2012-03-11 09:07 java20130722 阅读(343) 评论(0) 编辑 收藏 举报
Operator |
Description |
!= |
Tests two expressions not being equal to each other. |
!> |
Tests that the left condition is not greater than the expression to the right. |
!< |
Tests that the right condition is not greater than the expression to the right. |
< |
Tests the left condition as less than the right condition. |
<= |
Tests the left condition as less than or equal to the right condition. |
<> |
Tests two expressions not being equal to each other. |
= |
Tests equality between two expressions. |
> |
Tests the left condition being greater than the expression to the right. |
>= |
Tests the left condition being greater than or equal to the expression to the right. |
When used with a comparison operator and subquery, if all retrieved values satisfy the search condition, the rows will be retrieved. |
When used with a comparison operator and subquery, if any retrieved values satisfy the search condition, the rows will be retrieved. |
Designates an inclusive range of values. Used with the AND clause between the beginning and ending values. |
Does a fuzzy search for words and phrases. |
Takes the character used prior to a wildcard character to designate that the literal value of the wildcard character should be searched, rather than use the character as a wildcard. |
When used with a subquery, EXISTS tests for the existence of rows in the subquery. |
Searches character-based data for words using meaning, rather than literal values. |
IN |
Provides an inclusive list of values for the search condition. |
Evaluates if the value is NOT null. |
Evaluates whether the value is null. |
Tests character string for pattern matching |
Specifies a range of values NOT to include. Used with the AND clause between the beginning and ending values. |
Provides a list of values for which NOT to return rows for. |
Tests character string, excluding those with pattern matches. |
When used with a comparison operator and subquery, if any retrieved values satisfy the search condition, the rows will be retrieved. |
-- Using BETWEEN for Date Range Searches SELECT SalesOrderID, ShipDate FROM Sales.SalesOrderHeader WHERE ShipDate BETWEEN '7/28/2002' AND '7/29/2002' --Using Comparisons SELECT ProductID,Name,StandardCost FROM Production.Product WHERE StandardCost < 110.0000 --Checking for NULL Values SELECT ProductID,Name,Weight FROM Production.Product WHERE Weight IS NULL --Returning Rows Based on a List of Values SELECT ProductID,Name,Color FROM Production.Product WHERE Color IN ('Silver', 'Black', 'Red') -- Wildcard Usage -- % Represents a string of zero or more characters. -- _ Represents a single character. -- [] Specifies a single character, from a selected range or list. -- [^] Specifies a single character not within the specified range. SELECT ProductID,Name FROM Production.Product WHERE Name LIKE 'B%' SELECT ProductID, Name FROM Production.Product WHERE Name LIKE '%/_%' ESCAPE '/' --Using the ORDER BY Clause SELECT p.Name,h.EndDate,h.ListPrice FROM Production.Product p INNER JOIN Production.ProductListPriceHistory h ON p.ProductID = h.ProductID ORDER BY p.Name, h.EndDate SELECT p.Name,h.EndDate,h.ListPrice FROM Production.Product p INNER JOIN Production.ProductListPriceHistory h ON p.ProductID = h.ProductID ORDER BY p.Name DESC, h.EndDate DESC --Using the TOP Keyword with Ordered Results SELECT TOP 10 v.Name, v.CreditRating FROM Purchasing.Vendor v ORDER BY v.CreditRating DESC, v.Name --Using the GROUP BY Clause -- This error is raised because any column that is not used in an aggregate function in the SELECT -- list must be listed in the GROUP BY clause. SELECT OrderDate, SUM(TotalDue) TotalDueByOrderDate FROM Sales.SalesOrderHeader WHERE OrderDate BETWEEN '7/1/2001' AND '7/31/2001' GROUP BY OrderDate --Using GROUP BY ALL -- In the results returned by the GROUP BY ALL example, notice that -- TotalDueByOrderDate was NULL for those order dates not included -- in the WHERE clause. This does not mean they have zero rows, but -- instead, that data is not displayed for them. SELECT OrderDate, SUM(TotalDue) TotalDueByOrderDate FROM Sales.SalesOrderHeader WHERE OrderDate BETWEEN '7/1/2001' AND '7/31/2001' GROUP BY ALL OrderDate --Selectively Querying Grouped Data Using HAVING -- The HAVING clause is used after the GROUP BY clause. -- The WHERE clause, in contrast, is used to qualify -- the rows that are returned before the data is aggregated -- or grouped. HAVING qualifies the aggregated -- data after the data has been grouped or aggregated. SELECT s.Name, COUNT(w.WorkOrderID) Cnt FROM Production.ScrapReason s INNER JOIN Production.WorkOrder w ON s.ScrapReasonID = w.ScrapReasonID GROUP BY s.Name HAVING COUNT(*)>50 --Using DISTINCT to Remove Duplicate Values SELECT DISTINCT HireDate FROM HumanResources.Employee --Using DISTINCT in Aggregate Functions SELECT AVG(DISTINCT ListPrice) FROM Production.Product --Using Column Aliases SELECT Color AS 'Grouped Color', AVG(DISTINCT ListPrice) AS 'Average Distinct List Price', AVG(ListPrice) 'Average List Price' FROM Production.Product GROUP BY Color --Performing String Concatenation SELECT 'The ' + p.Name + ' is only ' + CONVERT(varchar(25),p.ListPrice) +'!' FROM Production.Product p WHERE p.ListPrice between 100 AND 120 ORDER BY p.ListPrice --Creating a Comma Delimited List Using SELECT DECLARE @Shifts varchar(20) SET @Shifts = '' SELECT @Shifts = @Shifts + s.Name + ',' FROM HumanResources.Shift s ORDER BY s.EndTime SELECT @Shifts --Using the INTO Clause SELECT CustomerID, Name, SalesPersonID, Demographics INTO Store_Archive FROM Sales.Store --Using Subqueries to Check for the Existence of Matches SELECT DISTINCT s.PurchaseOrderNumber FROM Sales.SalesOrderHeader s WHERE EXISTS ( SELECT SalesOrderID FROM Sales.SalesOrderDetail WHERE UnitPrice BETWEEN 1000 AND 2000 AND SalesOrderID = s.SalesOrderID) SELECT SalesPersonID, SalesQuota CurrentSalesQuota FROM Sales.SalesPerson WHERE SalesQuota IN (SELECT MAX(SalesQuota) FROM Sales.SalesPerson) --Using INNER Joins SELECT p.Name, s.DiscountPct FROM Sales.SpecialOffer s INNER JOIN Sales.SpecialOfferProduct o ON s.SpecialOfferID = o.SpecialOfferID INNER JOIN Production.Product p ON o.ProductID = p.ProductID WHERE p.Name = 'All-Purpose Bike Stand' --Using OUTER Joins SELECT s.CountryRegionCode, s.StateProvinceCode, t.TaxType, t.TaxRate FROM Person.StateProvince s INNER JOIN Sales.SalesTaxRate t ON s.StateProvinceID = t.StateProvinceID SELECT s.CountryRegionCode, s.StateProvinceCode, t.TaxType, t.TaxRate FROM Person.StateProvince s LEFT OUTER JOIN Sales.SalesTaxRate t ON s.StateProvinceID = t.StateProvinceID --Using CROSS Joins: S.Num * T.Num SELECT s.CountryRegionCode, s.StateProvinceCode, t.TaxType, t.TaxRate FROM Person.StateProvince s CROSS JOIN Sales.SalesTaxRate t --Performing Self-Joins SELECT e.EmployeeID, e.Title, m.Title AS ManagerTitle FROM HumanResources.Employee e LEFT OUTER JOIN HumanResources.Employee m ON e.ManagerID = m.EmployeeID --Using Derived Tables SELECT DISTINCT s.PurchaseOrderNumber FROM Sales.SalesOrderHeader s INNER JOIN (SELECT SalesOrderID FROM Sales.SalesOrderDetail WHERE UnitPrice BETWEEN 1000 AND 2000) d ON s.SalesOrderID = d.SalesOrderID --Combining Result Sets with UNION -- The UNION operator is used to append the results of two or more SELECT statements into a single -- result set. Each SELECT statement being merged must have the same number of columns, with the -- same or compatible data types in the same order, as this example demonstrates: SELECT SalesPersonID, GETDATE() QuotaDate, SalesQuota FROM Sales.SalesPerson WHERE SalesQuota > 0 UNION SELECT SalesPersonID, QuotaDate, SalesQuota FROM Sales.SalesPersonQuotaHistory WHERE SalesQuota > 0 ORDER BY SalesPersonID DESC, QuotaDate DESC