述,用于确定可视表面的反射系统和光强度,以及它们相对于观察者的方向的距离”[1]。他把最低级别的描述称为原始要素图,其中最主要的组成部分是边缘。


根据[1]中,我们可以将一个边缘检测算法描述为:1) 通过一个二维高斯函数对图像I进行卷积运算; 2) 计算卷积图像的Lapace算子,称为 L ;  3)寻找边缘像素:在L中存在零交叉的像素。通过高斯函数计算出来的卷积具有多种不同的标准偏差,而这些标准偏差可以结合为一个单独的边缘图像。

我们可以通过差分进行计算,面这个例子中顺序并没有关系,因些可以通过分析法计算高斯拉普拉斯算子(Laplacian of the Gaussina,LoG),并且采样这个函数。创建一个卷积掩模;可以对图像应用这个卷积掩模产生同样的结果。在此,给出相应的代码:


float LoG (float x, float sigma){
     float x1;
     x1 = gauss (x, sigma);
     return (x*x-2*sigma*sigma)/(sigma*sigma*sigma*sigma) * x1;




void zero_cross (float **lapim, IMAGE im)




void marr (float s, IMAGE im){
   int width;
   float **smx;
   int i,j,k,n;
   float **lgau, z;
   //Create a Gaussian and a derivative of Gaussian filter mask
   width = 3.35*s + 0.33;
   n = width+width + 1;
   printf ("Smoothing with a Gaussian of size %dx%d\n", n, n);
   lgau = f2d (n, n);
   for (i=0; i<n; i++)
      for (j=0; j<n; j++)
       lgau[i][j] = LoG (distance ((float)i, (float)j,(float)width, (float)width), s);

   //Convolution of source image with a Gaussian in X and Y directions 
	smx = f2d (im->info->nr, im->info->nc);
	printf ("Convolution with LoG:\n");
	convolution (im, lgau, n, n, smx, im->info->nr, im->info->nc);

  // Locate the zero crossings 
	printf ("Zero crossings:\n");
	zero_cross (smx, im);

  // Clear the boundary
	for (i=0; i<im->info->nr; i++){
	  for (j=0; j<=width; j++) im->data[i][j] = 0;
	  for (j=im->info->nc-width-1; j<im->info->nc; j++)
		im->data[i][j] = 0;
	for (j=0; j<im->info->nc; j++){
	  for (i=0; i<= width; i++) im->data[i][j] = 0;
	  for (i=im->info->nr-width-1; i<im->info->nr; i++)
		im->data[i][j] = 0;

	free(smx[0]); free(smx);
	free(lgau[0]); free(lgau);






// MarrHildreth.h

#include "cv.h"
#include "highgui.h"

#define PI 3.1415926535
#define SQRT2 1.414213562

// The image header data structure
struct header {
   int nr, nc; // Rows and columns in the image
   int oi, oj; // Origin

// The IMAGE data structure
struct image{
   struct header *info; //Pointer to header 
   unsigned char **data; //Pixel values

long seed = 132531;
typedef struct image * IMAGE;

#if defined (MAX)
   char **arg;
   int maxargs;

int range (IMAGE im, int i, int j);
void print_se (IMAGE p);
IMAGE Input_PBM (char *fn);
IMAGE Output_PBM (IMAGE image, char *filename);

void get_num_pbm (FILE *f, char *b, int *bi, int *res);
void pbm_getln (FILE *f, char *b);
void pbm_param (char *s);
void srand32 (long k);
void copy (IMAGE *a, IMAGE b);
struct image  *newimage (int nr, int nc);

void freeimage (struct image  *z);
void sys_abort (int val, char *mess);
void CopyVarImage (IMAGE *a, IMAGE *b);
void Display (IMAGE x);

double drand32 ();
float ** f2d (int nr, int nc);
float gauss(float x, float sigma);
float LoG (float x, float sigma);
float meanGauss (float x, float sigma);
void marr (float s, IMAGE im);

//An alternative way to compute a Laplacian
void dolap (float **x, int nr, int nc, float **y); 
void zero_cross (float **lapim, IMAGE im);
float norm (float x, float y);
float distance (float a, float b, float c, float d);
void convolution (IMAGE im, float **mask, int nr, int nc, float **res,int NR, int NC);



// Marr-Hildreth edge detection
#include "stdio.h"
#include "cv.h"
#include "highgui.h"
#include "MarrHildreth.h"

int main (  ){
	int i,j,n;
	float s=1.0;
	FILE *params;
	IMAGE im1, im2;
	char name[128];

	// Try to read an image
	printf ("Enter path to the image file to be processed: ");
	scanf ("%s", name);
	printf ("Opening file '%s'\n", name);
	im1 = get_image(name);
	printf ("Enter standard deviation: ");
	scanf ("%f", &s);

	display_image (im1);

// Look for parameter file 
im2 = newimage (im1->info->nr, im1->info->nc);
	for (i=0; i<im1->info->nr; i++)
	  for (j=0; j<im1->info->nc; j++)
	    im2->data[i][j] = im1->data[i][j];

// Apply the filter 
	marr (s-0.8, im1);
	marr (s+0.8, im2);
	for (i=0; i<im1->info->nr; i++)
	  for (j=0; j<im1->info->nc; j++)
	    if (im1->data[i][j] > 0 && im2->data[i][j] > 0)
		im1->data[i][j] = 0;
	    else im1->data[i][j] = 255;

	display_image (im1);
	save_image (im1, "marr.jpg");

	return 0;





[1] Theory of Edge Detection D. Marr; E. Hildreth, Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological Sciences, Vol. 207, No. 1167. (Feb. 29, 1980), pp. 187-217.



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