
• Auto-reload preload enabled (ARPE bit set in the TIM1_CR1 register). In this mode,
when data is written to the auto-reload register, it is kept in the preload register and
transferred into the shadow register at the next update event (UEV).
• Auto-reload preload disabled (ARPE bit cleared in the TIM1_CR1 register). In this
mode, when data is written to the auto-reload register it is transferred into the shadow
register immediately.



1. ARPE=1时, 把设置的新值放到一个预加载寄存器,等到计到10000时,产生UEV事件,UEV事件会导致预加载寄存器的值写入ARR。也即当前计完,再说新的。

2. ARPE=0时,把设置的新值直接放到ARR里,这样的话,当前的计时周期就可能有问题,比如说,计到300,突然由10000改为1000。则计到1000就直接更新了。这个结果可能不是我们想要的。



posted on 2017-10-05 01:01  郁郁思扬  阅读(359)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
