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计算机操作系统技术特征对比(Computer Operating System Technical Feature Comparison)


OS Supported architectures Supported file systems Kernel Name Kernel type Multitasking Supported GUI on by default
AIX POWER, PPC JFS, JFS2, ISO 9660, UDF, NFS, SMBFS, GPFS UNIX System V Monolithic Dynamic Extendable Yes No
AmigaOS 68k, PPC (x86 Clone available see AROS) Proprietary (OFS, FFS,SFS, PFS), FAT, ISO 9660, UDF, many others via 3rd party drivers Amiga Exec Microkernel Yes Yes
FreeBSD x86, x86-64, PC98, SPARC, others UFS2, ext2, ext3, FAT, ISO 9660, UDF, NFS, ReiserFS (read only), XFS (experimental), ZFS (experimental) and others FreeBSD kernel Monolithic with modules Yes No
HP-UX PA-RISC,IA-64 VxFS, HFS, ISO 9660, UDF, NFS, SMBFS UNIX System V Monolithic with modules Yes No
GNU/Linux x86, x86-64, PPC, SPARC, Alpha, others ext2, ext3, ext4, ReiserFS, FAT, ISO 9660, UDF, NFS, and others Linux kernel Monolithic with modules Yes  
Inferno x86, PPC, SPARC, Alpha, MIPS, others Styx/9P2000, kfs, FAT, ISO 9660 Inferno kernel Monolithic with modules, user space file systems Yes Yes
Mac OS Classic 68k, PPC HFS+, HFS, AFP, ISO 9660, FAT, UDF Mac OS kernel Monolithic with modules Yes Yes
Mac OS X PPC, x86 HFS+ (default), HFS, UFS, AFP, ISO 9660, FAT, UDF, NFS, SMBFS, NTFS (read only), FTP, WebDAV XNU (Darwin kernel) Hybrid Yes Yes
NetBSD x86, x86-64, PPC, SPARC, 68k, Alpha, others UFS, UFS2, ext2, FAT, ISO 9660, NFS, LFS, and others NetBSD kernel Monolithic with modules Yes No
NetWare x86 NSS, NWFS, FAT, NFS, AFP, UDF, CIFS, ISO 9660 NetWare kernel Hybrid Yes Yes
OES-Linux x86 PPC NSS, NFS, AFP, UDF, CIFS, ISO 9660, Netware Traditional File System Linux kernel Monolithic with modules Yes No
OpenBSD x86, x86-64, SPARC, 68k, Alpha, VAX, others ffs, ext2, FAT, ISO 9660, NFS, some others OpenBSD kernel Monolithic with modules Yes No
OpenVMS VAX, Alpha, IA-64 Files-11, ISO 9660, NFS VMS kernel Monolithic with modules Yes No
OS/2 x86 HPFS, JFS, FAT, ISO 9660, UDF, NFS OS/2 kernel Hybrid No No
PC-BSD x86 10 UFS2, ext2, ext3, FAT, ISO 9660, UDF, NFS, ReiserFS (read only), XFS (experimental) and others   Monolithic with modules   Yes
Plan 9 x86, Alpha, MIPS, PPC, SPARC, others fossil/venti, 9P2000, kfs, ext2, FAT, ISO 9660 Plan 9 kernel Monolithic, user space file systems Yes Yes
ReactOS x86, Power PC FAT ReactOS kernel Hybrid Yes Yes
RISC OS ARM (both 26 and 32-bit) Acorn ADFS, Econet ANFS, FAT, ISO9660, many others as loadable filesystems RISC OS kernel Unprotected monotasking microkernel with large number of relocatable modules Yes Yes
Solaris x86, x86-64, SPARC UFS, ZFS, ext2, FAT, ISO 9660, UDF, NFS, QFS, some others Solaris kernel Monolithic with modules Yes Yes
STOP 6 / XTS-400 x86 proprietary XTS kernel Monolithic Yes No
Windows Server x86, x86-64, IA-64 NTFS, FAT, ISO 9660, UDF; 3rd-party drivers support ext2, ext3, reiserfs9 Windows NT kernel Hybrid Yes Yes
Windows x86, x86-64 NTFS, FAT ISO 9660, UDF; 3rd-party drivers support ext2, ext3, reiserfs9 Windows NT kernel for Wndows XP, Vista Hybrid Yes Yes
ZETA x86 BFS (default), FAT, ISO 9660, UDF, HFS, AFP, ext2, CIFS, NTFS (read only), ReiserFS (read only, up to v3.6) BeOS Modular Microkernel Yes Yes
Primary APIs Resource access control Subsystem isolation mechanisms Integrated firewall Encrypted file systems
SysV, POSIX Unix, ACLs chroot IP Filter, IPSec VPNs, basic IDS No
Proprietary, POSIX environment functions available thru GNU licensed Amiga ixemul.library     No No
BSD, POSIX Unix, ACLs, MAC chroot, jail, MAC Partitions IPFW2, IPFilter, PF Yes
SysV, POSIX Unix, ACLs chroot IPFilter No
POSIX Unix, ACLs, MAC chroot, Capability-based security11, seccomp, SELinux, IPSec Netfilter/Varied by distribution Yes
proprietary Unix Namespaces    
proprietary, Carbon none none none No
Carbon, Cocoa, BSD/POSIX, X11 (since 10.3) Unix, ACLs chroot ipfw Yes
BSD, POSIX Unix, Veriexec chroot, systrace IPFilter, PF Yes
proprietary Directory-enabled ACLs Protected Address Spaces IPFLT.NLM Yes
proprietary Directory-enabled ACLs chroot IPFilter Yes
BSD, POSIX Unix chroot, systrace PF Yes
proprietary, Unix-like ACLs, Privileges logical name tables    
proprietary ACLs none none No
BSD, POSIX Unix, ACLs, MAC chroot, jail, MAC Partitions IPFW2, IPFilter, PF Yes
Unix-like (and optional POSIX compatibility layer) Unix Namespaces ipmux Yes
Windows API        
Huge number of SWI calls; extensive C libraries        
SysV, POSIX Unix, RBAC, ACLs, Privileges, Trusted Extension chroot, Containers IPFilter Yes
some SysV, some POSIX, some Linux, some proprietary Unix, Multilevel security, Biba mandatory integrity, ACLs, Privileges, subtype mechanism Multilevel security, Biba Integrity Model, subtype mechanism customer would have to install their own application No
Windows API, .NET ACLs, Privileges, RBAC Win32 WindowStation, Desktop, Job objects Windows Firewall,IPSec TCP/IP Filtering Yes
Windows API, .NET ACLs Win32 WindowStation, Desktop, Job objects Windows Firewall (XP and later), TCP/IP Filtering (NT Based systems), IPSec Yes (NTFS Only)
POSIX, BeOS API Unix none none No


posted on 2012-03-17 18:23  java课程设计例子  阅读(193)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报