
sql server方案:               

select top 10 * from t where id not in (select top 30 id from t order by id ) orde by id


select * from t order by id limit 30,10


select * from (select rownum r,* from t where r<=40) where r>30

2、用一条SQL语句 查询出每门课都大于80分的学生姓名

name   kecheng   fenshu
张三     语文       81
张三     数学       75
李四     语文       76
李四     数学       90
王五     语文       81
王五     数学       100
王五     英语       90 

create table score(id int primary key auto_increment,name varchar(20),subject varchar(20),score int);
insert into score values
(null,'王五 ','英语',90);


 select distinct name from score  where  name not in (select distinct name from score where score<=80)


select a.name, b.name from team a, team b where a.name < b.name



create table TestDB(id int primary key auto_increment,AccID varchar(20), Occmonth date, DebitOccur bigint);
insert into TestDB values
-- 复制上面的数据,故意把第一个月份的发生额数字改小一点
insert into TestDB values
-- 复制最上面的数据,故意把所有发生额数字改大一点
insert into TestDB values
-- 复制最上面的数据,故意把所有发生额数字改大一点
insert into TestDB values
-- 复制最上面的数据,故意把第二个月份的发生额数字改小一点
insert into TestDB values


-- 答案1
select distinct AccID from TestDB 
where AccID not in 
	(select TestDB.AccID from TestDB,
		 (select * from TestDB where AccID='101') as db101 
	where TestDB.Occmonth=db101.Occmonth and TestDB.DebitOccur<=db101.DebitOccur
-- 答案2
select distinct AccID from TestDB 
where AccID not in (
select distinct t1.AccID from TestDB t1 LEFT JOIN 
          (select * from TestDB where AccID='101') t2 on t1.Occmonth=t2.Occmonth
           where t1.DebitOccur<=t2.DebitOccur )


year  month amount
1991   1     1.1
1991   2     1.2
1991   3     1.3
1991   4     1.4
1992   1     2.1
1992   2     2.2
1992   3     2.3
1992   4     2.4
year m1  m2  m3  m4
1991 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4
1992 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4

drop table if exists sales;
create table sales(id int auto_increment primary key,year varchar(10), month varchar(10), amount float(2,1));
insert into sales values


-- 答案1
select YEAR,
min(case month when '1' then amount END ) m1,
min(case month when '2' then amount END ) m2,
min(case month when '3' then amount END ) m3,
min(case month when '4' then amount END ) m4 
from sales GROUP BY YEAR 

-- 答案2
select s.year ,
(select t.amount from sales t where t.month='1' and t.year= s.year) 'm1',
(select t.amount from sales t where t.month='2' and t.year= s.year) 'm2',
(select t.amount from sales t where t.month='3' and t.year= s.year) 'm3',
(select t.amount from sales t where t.month='4' and t.year= s.year) 'm4'
from sales s  group by s.year;

drop table if exists articles;
create table articles(id int auto_increment primary key,title varchar(50), postuser varchar(10), postdate datetime,parentid int references articles(id));
insert into articles values
(null,'第一条','张三','1998-10-10 12:32:32',null),
(null,'第二条','张三','1998-10-10 12:34:32',null),
(null,'第一条回复1','李四','1998-10-10 12:35:32',1),
(null,'第二条回复1','李四','1998-10-10 12:36:32',2),
(null,'第一条回复2','王五','1998-10-10 12:37:32',1),
(null,'第一条回复3','李四','1998-10-10 12:38:32',1),
(null,'第二条回复2','李四','1998-10-10 12:39:32',2),
(null,'第一条回复4','王五','1998-10-10 12:39:40',1);

-- 第一种写法 非标准SQL,仅适合于MySql 因为mysql的分组查询列可以不在group by 字段中,
-- 而且聚合函数也不需要group by就可以单独使用
select a.title,a.postuser,
(select max(postdate) from articles where parentid=a.id) reply 
from articles a where a.parentid is null;

select a2.title,a2.postuser,
(select max(a.postdate) from articles a
where a.parentid=a2.id GROUP BY a.parentid ) replytime 
from articles a2 where a2.parentid is null


create table student2(id int auto_increment primary key,code varchar(20),name varchar(20));
insert into student2 values(null,'2005001','张三'),(null,'2005002','李四'),(null,'2005001','张三');

delete from student2 where id not in(select min(id) from student2 group by name);


delete from student2 where id not in(select mid from (select min(id) mid
from student2 group by name) as t);


flight{flightID,StartCityID ,endCityID,StartTime}
city{cityID, CityName)
create table city(cityID int auto_increment primary key,cityName varchar(20));
create table flight (flightID int auto_increment primary key,
StartCityID int references city(cityID),
endCityID int references city(cityID),
StartTime time);
insert into city values(null,'北京'),(null,'上海'),(null,'广州');
insert into flight values


-- 方法1 左连接查询
select f.*,c.* from flight f 
left join city c on f.startcityid=c.cityid
left join city c2 on f.endcityid=c2.cityid
where c.cityname='北京' ORDER BY c2.cityname asc
-- 方法2 嵌套子查询加笛卡尔积过滤
select * from flight f,city c 
where f.endcityid = c.cityid and startcityid = 
(select c1.cityid from city c1 where c1.cityname = "北京")
order by c.cityname asc;


select f.flightid,f.starttime,c.cityname,c2.cityname from flight f 
left join city c on f.startcityid=c.cityid
left join city c2 on f.endcityid=c2.cityid
where c.cityname='北京' and c2.cityname='上海'


`number` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
`name` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
`role` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,

INSERT INTO `emp` VALUES (1,1001,'a','read');
INSERT INTO `emp` VALUES (2,1001,'a','write');
INSERT INTO `emp` VALUES (3,1001,'a','copy');
INSERT INTO `emp` VALUES (4,1002,'b','read');
INSERT INTO `emp` VALUES (5,1002,'b','write');
INSERT INTO `emp` VALUES (7,1003,'c','listen');
INSERT INTO `emp` VALUES (8,1003,'c','read');
INSERT INTO `emp` VALUES (9,1004,'d','read');
INSERT INTO `emp` VALUES (10,1004,'d','write');
INSERT INTO `emp` VALUES (11,1005,'e','read');
INSERT INTO `emp` VALUES (12,1005,'e','write');

-- 查出具有1002所有角色的用户
select e1.number from emp e1 ,(select * from emp where number=1002) e2
where e1.role =e2.role and e1.number!=e2.number
group by e1.number 
having count(e1.number)
=(select count(e3.number) 
from emp e3 where e3.number=1002 
group by e3.number)


Table EMPLOYEES Structure:

        EMPLOYEE_ID NUMBER Primary Key,
        FIRST_NAME VARCHAR2(25),
         LAST_NAME VARCHAR2(25),
        Salary number(8,2),
         HiredDate DATE,
         Departmentid number(2)
Table Departments Structure:
         Departmentid number(2) Primary Key,
        DepartmentName VARCHAR2(25). 

select employee1.*,(employee1.salary-t.avgSalary)*100/employee1.salary 
from employee1,
(select deptid,avg(salary) avgSalary from employee1 group by deptid) as t
where employee1.deptid = t.deptid and employee1.salary>t.avgSalary;


1 A 张三 1000
2 A 李四 500
3 C 赵五 2000
4 A 张三 1500
5 C 赵五 1500
6 A 张三 500
7 B 王六 800
8 B 钱七 1000
9 B 王六 1500


CREATE TABLE `order` (
`orderID` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
`region` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
`sales` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
`total` int(11) DEFAULT NULL

INSERT INTO `order` VALUES ('1', 'A', '张三', '1000');
INSERT INTO `order` VALUES ('2', 'A', '李四', '500');
INSERT INTO `order` VALUES ('3', 'C', '赵五', '2000');
INSERT INTO `order` VALUES ('4', 'A', '张三', '1500');
INSERT INTO `order` VALUES ('5', 'C', '赵五', '1500');
INSERT INTO `order` VALUES ('6', 'A', '张三', '500');
INSERT INTO `order` VALUES ('7', 'B', '王六', '800');
INSERT INTO `order` VALUES ('8', 'B', '钱七', '1000');
INSERT INTO `order` VALUES ('9', 'B', '王六', '1500');

-- 1、统计出每个地区的合同金额合计并按此倒序排列显示 
select region,sum(total) from `order` GROUP BY region
-- 2、统计出每个地区销售人员数量
-- select region '地区', count(sales) '销售人员数量' from `order` GROUP BY region,sales 
-- 上为错误写法,直接分组统计会导致同一地区同一销售的的重复记录,结果不准确,得先过滤掉重复数据再统计
select t.region '地区' ,count(t.region) '销售人员数量' from (select distinct region,sales from `order`) t GROUP BY t.region
-- 3、统计出每个地区合同金额最少的销售人员
select t1.* from 
(select o3.region o3_region,o3.sales o3_sales,sum(o3.total) o3_sumTotal from `order` o3 GROUP BY o3.region,o3.sales) t1
(select o2.o1_region o2_region,min(o2.o1_sumTotal) o2_minTotal
 from (
       select o1.region o1_region,o1.sales o1_sales,sum(o1.total) o1_sumTotal from `order` o1 GROUP BY o1.region,o1.sales
) o2 group BY o2.o1_region
-- 单独通过t2这一步可以统计出各个地区的合同金额最少的销售的金额值,但是无法得出销售姓名,
-- 因为不能按照销售分组,采用min(sales)数据结果会出现偏差,所以还得外层再套一下,这步不能少
) t2   on t1.o3_region = t2.o2_region 
where  t1.o3_sumTotal=t2.o2_minTotal
-- 4、统计出所有超过本地区合同金额平均值的合同及金额
select o2.* from `order` o2, 
(select o1.region o1_region,avg(o1.total) o1_avgTotal from `order` o1 GROUP BY o1.region ) t1
where o2.region=t1.o1_region and o2.total>t1.o1_avgTotal;




select * from (select rownum r, e.* from emp e where rownum <=10) t
where t.r>3

rownum可以起别名,但是具体使用时如where条件中不能用别名,只能用rownum,且如果select * 必须指定表别名.* 不能直接* ,rowid也一样,不能直接*, 

select rowid r,e.* from emp e; -- ok
select rowid,* from emp -- erorr




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