apenny硕士ASP.NET PHP 电子 通信设计 图像 编程 网络5年进入店铺
zheng_qianqian本科C语言 C++面向对象 Java3年进入店铺
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西交利物浦大学Java PAPER CODE: CSE105/12-13/S1/Resit Coursework

Question 6:What is an accessor method?What is a mutator method?


Number Analysis Class(西交利物浦大学Java代写)

Write a class with a constructor that accepts a file name as its argument. The file contains a
series of numbers, one on each line. The class should read the contents of the file into an array;
it should also include methods to calculate:
The lowest number in the array
The highest number in the array
The total of the numbers in the array
The average of the numbers in the array
The standard deviation of the numbers in the array

posted @ 2013-07-30 07:56  C语言程序  阅读(505)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
apenny硕士ASP.NET PHP 电子 通信设计 图像 编程 网络5年进入店铺
zheng_qianqian本科C语言 C++面向对象 Java3年进入店铺
guoguanl本科Java Web项目 JSP Hibernate Struts Mysql4年进入店铺