1. Porting JavaFX glass/prims to iOS (OpenGL ES2), Android (???) and Windows 8 (DirectX???)
You actually will end up wanting to use OpenGL ES2 on both iOS and
Android (having done the comparisons, the Prism stack on ES2 on Android
is as fast or faster than native android graphics). On Windows 8, you
use Direct3D the same as on Windows desktop, but you have to use WinRT
instead of Win32 for the windowing etc. So there is definitely porting
work on the Glass/Prism layer for Windows.
This is actually the biggest challenge IMO (in fact there is a thread on
OpenJDK about porting OpenJDK to Android). I don't know off the top of
my head if the JavaSE Embedded VM is open source -- I thought it was, or
it was planned to make it so, but I could be wrong. In any case,
getting a VM that runs on the platform is easy enough, getting JavaSE
class libraries which pass the TCK is where I expect the majority of the
work to be (porting FX to those platforms is fairly straightforward and
with all the performance work we've already done in 8, you're starting
from a pretty good place in terms of performance).
There are some interesting VM options you could give a try, such as
Excelsior Jet or even XMLVM or LLVM. You might want to give a look to
XMLVM, its kind of wild. You don't need AOT on Android, but you will on
WinRT & iOS.
Actually you don't care about the JDK, but the JRE. Now, we've got the
JRE + JavaFX down to about 20MB I think, but if you use an aftermarket
tool like ProGuard then you can strip out methods and such you don't
use, not just classes. FossilGame for iOS was down to 18MB for the
entire app, 20MB with retina splash screen using this technique. One big
part of this is getting the SE Embedded VM (or some other VM) which is
small, even with AOT. That, I suspect, will be a technical challenge.
This is dead easy and can all be done via CSS. See the blog post on FX
Experience where Jasper does skinning of buttons, and includes some
Windows / iOS buttons. Also, the JavaOne scheduler app (which is open
source in the OpenJFX 8 repos) we did an entire popover control with
skinning etc so it looks like native iOS popovers.
Ya, right now just use JNI. We played with something more like the
underlying mechanism that Eclipse uses which generates Java classes to
call into various APIs but doesn't have hardly any native code, but it
isn't released anywhere. Some APIs would be worth having a cross
platform implementation, but honestly for most of these things, you want
to have every single capability of the host platform available so that
you can get really good, deep, native integration. So I would expect to
have an iOS package with camera, geolocation, etc APIs available, and an
Android package with their APIs, etc. Then maybe a generic package with
the least-common-denominator. I don't know, haven't looked at the
Also, you're going to want to be able to embed native controls inside FX
to be able to do things like host advertisements in the application.
That will require some work on Glass / Prism when it is open sourced.