hibernate 调用存储过程
使用hibernate 调用存储过程。
public class StuInfo { private int id; private String stuName; private String stuNo; private int stuAge; private String stuId; private String stuSeat; private String stuAddress;
if exists(select * from sysobjects where name='stuInfo') drop table stuInfo create table stuInfo /*创建学员信息表**/ ( stuName varchar(20) not null,-- 姓名,非空 stuNo char(6) not null,-- 学号,非空 stuAge int not null,-- 年齡,int 默认为4个长度 stuId numeric(18,0), stuSeat smallint ,-- 坐位车,使用自增 stuAddress text -- 住址 可以为空 ) -- 给stuInfo添加一列 alter table stuInfo add id int identity(1,1) primary key;
-- 存储过程 if exists(select name from sysobjects where name='proc_stuInfo' and type='p') drop proc proc_stuInfo go create proc proc_stuInfo as select * from stuInfo go -- 调用存储过程 exec proc_stuInfo;
在hibernate 中调用存储过程的几种方法。
<sql-query name="getStuInfo" callable="true"> <return alias="stuInfo" class="com.hkrt.domain.StuInfo"> <return-property name="id" column="id" /> <return-property name="stuName" column="stuName" /> <return-property name="stuAge" column="stuAge" /> <return-property name="stuNo" column="stuNo"/> <return-property name="stuSeat" column="stuSeat" /> <return-property name="stuAddress" column="stuAddress"/> <return-property name="stuId" column="stuId"/> </return> {call proc_stuInfo()} </sql-query>
List li=session.getNamedQuery("getStuInfo").list(); System.out.println(li.get(0));第二种:类型于jdbc
System.out.println("jdbc 调用-------------"); Connection conn = session.connection(); ResultSet rs =null; CallableStatement call; try { call = conn.prepareCall("{Call proc_stuInfo()}"); rs = call.executeQuery(); while(rs.next()){ System.out.println(rs.getString(1)); System.out.println(rs.getString(2)); System.out.println(rs.getString(3)); System.out.println(rs.getString(4)); System.out.println(rs.getString(5)); System.out.println(rs.getString(6)); System.out.println(rs.getString(7)); System.out.println("------------------"); } } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); }
SQLQuery query = session.createSQLQuery("{call proc_stuInfo()}").addEntity(StuInfo.class); List list =query.list(); System.out.println(list.get(0));
hibenate 调用带参的存储程
-- 带参数据的存储过程 if exists(select name from sysobjects where name='proc_find_stu' and type='p') drop proc proc_find_stu go create proc proc_find_stu(@startId int,@endId int) as select * from stuInfo where id between @startId and @endId; go exec proc_find_stu 1,4;
/**hibernate 调用带参的存储过程*/ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Test public void msTest2(){ SessionFactory sf = SessionFactoyUtil.getSessionFactory(); Session session = sf.openSession(); SQLQuery query = session.createSQLQuery("{CALL proc_find_stu(?,?)}").addEntity(StuInfo.class); query.setLong(0, 2); query.setLong(1, 4); List<StuInfo> list =query.list(); for(int i =0;i<list.size();i++){ System.out.println(list.get(i)); } }
Hibernate: {CALL proc_find_stu(?,?)} StuInfo [id=2, stuAddress=北京, stuAge=12, stuId=123456789012345687, stuName=李四, stuNo=112345, stuSeat=2] StuInfo [id=4, stuAddress=北京, stuAge=12, stuId=123456789012345688, stuName=王五, stuNo=112345, stuSeat=3]