Generic Errors
KErrNone | 0 | |
KErrNotFound | -1 | Unable to find the specified object |
KErrGeneral | -2 | General (unspecified) error |
KErrCancel | -3 | The operation was cancelled |
KErrNoMemory | -4 | Not enough memory |
KErrNotSupported | -5 | The operation requested is not supported |
KErrArgument | -6 | Bad request |
KErrTotalLossOfPrecision | -7 | Total loss of precision |
KErrBadHandle | -8 | Bad object |
KErrOverflow | -9 | Overflow |
KErrUnderflow | -10 | Underflow |
KErrAlreadyExists | -11 | Already exists |
KErrPathNotFound | -12 | Unable to find the specified folder |
KErrDied | -13 | Closed |
KErrInUse | -14 | The specified object is currently in use by another program |
KErrServerTerminated | -15 | Server has closed |
KErrServerBusy | -16 | Server busy |
KErrCompletion | -17 | Completion error |
KErrNotReady | -18 | Not ready |
KErrUnknown | -19 | Unknown error |
KErrCorrupt | -20 | Corrupt |
KErrAccessDenied | -21 | Access denied |
KErrLocked | -22 | Locked |
KErrWrite | -23 | Failed to write |
KErrDisMounted | -24 | Wrong disk present |
KErrEof | -25 | Unexpected end of file |
KErrDiskFull | -26 | Disk full |
KErrBadDriver | -27 | Bad device driver |
KErrBadName | -28 | Bad name |
KErrCommsLineFail | -29 | Comms line failed |
KErrCommsFrame | -30 | Comms frame error |
KErrCommsOverrun | -31 | Comms overrun error |
KErrCommsParity | -32 | Comms parity error |
KErrTimedOut | -33 | Timed out |
KErrCouldNotConnect | -34 | Failed to connect |
KErrCouldNotDisconnect | -35 | Failed to disconnect |
KErrDisconnected | -36 | Disconnected |
KErrBadLibraryEntryPoint | -37 | Bad library entry point |
KErrBadDescriptor | -38 | Bad descriptor |
KErrAbort | -39 | Interrupted |
KErrTooBig | -40 | Too big |
KErrDivideByZero | -41 | Divide by zero |
KErrBadPower | -42 | Batteries too low |
KErrDirFull | -43 | Folder full |
KErrHardwareNotAvailable | -44 | |
KErrSessionClosed | -45 | |
KErrPermissionDenied | -46 |
Email Pop Errors
KPop3CannotConnect | -170 | The POP3 server refused to allow a connection |
KPop3InvalidUser | -171 | The POP3 server refused to allow a connection. Check your mailbox username |
KPop3InvalidLogin | -172 | The POP3 server refused to allow a connection. Check your mailbox username and password |
KPop3CannotCreateApopLogonString | -173 | Could not create secure logon string. Mailbox server may not support secure logon |
KPop3ProblemWithRemotePopServer | -174 | Problem communicating with POP3 server |
KPop3CannotOpenServiceEntry | -175 | Panic |
KPop3CannotSetRequiredFolderContext | -176 | Panic |
KPop3InvalidApopLogin | -177 | Panic |
Email Socket Errors
KImsKErrorDNSNotFound | -180 | Could not find a DNS server. Please check the DNS address in the internet control panel |
KImsKErrorControlPanelLocked | -181 | Could not connect to internet. Please ensure the internet control panel is closed |
KImskErrorISPOrIAPRecordNotFound | -182 | |
KImskErrorActiveSettingIsDifferent | -183 | Unable to connect using the specified IAP, already connected to the Internet using a different IAP |
KImskSecuritySettingsFailed | -184 |
Socket Errors
KErrNetUnreach | -190 | Could not connect to the network. Currently unreachable |
KErrHostUnreach | -191 | Could not connect to the specified server |
KErrNoProtocolOpt | -192 | The specified server refuses the selected protocol |
KErrUrgentData | -193 | |
KErrWouldBlock | -1000 | Conflicts with KErrExtended, but cannot occur in practice |
EMail IMAP Errors
KErrImapConnectFail | -200 | Could not connect to IMAP4 server |
KErrImapServerFail | -201 | The connection to the IMAP4 server has been broken |
KErrImapServerParse | -202 | |
KErrImapServerBusy | -203 | The IMAP4 server refused to allow connection. The server is currently busy |
KErrImapServerVersion | -204 | Could not connect to the IMAP server. The IMAP server is of the wrong version |
KErrImapSendFail | -205 | Could not transmit to the IMAP4 server |
KErrImapBadLogon | -206 | The IMAP4 server refused to allow a connection. Check your mailbox username and password |
KErrImapSelectFail | -207 | |
KErrImapWrongFolder | -208 | Could not select an IMAP4 folder |
KErrImapServerNoSecurity | -209 | |
KErrImapServerLoginDisabled | -210 | Login for this IMAP4 server has been disabled |
KErrImapTLSNegotiateFailed | -211 | A secure connection cannot be made to this server |
KErrImapCantDeleteFolder | -212 | This folder cannot be deleted |
KDmssUnknownErr | -221 | |
KDmssMailboxUnavailableErr | -222 | |
KDmssActionAbortedErr | -223 | |
KDmssActionNotTakenErr | -224 | |
KDmssCmdUnrecognisedErr | -225 | |
KDmssSyntaxErrorErr | -226 | |
KDmssCmdNotImplementedErr | -227 | |
KDmssBadSequenceErr | -228 | |
KDmssParamNotImplementedErr | -229 | |
KDmssMailboxNoAccessErr | -230 | |
KDmssExceededStorageErr | -231 | |
KDmssMailboxNameErr | -232 | |
KDmssTransactionFailedErr | -233 | |
KDmssTimeOutErr | -234 |
Email SMTP Error
KSmtpNoMailFromErr | -240 | Could not send email due to an invalid return email address. Check your email address in your account settings |
KSmtpUnknownErr | -241 | Problem while sending email |
KSmtpBadMailFromAddress | -242 | Email message has an invalid "From" address |
KSmtpBadRcptToAddress | -243 | Email message has an invalid "To", "Cc" or "Bcc" address |
KSmtpLoginRefused | -244 | SMTP server refused to allow connection |
KSmtpNoMsgsToSendWithActiveSettings | -245 | Could not send email. The messages are destined for an account different from the currently connected one. |
KErrSmtpTLSNegotiateFailed | -246 | Secure connection failed. Server may not accept secure connections or certificates may be expired. |
KImcmHTMLPartNotPopulated | -250 | |
KImcmInvalidMessageStructure | -251 | |
KErrPop3TLSNegotiateFailed | -260 |
BIO messaging
KBspInvalidMessage | -500 | "Corrupt message cannot be read." |
KBspSmartMessageInvalidToken | -501 | "Corrupt message cannot be read." |
KBspSmartMessageNoParserDefined | -502 | "Unknown message type cannot be read." |
KIacpUnknownSmsType | -510 | "Left token not starting with neither ’M’ nor ’I’." |
KIacpBIOMsgTypeNotSupported | -511 | "This Bio msg is not suppported.." |
KiacpMandatoryDataNotSet | -512 | "A mandatory Field/Value has not been found in SMS message." |
KIacpUnknownMailProtocol | -513 | "Mailbox configuration message refers to an unknown protocol." |
KIacpErrRightToken | -514 | "Improper right token i.e not equal t/f (True/False)." |
KIacpErrLeftToken | -515 | "Unknown Left Token i.e not starting with ’M’ for Mail or ’I’ for Internet configuration" |
KIacpErrSmsDataNotParsed | -516 | "Sms data should be parsed before commiting." |
KIacpErrSmsDataNotRestored | -517 | "Sms data should be parsed before commiting." |
KIacpScriptErrISPNotFound | -518 | "Mailbox configuration message specifies an unknown Internet Access Point." |
KIacpErrScriptNotDefined | -519 | "Script not included in sms." |
KIacpErrScriptNotFoundInDB | -520 | "There is no script in DB to append to.." |
KIacpErrScriptAlreadyAdd | -521 | "Script cannot be add more than ounce for a each Bio Msg." |
KWappErrXmlVer | -601 | "Wrong XML version" |
KWappErrOutbound | -602 | "Index in exceeds boundaries" |
KWappErrStringTable | -603 | "Bad String table reference" |
KWappErrEOS | -604 | "Reached the end of a key descriptor" |
KWappErrUnexpectedValue | -605 | "Expecting a different tag or content/attributes" |
KWappErrNoAttributes | -606 | "Expecting attributes- missing" |
KWappErrMandatoryTagMissing | -607 | "Search for a mandatory tag failed" |
KWappErrStoreNotFound | -608 | "No store attached to this entry" |
KWappErrMsgUnparsed | -609 | "Trying to process a message which is unparsed" |
KWappErrUnrecognised | -610 | "Token or string is not a recognised value" |
KWappErrNullValue | -611 | "Variable is null or has not been intialised" |
KWappErrContent | -612 | "Empty element, particularly a problem if it’s an empty characteristic- has no PARMS" |
KWappErrNoDBRecords | -613 | "Could not find a first record in the COMMDB" |
KWappErrNotSupported | -614 | "Not Supported - WAP specific" |
KWappErrBadMessage | -615 | "Data content/format of message is invalid" |
KWappErrNoTermination | -616 | "Terminating byte missing from string or data element." |
More Wap errors can be found in the ranges -5300..-5500 and -10000..-10025. See below.
KErrExtended | -1000 |
KErrExtendedWithText | -1001 |
KLeaveWithoutAlert | -1002 |
KLeaveExit | -1003 |
ETEL Errors
KErrEtelNotCallOwner | -2000 | |
KErrEtelDuplicatePhoneName | -2001 | |
KErrEtelAlreadyCallOwner | -2002 | |
KErrEtelNoCarrier | -2003 | "Problem communicating receiving device. Call was unexpectedly dropped" |
KErrEtelBusyDetected | -2004 | "Phone number is busy. Wait before trying again" |
KErrEtelNoClientInterestedInThisCall | -2005 | |
KErrEtelInitialisationFailure | -2006 | |
KErrEtelCallNotActive | -2007 | |
KErrEtelNoAnswer | -2008 | "Call was not answered" |
KErrEtelNoDialTone | -2009 | |
KErrEtelConfigPortFailure | -2010 | |
KErrEtelFaxChunkNotCreated | -2011 | |
KErrEtelNotFaxOwner | -2012 | |
KErrEtelPortNotLoanedToClient | -2013 | |
KErrEtelWrongModemType | -2014 | |
KErrEtelUnknownModemCapability | -2015 | |
KErrEtelAnswerAlreadyOutstanding | -2016 | |
KErrEtelModemNotDetected | -2017 | "Phone is turned off or not ready. Check phone and try again" |
KErrEtelModemSettingsCorrupt | -2018 | |
KErrEtelPortAlreadyLoaned | -2019 | "The Data port is in use by another call or application." |
KErrEtelCallAlreadyActive | -2020 | "Another call active. Close it before opening a new one" |
NetDial Errors
KErrExitNoModem | -3001 | "No response from phone. Ensure phone is switched on" |
KErrExitModemError | -3002 | "Problem communicating with Internet service’s modem" |
KErrExitLoginFail | -3003 | "Internet username or password is incorrect." |
KErrExitScriptTimeOut | -3004 | "Internet service login script timed out. Internet service login script may be incorrect." |
KErrExitScriptError | -3005 | "Problem with Internet service login script. Internet service login script may be incorrect." |
KErrNetDialDatabaseDefaultUndefined | -3006 | "No Internet Access Points are defined" |
KErrNetDialDatabaseTypeUnknown | -3007 | "No Internet Access Points are defined" |
KErrNetDialDatabaseNotFound | -3008 | "No Internet Access Points are defined" |
KErrNetDialHscsdNotSupported | -3009 |
TCP/IP (v4)
KErrIfAuthenticationFailure | -3050 | "Internet username or password is incorrect" |
KErrIfAuthNotSecure | -3051 | "Internet service server only allows plain text authentication. This is currently disabled. |
KErrIfAccountDisabled | -3052 | "Could not connect to Internet service. Your account has been disabled" |
KErrIfRestrictedLogonHours | -3053 | "Could not connect to Internet service. Your account is only active during restricted hours" |
KErrIfPasswdExpired | -3054 | "Could not connect to Internet service. Your Internet password has expired" |
KErrIfNoDialInPermission | -3055 | "Could not connect to Internet service. Your do not have dial-in permission" |
KErrIfChangingPassword | -3056 | |
KErrIfCallbackNotAcceptable | -3057 | "Could not connect to Internet service. Callback is not supported" |
KErrIfDNSNotFound | -3058 | "Could not find specified Internet server" |
KErrIfLRDBadLine | -3059 | "Bad line to Internet service dropped" |
KErrIfNoServerPresent | -3060 | |
KErrIfRemoteDisconnected | -3061 |
More TCP/IP errors below (in the -5100 range).
KErrGenConnDatabaseDefaultUndefined | -3606 | "No Internet accounts have been set up. Set up an account in Control panel." |
KErrGenConnDatabaseTypeUnknown | -3607 | "CommDb error" |
KErrGenConnDatabaseNotFound | -3608 | "CommDb error" |
KErrGenConnNoGPRSNetwork | -3609 | "No Packet network available" |
KErrGenConnIncorrectMSClass | -3610 | "Phone capabilities insufficient for required services" |
KErrGenConnInadequateSignalStrengh | -3611 | "Signal strength too low for connection, try again later" |
KErrGenConnStateMachineNotAvailable | -3612 | "State Machine not available for connection" |
Etel GSM Errors
Radio Resource Layer (GSM 4.08) | |
KErrGsmRRUnspecifedAbnormalRelease | -4001 |
KErrGsmRRChannelUnacceptable | -4002 |
KErrGsmRRTimerExpired | -4003 |
KErrGsmRRNoActivityOnRadioPath | -4004 |
KErrGsmRRPreEmptiveRelease | -4005 |
KErrGsmRRCallAlreadyCleared | -4065 |
KErrGsmRRInvalidMessage | -4095 |
KErrGsmRRNonExistentMessage | -4097 |
KErrGsmRRIncompatibleMessageWithCallState | -4098 |
KErrGsmRRInvalidInformationElement | -4100 |
KErrGsmRRUnspecifiedProtocolError | -4111 |
Mobility Management Layer (GSM 4.08) | |
KErrGsmMMUnallocatedTmsi | -4129 |
KErrGsmMMImsiUnknownInHlr | -4130 |
KErrGsmMMIllegalMs | -4131 |
KErrGsmMMImsiUnknownInVlr | -4132 |
KErrGsmMMImeiNotAccepted | -4133 |
KErrGsmMMIllegalMe | -4134 |
KErrGsmMMPlmnNotAllowed | -4139 |
KErrGsmMMLocationAreaNotAllowed | -4140 |
KErrGsmMMRoamingNotAllowedInThisLocationArea | -4141 |
KErrGsmMMNoSuitableCellsInArea | -4143 |
KErrGsmMMNetworkFailure | -4145 |
KErrGsmMMMacFailure | -4148 |
KErrGsmMMSynchFailure | -4149 |
KErrGsmMMCongestion | -4150 |
KErrGsmMMGsmAuthenticationUnacceptable | -4151 |
KErrGsmMMServiceOptionNotSupported | -4160 |
KErrGsmMMServiceOptionNotSubscribed | -4161 |
KErrGsmMMServiceOptionTemporaryOutOfOrder | -4162 |
KErrGsmMMCallCanNotBeIdentified | -4166 |
KErrGsmMMSemanticErrorInMessage | -4223 |
KErrGsmMMMandatoryInformationElementError | -4224 |
KErrGsmMMNonExistentMessageType | -4225 |
KErrGsmMMIncompatibleMessageWithProtocolState | -4226 |
KErrGsmMMNonExistentInformationElement | -4227 |
KErrGsmMMConditionalIEError | -4228 |
KErrGsmMMIncompatibleMessageWithCallState | -4229 |
KErrGsmMMUnspecifiedProtocolError | -4239 |
Call Control Layer (GSM 04.08) | |
KErrGsmCCUnassignedNumber | -4257 |
KErrGsmCCNoRouteToTransitNetwork | -4258 |
KErrGsmCCNoRouteToDestination | -4259 |
KErrGsmCCChannelUnacceptable | -4262 |
KErrGsmCCOperatorDeterminedBarring | -4264 |
KErrGsmCCNormalCallClearing | -4272 |
KErrGsmCCUserBusy | -4273 |
KErrGsmCCUserNotResponding | -4274 |
KErrGsmCCUserAlertingNoAnswer | -4275 |
KErrGsmCCCallRejected | -4277 |
KErrGsmCCNumberChanged | -4278 |
KErrGsmCCPreemption | -4281 |
KErrGsmCCNonSelectedUserClearing | -4282 |
KErrGsmCCDestinationOutOfOrder | -4283 |
KErrGsmCCInvalidNumberFormat | -4284 |
KErrGsmCCFacilityRejected | -4285 |
KErrGsmCCResponseToStatusEnquiry | -4286 |
KErrGsmCCNormalUnspecified | -4287 |
KErrGsmCCNoChannelAvailable | -4290 |
KErrGsmCCNetworkOutOfOrder | -4294 |
KErrGsmCCTemporaryFailure | -4297 |
KErrGsmCCSwitchingEquipmentCongestion | -4298 |
KErrGsmCCAccessInformationDiscarded | -4299 |
KErrGsmCCRequestedChannelNotAvailable | -4300 |
KErrGsmCCResourceNotAvailable | -4303 |
KErrGsmCCQualityOfServiceNotAvailable | -4305 |
KErrGsmCCRequestedFacilityNotSubscribed | -4306 |
KErrGsmCCIncomingCallsBarredInCug | -4311 |
KErrGsmCCBearerCapabilityNotAuthorised | -4313 |
KErrGsmCCBearerCapabilityNotCurrentlyAvailable | -4314 |
KErrGsmCCServiceNotAvailable | -4319 |
KErrGsmCCBearerServiceNotImplemented | -4321 |
KErrGsmCCChannelTypeNotImplemented | -4322 |
KErrGsmCCAcmGreaterThanAcmMax | -4324 |
KErrGsmCCRequestedFacilityNotImplemented | -4325 |
KErrGsmCCOnlyRestrictedDigitalInformationBCAvailable | -4326 |
KErrGsmCCServiceNotImplemented | -4335 |
KErrGsmCCInvalidCallReferenceValue | -4337 |
KErrGsmCCChannelDoesNotExist | -4338 |
KErrGsmCCSuspendedCallExistsButCallIdentityDoesNotWork | -4339 |
KErrGsmCCCallIdentityInUse | -4340 |
KErrGsmCCNoCallSuspended | -4341 |
KErrGsmCCRequestedCallIdentityAlreadyCleared | -4342 |
KErrGsmCCUserNotInCug | -4343 |
KErrGsmCCIncompatibleDestination | -4344 |
KErrGsmCCInvalidTransitNetworkSelection | -4347 |
KErrGsmCCIncompatibleSegmentedMessage | -4350 |
KErrGsmCCSemanticallyIncorrectMessage | -4351 |
KErrGsmCCInvalidMandatoryInformation | -4352 |
KErrGsmCCNonExistentMessageType | -4353 |
KErrGsmCCIncompatibleMessageInProtocolState | -4354 |
KErrGsmCCNonExistentInformationElement | -4355 |
KErrGsmCCConditionalIEError | -4356 |
KErrGsmCCIncompatibleMessageInCallState | -4357 |
KErrGsmCCRecoveryOnTimerExpiry | -4358 |
KErrGsmCCUnspecifiedProtocolError | -4367 |
KErrGsmCCUnspecifiedInterworkingError | -4383 |
Supplementary Services Layer (GSM 04.80) | |
KErrGsmSSUnknownSubscriber | -4385 |
KErrGsmSSIllegalSubscriber | -4393 |
KErrGsmSSBearerServiceNotProvisioned | -4394 |
KErrGsmSSTeleserviceNotProvisioned | -4395 |
KErrGsmSSIllegalEquipment | -4396 |
KErrGsmSSCallBarred | -4397 |
KErrGsmSSIllegalOperation | -4400 |
KErrGsmSSErrorStatus | -4401 |
KErrGsmSSNotAvailable | -4402 |
KErrGsmSSSubscriptionViolation | -4403 |
KErrGsmSSIncompatibility | -4404 |
KErrGsmSSFacilityNotSupported | -4405 |
KErrGsmSSAbsentSubscriber | -4411 |
KErrGsmSSSystemFailure | -4418 |
KErrGsmSSDataMissing | -4419 |
KErrGsmSSUnexpectedDataValue | -4420 |
KErrGsmSSPasswordRegistrationFailure | -4421 |
KErrGsmSSNegativePasswordCheck | -4422 |
KErrGsmSSPasswordAttemptsViolation | -4427 |
KErrGsmSSUnknownAlphabet | -4455 |
KErrGsmSSUssdBusy | -4456 |
KErrGsmSSMaxNumMptyParticipants | -4510 |
KErrGsmSSResourcesUnavailable | -4511 |
SMS Layer (GSM 04.11) | |
KErrGsmSMSUnassignedNumber | -4513 |
KErrGsmSMSOperatorDeterminedBarring | -4520 |
KErrGsmSMSCallBarred | -4522 |
KErrGsmSMSReserved | -4523 |
KErrGsmSMSNetworkFailure | -4529 |
KErrGsmSMSShortMessageTransferRejected | -4533 |
KErrGsmSMSMemoryCapacityExceeded | -4534 |
KErrGsmSMSDestinationOutOfOrder | -4539 |
KErrGsmSMSUnidentifiedSubscriber | -4540 |
KErrGsmSMSFacilityRejected | -4541 |
KErrGsmSMSUnknownSubscriber | -4542 |
KErrGsmSMSNetworkOutOfOrder | -4550 |
KErrGsmSMSTemporaryFailure | -4553 |
KErrGsmSMSCongestion | -4554 |
KErrGsmSMSResourcesUnavailable | -4559 |
KErrGsmSMSRequestedFacilityNotSubscribed | -4562 |
KErrGsmSMSRequestedFacilityNotImplemented | -4581 |
KErrGsmSMSInvalidShortMessageTransferReferenceValue | -4593 |
KErrGsmSMSUnspecifiedInvalidMessage | -4607 |
KErrGsmSMSInvalidMandatoryInformation | -4608 |
KErrGsmSMSNonExistentMessageType | -4609 |
KErrGsmSMSIncompatibleMessageWithSmsProtocolState | -4610 |
KErrGsmSMSInformationElementNotImplemented | -4611 |
KErrGsmSMSUnspecifiedProtocolError | -4623 |
KErrGsmSMSUnspecifiedInterworkingError | -4639 |
SMS Layer (GSM 03.40) | |
KErrGsmSMSTelematicInterworkingNotSupported | -4640 |
KErrGsmSMSShortMessageType0NotSupported | -4641 |
KErrGsmSMSCannotReplaceShortMessage | -4642 |
KErrGsmSMSUnspecifiedPIDError | -4655 |
KErrGsmSMSDataCodingSchemeNotSupported | -4656 |
KErrGsmSMSMessageClassNotSupported | -4657 |
KErrGsmSMSUnspecifiedDCSError | -4671 |
KErrGsmSMSCommandCannotBeActioned | -4672 |
KErrGsmSMSCommandNotSupported | -4673 |
KErrGsmSMSUnspecifiedCommandError | -4687 |
KErrGsmSMSTpduNotSupported | -4688 |
KErrGsmSMSServiceCentreBusy | -4704 |
KErrGsmSMSNoSCSubscription | -4705 |
KErrGsmSMSSCSystemFailure | -4706 |
KErrGsmSMSInvalidSMEAddress | -4707 |
KErrGsmSMSDestinationSMEBarred | -4708 |
KErrGsmSMSDuplicateSM | -4709 |
KErrGsmSMSTPVPFNotSupported | -4710 |
KErrGsmSMSTPVPNotSupported | -4711 |
KErrGsmSMSSimSMSStorageFull | -4720 |
KErrGsmSMSNoSMSStorageCapabilityInSim | -4721 |
KErrGsmSMSErrorInMS | -4722 |
KErrGsmSMSMemCapacityExceeded | -4723 |
KErrGsmSMSSimAppToolkitBusy | -4724 |
KErrGsmSMSUnspecifiedErrorCause | -4767 |
SMS / AT Commands (GSM 07.05) | |
KErrGsmSMSFailureInME | -4812 |
KErrGsmSMSServiceOfMSReserved | -4813 |
KErrGsmSMSOperationNotAllowed | -4814 |
KErrGsmSMSOperationNotSupported | -4815 |
KErrGsmSMSInvalidPDUModeParameter | -4816 |
KErrGsmSMSInvalidTextModeParameter | -4817 |
KErrGsmSMSSimNotInserted | -4822 |
KErrGsmSMSSimPin1Required | -4823 |
KErrGsmSMSPhoneToSimLockRequired | -4824 |
KErrGsmSMSSimFailure | -4825 |
KErrGsmSMSSimBusy | -4826 |
KErrGsmSMSSimWrong | -4827 |
KErrGsmSMSSimPuk1Required | -4828 |
KErrGsmSMSPin2Required | -4829 |
KErrGsmSMSPuk2Required | -4830 |
KErrGsmSMSMemoryFailure | -4832 |
KErrGsmSMSInvalidMemoryIndex | -4833 |
KErrGsmSMSMemoryFull | -4834 |
KErrGsmSMSUnknownSCAddress | -4842 |
KErrGsmSMSNoNetworkService | -4843 |
KErrGsmSMSNetworkTimeout | -4844 |
KErrGsmSMSCnmaAckNotExpected | -4852 |
KErrGsmSMSUnknownError | -5012 |
URI Utils Errors
KUriUtilsErrBadComponentIndex | -5000 | Error specifying the use of an invalid component index |
KUriUtilsErrBadBasePath | -5001 | Error specifying the use of a base uri path is not absolute and not empty |
KUriUtilsErrBufferOverflow | -5002 | Error specifying that a buffer is not big enough to append a component and delimiters |
KUriUtilsErrBadDelimitedParserMode | -5003 | Error specifying the use of an supported parsing mode |
KUriUtilsErrNoDelimiter | -5004 | Error specifying that the delimiting character is not set |
KUriUtilsErrNotParsed | -5005 | Error specifying that the data has not been parsed |
KUriUtilsErr16BitChar | -5006 | Error specifying that a 16-bit character was found in data to be escape encode |
KUriUtilsErrBadEscapeTriple | -5007 | Error specifying that a badly formed escape triple was found in data being escape decoded |
KUriUtilsCannotConvert | -5008 | Error specifying that charconv was unable to convert the input data |
KUriUtilsErrEmptyData | -5009 | Error specifying that there was empty data |
KUriUtilsErrNoIntegerInData | -5010 | Error specifying that there is no character representation of an integer |
KUriUtilsErrInvalidUri | -5011 | Error code specifying an invalid uri |
KUriUtilsErrBadEscapeMode | -5012 | Error code for unsupported escaping mode |
KUriUtilsErrBadTextRemoveMode | -5013 | Error code for unsupported text whitespace removal mode |
KUriUtilsErrDecodeMalformedQuotedString | -5014 | Quoted string could not be decoded as it is malformed |
GSM AT Commands Errors
KErrGsm0707PhoneFailure | -5024 |
KErrGsm0707NoConnectionToPhone | -5025 |
KErrGsm0707PhoneLinkReserved | -5026 |
KErrGsm0707OperationNotAllowed | -5027 |
KErrGsm0707OperationNotSupported | -5028 |
KErrGsm0707PhoneToSimLockRequired | -5029 |
KErrGsm0707SimNotInserted | -5034 |
KErrGsm0707SimPin1Required | -5035 |
KErrGsm0707SIMPuk1Required | -5036 |
KErrGsm0707SimFailure | -5037 |
KErrGsm0707SimBusy | -5038 |
KErrGsm0707SimWrong | -5039 |
KErrGsm0707IncorrectPassword | -5040 |
KErrGsm0707SimPin2Required | -5041 |
KErrGsm0707SIMPuk2Required | -5042 |
KErrGsm0707MemoryFull | -5044 |
KErrGsm0707InvalidIndex | -5045 |
KErrGsm0707NotFound | -5046 |
KErrGsm0707MemoryFailure | -5047 |
KErrGsm0707TextStringTooLong | -5048 |
KErrGsm0707InvalidCharsInTextString | -5049 |
KErrGsm0707DialStringTooLong | -5050 |
KErrGsm0707InvalidCharsInDialString | -5051 |
KErrGsm0707NoNetworkService | -5054 |
KErrGsm0707NetworkTimeout | -5055 |
KErrGsm0707UnknownError | -5124 |
TCP/IP (v6)
TCP/IP v6 | ||
tcpip6_error_NoDestination | -5100 | IPv6: flow has no destination address |
tcpip6_error_NoPathMtu | -5101 | IPv6: Misconfigured driver not giving proper MTU |
tcpip6_error_ShortPacket | -5102 | IPv6: A packet in RMBUF is too short |
tcpip6_error_DuplicateAddress | -5103 | IPv6: Duplicate address detected on a device |
tcpip6_error_AddressExpired | -5104 | IPv6: Source Address used by connection has expired |
tcpip6_error_NoRoute | -5105 | IPv6: No route available |
DND | ||
DndTimedOut | -5120 | No response from DNS server |
DndHostNotFound | -5121 | Host not found |
DndInternalError | -5122 | Internal error in host name resolver |
DndInternalError | -5123 | Internal error in host name resolver |
DndInternalError | -5124 | Internal error in host name resolver |
DndNoAnswer | -5125 | DNS server couldn’t answer query |
DndNoAnswer | -5126 | DNS server couldn’t answer query |
DndHostNotFound | -5127 | Host not found |
DndNoAnswer | -5128 | DNS server couldn’t answer query |
DndRefused | -5129 | DNS server refused connection |
DndInternalError | -5130 | Internal error in host name resolver |
DndHostNotFound | -5131 | Host not found |
DndNameTooBig | -5132 | Invalid Host Name (too long) |
DndInternalError | -5133 | Internal error in host name resolver |
DndRetry | -5134 |
IPSEC Errors
EIpsec_NotANATTPacket | -5154 | UDP packet is NOT a NAT Taversal packet |
EIpsec_NoInnerSource | -5155 | Cannot find inner-src for outbound packet when tunneling (for SECPOL) |
EIpsec_LostSA | -5156 | An SA has been lost betweenApply andVerify, expired? (for SECPOL) |
EIpsec_IcmpError | -5157 | An ICMP error report containing AH orESP (for INET6) |
EIpsec_PolicyUnknownSelector | -5158 | unknown selector keyword |
EIpsec_PolicyInboundOutbound | -5159 | Only one of the ’inbound’ or ’outbound’ is allowed |
EIpsec_PolicyIpMaskExpected | -5160 | Expected IP address (as mask) here |
EIpsec_PolicyIpAddressExpected | -5161 | Expected IP address here |
EIpsec_PolicyInvalidIpAddress | -5162 | Invalid IP address |
EIpsec_PolicyRightParen | -5163 | Right parenthesis expected |
EIpsec_PolicyLeftParen | -5164 | Left parenthesis expected |
EIpsec_PolicySpecNotFound | -5165 | SA specification is not defined before reference in selector |
EIpsec_PolicySyntaxError | -5166 | Generic delimiter error inspecification |
EIpsec_PolicySpecName | -5167 | SA specification name missing or invalid |
EIpsec_PolicyNoEncryptAlgorithm | -5168 | ESP specification must include encryptionb algorithm |
EIpsec_PolicyNoAuthAlgorithm | -5169 | AH specification must include authentication algorithm |
EIpsec_PolicyTooManyTypes | -5170 | Type can be specified onlyonce for specification |
EIpsec_PolicyNoType | -5171 | SA type (AH or ESP) omittedfromspecification |
EIpsec_PolicyCloseBraceExpected | -5172 | closing brace expected |
EIpsec_PolicyNumberExpected | -5173 | number value expected |
EIpsec_PolicyUnknownSpec | -5174 | unknown policy specification keyword |
EIpsec_PolicyInvalidIdentity | -5175 | invalid identity syntax |
EIpsec_PolicyIdentityDefined | -5176 | identify already defined |
EIpsec_PolicyUnknownAuth | -5177 | algorithm not defined in algorithm map |
EIpsec_PolicyUnknownEncrypt | -5178 | algorithm not defined in algorithm map |
EIpsec_UnavailableDigest | -5179 | No installed library implements the digest |
EIpsec_UnavailableCipher | -5180 | No installed library implements the cipher |
EIpsec_UnknownDigestNumber | -5181 | Attempting to use algorithmnumber that is not known |
EIpsec_UnknownCipherNumber | -5182 | Attempting to use algorithmnumber that is not known |
EIpsec_BadCipherKey | -5183 | Key in SA is too short (forthe algorithm) or is weak |
EIpsec_MismatchDestinationIdentity | -5184 | destination identity does not match |
EIpsec_MismatchSourceIdentity | -5185 | source identity does not match |
EIpsec_MismatchProtocol | -5186 | protocol does not match |
EIpsec_MismatchDestinationPort | -5187 | destination port does not match |
EIpsec_MismatchSourcePort | -5188 | source port does not match |
EIpsec_MismatchProxy | -5189 | proxy address does not match |
EIpsec_MismatchSource | -5190 | source address does not match |
EIpsec_MismatchReplayWindow | -5191 | ReplayWindow length is shorter than required |
EIpsec_MismatchedEncryptAlg | -5192 | Encrypt algorithm doesn’t match |
EIpsec_MismatchedAuthAlg | -5193 | Auth algorithm doesn’t match |
EIpsec_MismatchedPFS | -5194 | PFS bit is not same |
EIpsec_MismatchedType | -5195 | SA Type (AH/ESP) does not match |
EIpsec_MismatchedDestination | -5196 | SA destination does not match (internal error?) |
EIpsec_AcquireFailed | -5197 | Acquiring SA failed (no SAavailableor negotiated) |
EIpsec_EspBadCipherBlockSize | -5198 | Configuration error, cipherblock size must be < 256 |
EIpsec_EspSequenceWrap | -5199 | Outbound sequence # wrappedaround for this SA |
EIpsec_AhSequenceWrap | -5200 | Outbound sequence # wrappedaround for this SA |
EIpsec_AhPacketTooLong | -5201 | Outbound packet would exeed2**16-1 with AH |
EIpsec_AhRMBufSplit | -5202 | Inbound AH processing failed (Memory?) |
EIpsec_NoBundle | -5203 | Incoming packet had transforms, but policy doesn’t require any |
EIpsec_TooManyTransforms | -5204 | Incoming packet had more transforms than policy requires |
EIpsec_UnrequiredSA | -5205 | Applied SA where policy hasnone |
EIpsec_MismatchedSA | -5206 | Applied SA does not match the policy |
EIpsec_TunnelMismatch | -5207 | Tunnelmode does not match the policy |
EIpsec_TooFewTransforms | -5208 | Incoming packet has less transforms than policy requires |
EIpsec_MaxTransforms | -5209 | Incoming packet exceed configured maxlimit of transforms |
EIpsec_NoSelectorMatch | -5210 | None of the policy selectors matched |
EIpsec_OutboundPending | -5211 | Outbooud SA does not exits,ACQUIRE pending |
EIpsec_OutboundNotFound | -5212 | Outbound SA does not exist,ACQUIRE started |
EIpsec_ReplayDuplicate | -5213 | Duplicate packet (replay window test) |
EIpsec_EspPadLength | -5214 | The ESP pad length is corrupt (probably wrong key) |
EIpsec_EspPadByte | -5215 | The ESP pad byte content isinvalid (probably wrong key) |
EIpsec_DataAlignment | -5216 | Data not aligned by block size |
EIpsec_PacketLength | -5217 | Invalid lenght of the packet |
EIpsec_AhAuthentication | -5218 | Authentication check failedin AH |
EIpsec_AhIcvLength | -5219 | ICV length in packet does not match algorithm |
EIpsec_AhInboundSA | -5220 | The inbound SA for AH doesnot exist |
EIpsec_AhAuthAlg | -5221 | Required auth algorithm forAH not available/installed |
EIpsec_EspEncrAlg | -5222 | Required encrypt algorithmfor ESP not available/installed |
EIpsec_EspAuthAlg | -5223 | Required auth algorithm forESP not available/installed |
EIpsec_EspAuthentication | -5224 | Authentication check failedin ESP |
EIpsec_EspInboundSA | -5225 | The inbound SA for ESP doesnot exist |
EIpsec_CorruptPacketOut | -5226 | Corrupt packet after IPSECoperations |
EIpsec_CorruptPacketIn | -5227 | Truncated or corrupt packetor header(in) |
EIpsec_RMBUF | -5228 | RMBUF operation failed unexpectedly |
WAP: WSP, WTP, WDP and WTLS Errors
RWAPConn::EMoreData | -5500 |
RWAPConn::EBearerError | -5499 |
RWAPConn::EPortAlreadyBound | -5498 |
RWAPConn::ECannotOpenPort | -5497 |
RWAPConn::ETooManyConnections | -5496 |
RWAPConn::EBadConnection | -5495 |
RWAPConn::EBufferTooSmall | -5494 |
RWSPCOConn::EBufferTooSmall | -5475 |
RWSPCOConn::EInvalidSession | -5474 |
RWSPCOConn::EInvalidTransaction | -5473 |
RWSPCOConn::EParameterError | -5472 |
RWSPCOConn::ESessionNotConnected | -5471 |
RWSPCOConn::ENotSupported | -5470 |
RWSPCOConn::EInvalidState | -5469 |
RWSPCOConn::ESessionClosed | -5468 |
RWSPCOConn::EMRUExceeded | -5467 |
RWSPCOConn::EInvalidBufferSize | -5466 |
RWSPCOConn::EDataNotAvailable | -5465 |
RWSPCOConn::EErrorTimeout | -5464 |
RWSPCLConn::EBufferTooSmall | -5450 |
RWSPCLConn::EInvalidSession | -5449 |
RWSPCLConn::EParameterError | -5448 |
RWSPCLConn::ESessionNotConnected | -5447 |
RWSPCLConn::ENotSupported | -5446 |
RWSPCLConn::EInvalidState | -5445 |
RWSPCLConn::ESessionClosed | -5444 |
RWSPCLConn::EMRUExceeded | -5443 |
RWSPCLConn::EInvalidBufferSize | -5442 |
RWSPCLConn::EDataNotAvailable | -5441 |
RWSPCLConn::EErrorTimeout | -5440 |
RWTPConn::ENoMemory | -5425 |
RWTPConn::EBadArgument | -5424 |
RWTPConn::EProviderProtoErr | -5423 |
RWTPConn::EProviderAbortInvalidTID | -5422 |
RWTPConn::EProviderAbortNoClass2 | -5421 |
RWTPConn::EProviderAbortNoSAR | -5420 |
RWTPConn::EProviderAbortNoUACK | -5419 |
RWTPConn::EProviderAbortVers1 | -5418 |
RWTPConn::EProviderAbortNoResponse | -5417 |
RWTPConn::EProviderAbortMsgTooLarge | -5416 |
RWTPConn::EProviderAbortGeneral | -5415 |
RWTPConn::EShutdownError | -5414 |
RWDPConn::EInvalidParameter | -5400 |
RWTLS::EOutOfMemory | -5375 |
RWTLS::ESocketError | -5374 |
RWTLS::EBadParameters | -5373 |
RWTLS::ESocketError2 | -5372 |
RWTLS::EResumeIDNotFound | -5371 |
RWTLS::EResumeError | -5370 |
RWTLS::ERenegotiationRequest | -5369 |
RWTLS::EIllegalCall | -5368 |
RWTLS::EConnectionCloseNotify | -5367 |
RWTLS::ESessionCloseNotify | -5366 |
RWTLS::ENoConnection | -5365 |
RWTLS::EUnexpectedMessage | -5364 |
RWTLS::EBadRecordMac | -5363 |
RWTLS::EDecryptionFailed | -5362 |
RWTLS::ERecordOverflow | -5361 |
RWTLS::EHandshakeFailure | -5360 |
RWTLS::EDecompressionFailure | -5359 |
RWTLS::EBadCertificate | -5358 |
RWTLS::EUnsupportedCertificate | -5357 |
RWTLS::ECertificateRevoked | -5356 |
RWTLS::ECertificateExpired | -5355 |
RWTLS::ECertificateUnknown | -5354 |
RWTLS::EIllegalParameter | -5353 |
RWTLS::EUnknownCA | -5352 |
RWTLS::EAccessDenied | -5351 |
RWTLS::EDecodeError | -5350 |
RWTLS::EDecryptError | -5349 |
RWTLS::EUnknownKeyId | -5348 |
RWTLS::EDisableKeyId | -5347 |
RWTLS::EKeyExchangeDisabled | -5346 |
RWTLS::ESessionNotReady | -5345 |
RWTLS::EUnknownParameterIndex | -5344 |
RWTLS::EDuplicateFinishedRecv | -5343 |
RWTLS::EExportRestriction | -5342 |
RWTLS::EProtocolVersion | -5341 |
RWTLS::EInsufficientSecurity | -5340 |
RWTLS::EInternalError | -5339 |
RWTLS::EUserCanceled | -5338 |
RWTLS::ENoRenegotiation | -5337 |
RWTLS::EErrGeneral | -5336 |
RWTLS::EErrBulk | -5335 |
RWTLS::EErrMac | -5334 |
RWTLS::EErrSequenceNumberMode | -5333 |
RWTLS::EErrKeyRefreshRate | -5332 |
RWTLS::EUnknownPolicy | -5331 |
KErrIrObexClientNoDevicesFound | -5501 | "No other device found" |
KErrIrObexClientPeerDoesNotHaveObex | -5502 | "Other device cannot handle OBEX" |
KErrIrObexClientPutPeerAborted | -5503 | "Other device aborted the transfer" |
KErrIrObexServerPutPeerAborted | -5507 | "Peer device aborted data transmission/OBEX sending" |
KErrIrObexConnectChallRejected | -5512 | "Authentication challenge rejected" |
KErrIrObexRespSuccess | -5532 | |
KErrIrObexRespCreated | -5533 | |
KErrIrObexRespAccepted | -5534 | |
KErrIrObexRespNonAuthInfo | -5535 | |
KErrIrObexRespNoContent | -5536 | |
KErrIrObexRespResetContent | -5537 | |
KErrIrObexRespPartialContent | -5538 | |
KErrIrObexRespMultipleChoices | -5548 | |
KErrIrObexRespMovedPerm | -5549 | |
KErrIrObexRespMovedTemp | -5550 | |
KErrIrObexRespSeeOther | -5551 | |
KErrIrObexRespNotModified | -5552 | |
KErrIrObexRespUseProxy | -5553 | |
KErrIrObexRespBadRequest | -5564 | |
KErrIrObexRespUnauthorized | -5565 | |
KErrIrObexRespPaymentRequired | -5566 | |
KErrIrObexRespForbidden | -5567 | |
KErrIrObexRespNotFound | -5568 | |
KErrIrObexRespMethodNotAllowed | -5569 | |
KErrIrObexRespNotAcceptable | -5570 | |
KErrIrObexRespProxyAuthenReqd | -5571 | |
KErrIrObexRespTimedOut | -5572 | |
KErrIrObexRespConflict | -5573 | |
KErrIrObexRespGone | -5574 | |
KErrIrObexRespLengthReqd | -5575 | |
KErrIrObexRespPreCondFailed | -5576 | |
KErrIrObexRespReqEntityTooLarge | -5577 | |
KErrIrObexRespReqURLTooLarge | -5578 | |
KErrIrObexRespUnsupMediaType | -5579 | |
KErrIrObexRespInternalError | -5580 | |
KErrIrObexRespNotImplemented | -5581 | |
KErrIrObexRespBadGateway | -5582 | |
KErrIrObexRespServiceUnavail | -5583 | |
KErrIrObexRespGatewayTimeout | -5584 | |
KErrIrObexRespHTTPVerNotSupp | -5585 | |
KErrIrObexRespDatabaseFull | -5596 | |
KErrIrObexRespDatabaseLocked | -5597 |
VCard/VCal Parser Errors
KVersitErrCodeBase | -5750 |
KVersitErrBadDateTime | -5751 |
KVersitErrRepeatTypeNotHandled | -5752 |
KVersitErrBadRepeatValue | -5753 |
KVersitErrBadTimeZone | -5754 |
KVersitErrBadTimePeriod | -5755 |
KVersitErrNumberExpected | -5756 |
KVersitErrNestedVcardExpected | -5757 |
KVersitErrNoPropertyName | -5758 |
Bluetooth Errors
HCI | THCIErrorCode | Global Error Code |
EOK | 0x00 | -6000 |
EUnknownOpcode | 0x01 | -6001 |
ENoConnection | 0x02 | -6002 |
EHardwareFail | 0x03 | -6003 |
EPageTimedOut | 0x04 | -6004 |
EAuthenticationFailure | 0x05 | -6005 |
EKeyMissing | 0x06 | -6006 |
EKeyMemoryFull | 0x07 | -6007 |
EConnectionTimeout | 0x08 | -6008 |
EMaxConnections | 0x09 | -6009 |
EMaxSCOConnections | 0x0a | -6010 |
EMaxACLConnections | 0x0b | -6011 |
ECommandDisallowed | 0x0c | -6012 |
EHostResourceRejection | 0x0d | -6013 |
EHostSecurityRejection | 0x0e | -6014 |
EHostPersonalDeviceRejection | 0x0f | -6015 |
ERemoteHostTimeout | 0x10 | -6016 |
EUnsupportedParameter | 0x11 | -6017 |
EInvalidHCIParameter | 0x12 | -6018 |
ERemoteUserEndedConnection | 0x13 | -6019 |
ERemoteLowResources | 0x14 | -6020 |
ERemoteAboutToPowerOff | 0x15 | -6021 |
ETerminatedByLocalHost | 0x16 | -6022 |
ERepeatedAttempts | 0x17 | -6023 |
EPairingNotAllowed | 0x18 | -6024 |
EUnknownLMPpdu | 0x19 | -6025 |
EUnsupportedRemoteLMPFeature | 0x1a | -6026 |
ESCOOffsetRejected | 0x1b | -6027 |
ESCOIntervalRejected | 0x1c | -6028 |
ESCOAirModeRejected | 0x1d | -6029 |
EInvalidLMPParameters | 0x1e | -6030 |
EUnspecifiedError | 0x1f | -6031 |
EPending | 0x20 | -6032 |
L2CAP | |
KErrBadAddress | -6300 |
KErrSAPUnexpectedEvent | -6301 |
KErrBadPacketReceived | -6302 |
KErrL2CAPBadResponse | -6303 |
KErrHCIConnectFailed | -6304 |
KErrHCILinkDisconnection | -6305 |
KErrSAPNotConnected | -6306 |
KErrConfigBadParams | -6307 |
KErrConfigRejected | -6308 |
KErrConfigUnknownOptions | -6309 |
KErrL2PeerDisconnected | -6310 |
KErrL2CAPAccessRequestDenied | -6311 |
KErrL2CAPRequestTimeout | -6312 |
KErrL2PeerRejectedCommand | -6313 |
KErrHostResNameTooLong | -6314 |
KErrHostResNoMoreResults | -25 |
KErrL2HostResNoMoreResults | -25 |
KErrRfcommSAPUnexpectedEvent | -6350 |
KErrRfcommAlreadyBound | -6351 |
KErrRfcommBadAddress | -6352 |
KErrRfcommMTUSize | -6353 |
KErrRfcommFrameResponseTimeout | -6354 |
KErrRfcommMuxRemoteDisconnect | -6355 |
KErrRfcommNotBound | -6356 |
KErrRfcommParameterNegotiationFailure | -6357 |
KErrRfcommNotListening | -6358 |
KErrRfcommNoMoreServerChannels | -6359 |
Bluetooth AVCTP Error Codes | ||
KErrAvctpBadAddress | -6400 | AVCTP bad address |
KErrAvctpSAPUnexpectedEvent | -6401 | AVCTP unexpected SAP event |
KErrAvctpBadPacketReceived | -6402 | AVCTP bad packet received |
KErrAvctpBadResponse | -6403 | AVCTP bad response |
KErrAvctpConnectFailed | -6404 | AVCTP connect failed |
KErrAvctpLinkDisconnection | -6405 | AVCTP link disconnection |
KErrAvctpSAPNotConnected | -6406 | AVCTP SAP not connected |
KErrAvctpPeerDisconnected | -6407 | AVCTP peer disconnection |
KErrAvctpAccessRequestDenied | -6408 | AVCTP access request denied |
KErrAvctpRequestTimeout | -6409 | AVCTP request timeout |
KErrAvctpPeerRejectedCommand | -6410 | AVCTP peer rejected command |
Bluetooth SDP Error Codes | ||
KErrSdpAlreadyBound | -6400 | Cannot bind to specifed sockets protocol, as already bound |
KErrSdpPeerError | -6401 | Remote device gave unknown error |
KErrSdpClientNotConnected | -6402 | Local device is not connected |
KErrSdpUnsupportedVersion | -6403 | Invalid/unsupported SDP version |
KErrSdpBadRecordHandle | -6404 | Invalid Service Record Handle |
KErrSdpBadContinuationState | -6405 | Invalid ContinuationState |
KErrSdpServerRejectedRequest | -6406 | SDP server rejected the request |
KErrSdpBadRequestBufferLength | -6407 | Request buffer was ill-formed |
KErrSdpBadResultBufferLength | -6408 | Result buffer was ill-formed |
KErrSdpBadUUIDLength | -6409 | UUID entry was ill-formed |
KErrSdpBadResultData | -6410 | Response was ill-formed |
KErrSdpDatabaseFull | -6411 | SDP database is full |
Bluetooth Link manager Error Codes | ||
KErrInsufficientBasebandResources | -6450 | Insufficient baseband resources error value |
KErrProxyWriteNotAvailable | -6451 | Proxy write not available error value |
KErrReflexiveBluetoothLink | -6452 | Reflexive BT link error value |
Message Server Error Codes
KMsvMediaUnavailable | -7000 | There is no disk in the drive containing the Message Server index |
KMsvMediaIncorrect | -7001 | There is a disk in the drive containing the Message Server index, but it is the wrong one |
KMsvMediaChanged | -7002 | |
KMsvIndexBackup | -7003 | |
KMsvIndexRestore | -7004 |
HTTP Error Codes
KErrHttpEncodeDefault | -7200 | Error making a default encoding of unrecognised headers |
KErrHttpEncodeAccept | -7201 | Error encoding the Accept field |
KErrHttpEncodeAcceptCharset | -7202 | Error encoding the Accept-Charset field |
KErrHttpEncodeQValue | -7203 | Error encoding a q -value parameter |
KErrHttpEncodeAuthorization | -7204 | Error encoding the Authorization field |
KErrHttpEncodeBasicAuth | -7205 | Error encoding Basiccredentials |
KErrHttpEncodeDigestAuth | -7206 | Error encoding Digestcredentials |
KErrHttpEncodeConnection | -7207 | Error encoding the Connection field |
KErrHttpEncodeContentLength | -7208 | Error encoding the Content-Length field |
KErrHttpEncodeContentType | -7209 | Error encoding the Content-Type field |
KErrHttpEncodeHost | -7210 | Error encoding the Host field |
KErrHttpEncodeHostPort | -7211 | Error encoding the Host field’s port parameter |
KErrHttpEncodeTransferEncoding | -7212 | Error encoding the Transfer-Encoding field |
KErrHttpEncodeUserAgent | -7213 | Error encoding the User-Agent field |
KErrHttpEncodeDate | -7214 | Error encoding the Date field |
KErrHttpEncodeCookie | -7215 | Error encoding the Cookie field |
KErrHttpEncodeCacheControl | -7216 | Error encoding the Cache-Control field |
KErrHttpEncodePragma | -7217 | Error encoding the Pragma field |
KErrHttpEncodeIfMatch | -7218 | Error encoding the ifmatch field |
KErrHttpEncodeIfNoneMatch | -7219 | Error encoding the ifnone match field |
KErrHttpEncodeIfModifiedSince | -7220 | Error encoding the ifmodified since field |
KErrHttpEncodeIfUnmodifiedSince | -7221 | Error encoding the ifunmodified since field |
KErrHttpEncodeCookie2 | -7222 | Error encoding the Cookie2 field |
KErrHttpDecodeMalformedDate | -7260 | General formatting error for date values |
KErrHttpDecodeMalformedYear | -7261 | Malformed year |
KErrHttpDecodeMalformedMonth | -7262 | Malformed short monthname |
KErrHttpDecodeMalformedDay | -7263 | Malformed number of day in month |
KErrHttpDecodeMalformedWkDay | -7264 | Malformed short day name |
KErrHttpDecodeMalformedWeekDay | -7265 | Malformed long day name |
KErrHttpDecodeMalformedInteger | -7266 | Malformed integer value |
KErrHttpDecodeMalformedQuotedStr | -7267 | Malformed quoted string |
KErrHttpDecodeAccept | -7270 | Error decoding the Accept field |
KErrHttpDecodeConnection | -7271 | Error decoding the Connection field |
KErrHttpDecodeContentLength | -7272 | Error decoding the Content-Length field |
KErrHttpDecodeContentType | -7273 | Error decoding the Content-Type field |
KErrHttpDecodeTransferEncoding | -7274 | Error decoding the Transfer-Encoding field |
KErrHttpDecodeWWWAuthenticate | -7275 | Error decoding the WWWAuthenticate field |
KErrHttpDecodeUnknownAuthScheme | -7276 | The WWWAuthenticate field contained an unrecognised authentication scheme |
KErrHttpDecodeBasicAuth | -7277 | Error decoding a Basic WWWAuthenticate challenge |
KErrHttpDecodeDigestAuth | -7278 | Error decoding a Digest WWWAuthenticate challenge |
KErrHttpDecodeCookie | -7279 | Error decoding a Set-Cookie field |
KErrHttpRedirectExceededLimit | -7300 | A uri redirected too many times, possibly indicating a circular redirection |
KErrHttpRedirectUseProxy | -7301 | A server responded that the uri must be fetched via a proxy |
KErrHttpRedirectNoLocationField | -7302 | A server sent a redirection response that did not include a Location header |
KErrHttpUnknownParseState | -7303 | An error occured in parsing which left the parser in a unknown state |
KErrHttpRequestHasBody | -7330 | A body is provided with a method that doesn’t allow bodys to be transmitted |
KErrHttpRequestBodyMissing | -7331 | A body is missing from a method that requires it |
KErrHttpTraceReqWithoutMaxForwardHeader | -7332 | Should contain The Max-Forward header |
KErrHttpPostReqBodyWithoutSizeOnHTTP10 | -7333 | Body must NOT be sent chunked if using HTTP/1.0 |
KErrHttpInvalidHeaderInRequest | -7334 | Request contained a response header or a entity header but no body |
KErrHttpEntityHeaderMissingContentType | -7360 | A body was provided in the request but no Content-Type header was set |
KErrHttpGeneralHeaderMissingHost | -7361 | The request URI was relative, but no Host header was set to indicate a server to connect to |
KErrHttpCantResetRequestBody | -7370 | The request body needed to be rewound but the client but it doesn’t support |
KErrHttpProtTransactionNotInitialised | -7371 | The Protocol handler is not initialised |
KErrHttpCannotEstablishTunnel | -7372 | Unable to establish a tunnel. |
KErrHttpInvalidUri | -7373 | Invalid URI |
KErrHttpNonPipeliningError | -7374 | Protocol handler experienced a non-pipelining error |
KErrHttpPipeliningError | -7375 | Protocol handler experienced a pipelining error |
KErrSSLNoSharedCipher | -7401 | No shared cipher was found. The handshake failed because there was no available shared cipher supported by both the client and the server. |
KErrSSLSocketBusy | -7402 | The socket already has received data pending on it. This error is seen when StartClientHandshake is called when there is already data waiting to be read from the socket. |
KErrSSLInvalidCipherSuite | -7403 | One or more cipher suites passed as an argument was invalid. |
KErrSSLInvalidCert | -7404 | The certificate that was passed as an argument was invalid. |
KErrSSLNoClientCert | -7405 | No client certificate was supplied. |
KErrSSLUnsupportedKeySize | -7406 | The size of the key is too big. |
KErrSSLUnsupportedKey | -7407 | General unsupported key error |
KErrSSLBadRecordHeader | -7408 | An invalid record was received. |
KErrSSLBadProtocolVersion | -7409 | Invalid protocol version |
KErrSSL2ServerOnly | -7410 | The server only supports the SSL2.0 protocol. |
KErrSSLUnexpectedMessage | -7411 | Unexpected message. |
KErrSSLUnsupportedCipher | -7412 | Unsupported cipher. |
KErrSSLBadMAC | -7413 | Bad MAC. |
KErrSSLReceivedAlert | -7414 | An SSL alert was received from the remote end, which caused the connection to be terminated. |
KErrSSLRecvNotSupportedHS | -7415 | An invalid handshake message was received. |
KErrSSLHSRecordFieldTooBig | -7416 | A field in the handshake record being parsed was too big. |
KErrSSLRecordHeaderTooBig | -7417 | Record header field too big. |
KErrSSLSendDataTooBig | -7418 | Send data field too big. |
KErrSSLNoCertificate | -7419 | No certificate. |
KErrSSLInvalidHash | -7420 | Invalid hash. |
KErrSSLSendCanceled | -7421 | Send cancelled. |
KErrSSLRecvCanceled | -7422 | Receieve cancelled. |
KErrSSLHandshakeCanceled | -7423 | CancelHandshake was called during one of the handshake methods. |
KErrSSLWriteFailed | -7424 | Write failed. |
KErrSSLFailedToLoad | -7425 | The SSL.dll couldn’t be loaded by the adaptor. |
KErrSSLDisconnectIndication | -7426 | An unspecified error was signaled from the SSL.dll to the adaptor. |
KErrSSLDllLeave | -7427 | A leave occured in the SSL.dll. |
KErrSSLAlertCloseNotify | -7500 | Close notification. |
KErrSSLAlertUnexpectedMessage | -7510 | An inappropriate message was received. |
KErrSSLAlertBadRecordMac | -7520 | A record was received withan incorrect MAC. |
KErrSSLAlertDecryptionFailed | -7521 | A TLS cipher text was decrypted in an invalid way. |
KErrSSLAlertRecordOverflow | -7522 | A TLS cipher text record was received which was too long. |
KErrSSLAlertDecompressionFailure | -7530 | The decompression functionreceived improper input. |
KErrSSLAlertHandshakeFailure | -7540 | With given the options available, the sender was unable to negotiate an acceptable set of security parameters. |
KErrSSLAlertNoCertificate | -7541 | No certificate. |
KErrSSLAlertBadCertificate | -7542 | A certificate was corrupt,e.g. contained signatures that could not be verified. |
KErrSSLAlertUnsupportedCertificate | -7543 | The certificate was of an unsupported type. |
KErrSSLAlertCertificateRevoked | -7544 | The certificate was revoked. |
KErrSSLAlertCertificateExpired | -7545 | The certificate was expired. |
KErrSSLAlertCertificateUnknown | -7546 | An unspecified problem withthe certificate. Certificate can not be used. |
KErrSSLAlertIllegalParameter | -7547 | A field in the handshake was out of range or inconsistent with other fields. |
KErrSSLAlertUnknownCA | -7548 | Either the CA certificate could not be located or the CA could not be matched with a known trusted CA. |
KErrSSLAlertAccessDenied | -7549 | A valid certificate was received, but the access control denied access. |
KErrSSLAlertDecodeError | -7550 | A message could not be decoded, e.g. some field was out of the specified range. |
KErrSSLAlertDecryptError | -7551 | A handshake cryptographic operation failed. |
KErrSSLAlertExportRestriction | -7560 | A negotiation was not allowed due to export restrictions. |
KErrSSLAlertProtocolVersion | -7570 | The protocol version was not supported, e.g. the client has attempted to negotiate a recognised, but unsupported protocol. |
KErrSSLAlertInsufficientSecurity | -7571 | Returned instead of KErrSSLAlertHandshakeFailure when the negotiation fails because the server requests ciphers more secure than those supported by the client. |
KErrSSLAlertInternalError | -7580 | An internal error. |
KErrSSLAlertUserCanceled | -7590 | This handshake is being cancelled by the user. |
KErrSSLAlertNoRenegotiation | -7600 | No renegotiation will be accepted. |
KErrTransportRequest | -8321 | The transport cannot send data as created. |
KErrTransportHeader | -8322 | The transport has not been suitably configured. |
KErrTransportSvrNoUri | -8323 | The URI does not exist. |
KErrTransportSvrError | -8324 | There was a transport server error. |
KErrTransportAuthenticationFailure | -8325 | Transport Authentification failure. |
KErrTransportDisconnected | -8326 | Transport disconnected the session. |
KErrSyncEngineErrorBase | -8327 | Base value for engine-related errors. |
KErrConnectionError | -8328 | Transports could not connect to the server. |
KErrCannotCommunicateWithServer | -8329 | Could not communicate with the server: possibly a time-out occurred. |
KErrDatabaseAdapterIndexError | -8330 | Database adapter failed to create an item. |
KErrParseCallbackError | -8331 | Currently unused. |
KErrCommandInvalid | -8332 | Currently unused. |
KErrSessionIdNotValid | -8333 | Invalid session ID. |
KErrVerDTDMissing | -8334 | SyncML message did not specify a DTD version. |
KErrProtoMissing | -8335 | SyncML message did not specify a protocol. |
KErrSyncHdrMissing | -8336 | Currently unused. |
KErrTargetLocMissing | -8337 | SyncML message did not specify a target location. |
KErrSourceLocMissing | -8338 | SyncML message did not specify a source location. |
KErrTargetLocNameMissing | -8339 | Currently unused. |
KErrSourceLocNameMissing | -8340 | Currently unused. |
KErrMappingInfoMissing | -8341 | Mapping of added item could not created. |
KErrMappingInfoNotAcked | -8342 | Mapping has not been acknowledged by the server. |
KErrVersionDTDNotSupported | -8343 | SyncML message specified an unsupported DTD version. |
KErrProtoNotSupported | -8344 | SyncML message specified an unsupported protocol. |
KErrStatusCommandForCommandNotSent | -8345 | A status was received for a cmdId, butthis cmdIdwas not sent. |
KErrStatusCommandNotTheSame | -8346 | A status was received but the commandstringdoesnot matched the received one. |
KErrMissingStatusCommands | -8347 | Status command(s) were expected but are missing. |
KErrFailedToAddRecord | -8348 | Failed to add record in database. |
KErrFailedToReplaceRecord | -8349 | Failed to replace record in database. |
KErrFailedToDeleteRecord | -8350 | Failed to delete record in database. |
KErrXmlParsingError | -8351 | XML parsing error. |
KErrReferenceToolkitError | -8352 | There was an error reported in the reference toolkit. |
KErrClientDatabaseNotFound | -8404 | No suitable database was found on the client device. |
KErrServerDatabaseNotFound | -8405 | No suitable database was found on the server. |
KErrDevInfFileNotFound | -8406 | Currently unused. |
KErrObjectTooLargeToSendToServer | -8407 | Object is too large to send to server. |
KErrSlowSync | -8408 | Sync is going to be slow. |
KErrFailedToGetRecord | -8409 | Failed to get record from DevMan. |
KErrUserInteractionFailed | -8410 | User interaction failed. |
KErrStatusSizeMismatch | -8411 | Large object size mismatch. |
KErrFailedToCloseDatabase | -8412 | Data Provider close failed. |
KErrMessageTooShort | -8451 | Push message is too short |
KErrMessageIsCorrupt | -8452 | Push message is corrupt |
KErrBadTransportId | -8453 | Profile has no Transport ID |
KErrNoNotificationBody | -8454 | Push message has no body |
KErrWrongVersion | -8455 | Push message specifies an unsupportedversion |
KErrUnsupportedMimeType | -8456 | Push message specifies an unsupportedversion |
KErrNoSuchTask | -8457 | Currently unused |
KErrUnknownSyncType | -8458 | Push message specifies an unknown typeof sync |
KErrUnknownProfile | -8459 | Push message specifies an unknown profile |
KErrInvalidProfile | -8460 | Currently unused |
KErrInvalidCredentials | -8461 | Unsupported (USERNETWPIN or USERPIN) securitymechanism specified |
KErrNoCredentials | -8462 | Currently unused |
KErrIntegrityFailureHMAC | -8463 | Failed to verify the generated HMAC value |
KErrMustUsageUriNotComplete | -8464 | Currently unused |
KErrDMAccUriIsCorrupt | -8465 | Push message has invalid DM account URI |
KErrDMConUriIsCorrupt | -8466 | Push message has invalid DM connectionURI |
KErrParmNameNotInProvDoc | -8468 | Push message has missing characteristic |
KErrInvalidAppIdValue | -8469 | Push message has missing or invalid App Id |
KErrInvalidToNapIdValue | -8470 | Push message has missing or invalid TO-NAPID |
KErrInvalidProviderIdValue | -8471 | Push message has missing or invalid Provider-ID |
KErrEmptyAauthLevelValue | -8472 | Push message has missing or invalid AAUTHLEVEL |
KErrAppSrvAAuthLevelNotFound | -8473 | Push message has missing or invalid APPSRV |
KErrClientAAuthLevelNotFound | -8474 | Push message has missing or invalid AppAuth Client |
KErrInvalidAppAuth | -8475 | Currently unused |
KErrNoApplicationCharac | -8476 | Push message has missing or invalid APPLICATION characteristic |
KErrNoAppAuthCharac | -8478 | Push message has missing or invalid APPAUTH characteristic |
KErrMissingRequiredParmInSvr | -8480 | Currently unused |
KErrMissingRequiredParmInClient | -8481 | Currently unused |
KErrAppAddrCharacNotFound | -8484 | Missing APPADDR characteristic or subcharacteristic |
KErrUnsupportedVersion | -8485 | Unsupported WBXML version |
KErrWrongProvPublicDocId | -8486 | Prov Document identifier not WAP Provisoningversion 1.0 |
KErrProfileNotFound | -8501 | The requested profile does not exist |
KErrConnectionNotFound | -8502 | The requested connection does not exist within the profile |
KErrTaskNotFound | -8503 | The requested task does not exist within theprofile |
KErrTransportNotFound | -8504 | The requested transport adaptor does not exist |
KErrDataProviderNotFound | -8505 | The requested data provider does not exist |
KErrJobNotFound | -8506 | The requested job has completed |
KErrObjectPendingDelete | -8507 | The requested object is pending deletion |
KErrObjectInUse | -8508 | The object to modify or delete is currently in use |
KErrProfileAccessDenied | -8509 | The specified profile is not available, e.g. a Device Management profile, or open foredit by another client |
KErrSuspended | -8510 | The requested data stream cannot be found intheData Store |
KErrDataDepotStreamNotFound | -8511 | The requested data stream cannot be found intheData Store |
XML Parser
KErrXMLBadAttributeValue | -9001 | XML attribute value |
KErrXMLBadAttributeName | -9002 | XML attribute name |
KErrXMLInvalidChild | -9003 | Invalid XML child element |
KErrXMLBadNesting | -9004 | XML element nesting |
KErrXMLIncomplete | -9005 | XML element incomplete |
KErrXMLBadElementName | -9006 | XML element name |
KErrXMLDuplicateDocTypeTags | -9007 | Error code that indicates that more than one DOCTYPE tag has been encountered: the first one encountered will be used |
KErrXMLDuplicateVersionTags | -9008 | Error code that indicates that more than one XML version tag has been encountered: the first one encountered will be used |
KErrXMLDuplicateRootElements | -9009 | Error code that indicates that more than one element has been encountered at the root of the document |
KErrXMLMissingDocTypeTag | -9010 | Error code that indicates that no DOCTYPE tag was encountered |
KErrXMLMissingVersionTag | -9011 | Error code that indicates that no XML version tag was encountered |
KErrXMLDuplicateAttributeName | -9012 | Error code that indicates that an element has two or more entries for the same attribute |
KErrXMLMultipleRootElements | -9013 | Error code that indicates there is no single root element |
KErrXMLCorruptFile | -9014 | Error code that indicates spurious characters have been found. This may occur as the result of a missing or an extra attribute or element delimiter |
KErrXMLIllegalCharacter | -9015 | Error code that indicates a built-in entity or element / attribute delimiter is at an inappropriate place |
KErrXMLBadEntity | -9016 | |
KErrXMLInvalidElement | -9017 | Error code that indicates an element was found to be invalid by the DTD |
KErrXMLInvalidAttribute | -9018 | Error code that indicates an attribute was found to be invalid by the DTD |
MMS Server MTM
KMmsErrUnspecified | -9100 |
KMmsErrServiceDenied | -9101 |
KMmsErrMessageFormatCorrupt | -9102 |
KMmsErrSendingAddressUnresolved | -9103 |
KMmsErrMessageNotFound | -9104 |
KMmsErrNetworkProblem | -9105 |
KMmsErrContentNotAccepted | -9106 |
KMmsErrUnsupportedMessage | -9107 |
KMmsErrInvalidPDU | -9108 |
KMmsErrNoData | -9109 |
KMmsNoResponseStatus | -9110 |
WAP Engine Errors
EWapErrGeneral | -10000 | "A general error has occurred" |
EWapErrDocumentNotFound | -10001 | "The requested document cannot be found" |
EWapErrDocumentCorrupted | -10002 | "This document is corrupt and cannot be read" |
EWapErrAccessViolation | -10003 | "Access to this document has been denied" |
EWapErrDataCallDropped | -10004 | "The data call has been closed" |
EWapErrDataCallUnavailable | -10005 | "The data call is being used by another application" |
EWapErrScriptNotFound | -10006 | "The requested script has not been found" |
EWapErrScriptError | -10007 | "This script has returned a fatal error" |
EWapErrScriptCorrupt | -10008 | "There is an error in this script" |
EWapErrScriptIllegalAction | -10009 | "The script attempted an illegal action and has been terminated" |
EWapErrScriptObscureLibraryCall | -10010 | "The script has attempted a function which is unavailable" |
EWapErrAuthorizationFailed | -10011 | "Authorization has failed" |
EWapErrProtocolNotSupported | -10012 | "The current network does not support the requested service" |
EWapErrAccessPointNotSetUpGeneric | -10013 | "Access point information is missing" |
EWapErrAccessPointNotSetUpForUSSD | -10014 | "Access point information is missing (USSD)" |
EWapErrAccessPointNotSetUpForSMS | -10015 | "Access point information is missing (SMS)" |
EWapErrAccessPointNotSetUpForCSD | -10016 | "Access point information is missing (CSD)" |
EWapErrImageConversionFailed | -10017 | "Image conversion has failed" |
EWapErrPluginNotFound | -10018 | "The requested plugin has not been found" |
EWapErrCorruptUrl | -10019 | "Part of the URL contains invalid characters" |
EWapErrCorruptScheme | -10020 | "Part of the scheme contains invalid characters" |
EWapErrUnknownScheme | -10021 | "Unknown scheme" |
EWapErrDTDUnavailable | -10022 | "Document cannot be validated as DTD is not available" |
EWapErrInvalidDTD | -10023 | "DTD is invalid" |
EWapErrUnknownDocument | -10024 | "The document requested cannot be found" |
EWapErrMimeTypeMissing | -10025 | "MIME information is missing" |
Crypto API
KErrBadPassphrase | -11000 |
KErrTotalLossOfEntropy | -11001 |
KErrKeyNotWeakEnough | -11002 |
KErrInvalidPadding | -11003 |
KErrWeakKey | -11004 |
KErrNegativeExportNotSupported | -11005 |
KErrKeyAlgorithm | -11006 |
KErrKeyUsage | -11007 |
KErrKeyValidity | -11008 |
KErrKeySize | -11009 |
KErrKeyAccess | -11010 |
KErrPrivateKeyNotFound | -11011 |
MMS Errors - possibly outdated?
KMmsGeneralError | -11000 |
KMmsErrorNoWAPAccessPoint | -11001 |
KMmsErrorUrisDontMatch | -11002 |
KMmsErrorNoIAP1 | -11003 |
KMmsErrorNoIAP2 | -11004 |
KMmsErrorAP1Invalid | -11005 |
KMmsErrorAP2Invalid | -11006 |
KMmsErrorMessageTooBig | -11007 |
KMmsErrorUnknownMessageType | -11008 |
KMmsErrorDiskSpaceLow | -11009 |
KMmsErrorStatusUnspecified | -11010 |
KMmsErrorStatusServiceDenied | -11011 |
KMmsErrorStatusMessageFormatCorrupt | -11012 |
KMmsErrorStatusMessageAddressUnresolved | -11013 |
KMmsErrorStatusMessageNotFound | -11014 |
KMmsErrorStatusNetworkProblem | -11015 |
KMmsErrorStatusContentNotAccepted | -11016 |
KMmsErrorStatusUnsupportedMessage | -11017 |
KMmsErrorHTTPConfiguration | -11018 |
KMmsErrorHTTPNotFound | -11019 |
KMmsErrorHTTPServerDown | -11020 |
KMmsErrorWapStack | -11021 |
KMmsErrorSessionAlreadyOpen | -11022 |
KMmsErrorSessionNotOpen | -11023 |
KMmsErrorBearerSuspended | -11024 |
KMmsErrorTimeout | -11025 |
KMmsErrorSuspendTimeout | -11026 |
KMmsErrorUnknownRespFromGw | -11027 |
KMmsErrorTransferCancelled | -11028 |
KMmsErrorBufferEmpty | -11029 |
KMmsErrorConnectionAlreadyActive | -11030 |
KMmsErrorNoWapAp1 | -11031 |
KMmsErrorNoURI1 | -11032 |
KMmsErrorNoURI2 | -11033 |
KMmsErrorNotHomeNetwork | -11034 |
KMmsErrorInvalidSettings | -11035 |
KMmsErrorEMRUExceeded | -11036 |
Compression/Decompression - ZLib/GZip
KEZlibErrStream | -11501 |
KEZlibErrData | -11502 |
KEZlibErrBuf | -11503 |
KEZlibErrVersion | -11504 |
KEZlibErrUnexpected | -11505 |
KEZlibErrDeflateTerminated | -11506 |
KEZlibErrInflateTerminated | -11507 |
KEZlibErrInflateDictionary | -11508 |
KEZlibErrNotGZipFile | -11509 |
KEZlibErrInvalidCompression | -11510 |
KEZlibErrBadGZipHeader | -11511 |
KEZlibErrBadGZipTrailer | -11512 |
KEZlibErrBadGZipCrc | -11513 |
Multimedia Framework
KErrMMNotEnoughBandwidth | -12000 | Not enough network bandwidth |
KErrMMSocketServiceNotFound | -12001 | Error locating network socket services |
KErrMMNetworkRead | -12002 | An error occurred while reading data from the network |
KErrMMNetworkWrite | -12003 | An error occurred while writing data to the network |
KErrMMServerSocket | -12004 | Invalid socket error or an error occurred while creating a network socket |
KErrMMServerNotSupported | -12005 | Streaming Server not supported |
KErrMMServerAlert | -12006 | Server alert |
KErrMMUDPReceive | -12007 | Player cannot receive UDP data packets |
KErrMMInvalidProtocol | -12008 | Network transport not recognized |
KErrMMInvalidURL | -12009 | Invalid URL |
KErrMMMulticast | -12010 | An error occured attempting to join or access multicast session |
KErrMMProxyServer | -12011 | Proxy status error, Proxy invalid response error or invalid hostname for proxy |
KErrMMProxyServerNotSupported | -12012 | Client cannot support proxy server |
KErrMMProxyServerConnect | -12013 | Unable to locate proxy server or Proxy connection could not be established |
KErrMMAudioDevice | -12014 | Cannot open audio device, or lost control of audio device |
KErrMMVideoDevice | -12015 | Problem blitting video to display |
KErrMMDecoder | -12016 | Invalid decoder, decoder not properly initialized, or appropriate decoder could not be found |
KErrMMPartialPlayback | -12017 | Only able to play either the audio or the video portion of the media file. Could be due to a codec that isn’t supported, the video frame size being too large etc |
KErrMMDRMNotAuthorized | -12018 | Digital Rights have expired |
WML Errors (outdated?)
Parser | |
EWapErrWmlLibNullNode | -12000 |
EWapErrWmlLibCDATANodeWithoutParent | -12001 |
Validator | |
EWapErrWmlLibAccessViolation | -12101 |
EWapErrWmlLibInvalidVariableReference | -12102 |
EWapErrWmlLibInvalidConversionMethod | -12103 |
EWapErrWmlLibIllegalVariableName | -12104 |
EWapErrWmlLibIllegalTaskCountOnAnchor | -12105 |
EWapErrWmlLibNULLVariableName | -12106 |
EWapErrWmlLibNestedTables | -12107 |
EWapErrWmlLibDuplicateDoNodeName | -12108 |
EWapErrWmlLibUsageOfReservedWord | -12109 |
EWapErrWmlLibZeroTableColumns | -12110 |
EWapErrWmlLibNonWmlDocument | -12111 |
EWapErrWmlLibMultipleMetaPropertyName | -12112 |
EWapErrWmlLibEventBindingConflict | -12114 |
EWapErrWmlLibMultipleAccessElements | -12115 |
EWapErrWmlLibNonUniqueIds | -12116 |
EWapErrWmlLibVariableInInvalidLocation | -12117 |
XML Errors
Parser | |
EWapErrXmlLibMissingCDATASectionEndTag | -13000 |
EWapErrXmlLibInvalidAttributeDeclaration | -13001 |
EWapErrXmlLibEndTagMismatch | -13002 |
EWapErrXmlLibInvalidCharacterReference | -13003 |
EWapErrXmlLibUnknownEntityReference | -13004 |
EWapErrXmlLibNoDTD | -13005 |
EWapErrXmlLibMissingDocumentRootNode | -13006 |
EWapErrXmlLibInvalidXmlVersionDefinition | -13007 |
EWapErrXmlLibRootElementNameMismatch | -13008 |
Validator | |
EWapErrXmlLibIllegalTagName | -13100 |
EWapErrXmlLibIllegalFixedAttributeValue | -13101 |
EWapErrXmlLibMissingRequiredAttribute | -13102 |
EWapErrXmlLibMissingDocument | -13104 |
EWapErrXmlLibInvalidDocumentStructure | -13106 |
EWapErrXmlLibIllegalAttributeValue | -13107 |
XmlLib | |
EWapErrXmlLibInvalidDocument | -13200 |
EWapErrXmlLibDocumentBuffered | -13201 |
EWapErrXmlLibDocumentAlreadyValid | -13202 |
EWapErrXmlLibInvalidDTD | -13203 |
ECOM Error Codes
KEComErrAlreadyReceiving | -17001 | |
KEComErrUnknownService | -17002 | The Client requested a service which is not supplied by this framework The Client requested a service which is not supplied by this framework |
KEComErrInvalidUnloadPolicy | -17003 | The Client requested a service which is not supplied by this framework |
KEComErrNoInterfaceIdentified | -17004 | The call to instantiate an Interface Implementation failed because no registrations exist for this interface |
KEComErrEnableFailed | -17005 | The call to Enable the registered Interface Implementation failed |
KEComErrDisableFailed | -17006 | The call to Disable the registered Interface Implementation failed |
KEComErrNoRegistrationsFound | -17007 | The call to instantiate an Interface Implementation failed because no appropriate implementation was found |
KEComErrInvalidIIC | -17008 | An attempt has been made to load an implementation contained within a dll which no longer exists (deleted or is on a CF card that has been removed) |
KEComErrUninstallFailed | -17009 | The call to Remove the registered Interface Implementation failed |
KEComErrReinstallFailed | -17010 | The call to Re-register an Interface Implementation failed |
KEComErrRegistrationFailed | -17011 | The call to Register an Interface Implementation failed |
KEComErrNotConnected | -17012 | The client does not have a session open with theframework |
KEComErrReferenceCountInvalid | -17013 | The Interface Implementation reference count is invalid |
KEComErrNoResolver | -17014 | The Non-Default resolver could not be instantiated. The most likely situation is that an incorrect implementation uid was supplied |
KEComErrSuspendFailed | -17015 | The call to Suspend registration activities failed |
KEComErrResumeFailed | -17016 | The call to Resume registration activities failed |
KEComErrDestructionFailed | -17017 | The Interface Implementations destruction could not be recorded |
KEComErrDriveAlreadyInstalled | -17018 | An attempt has been made to add a drive to the registry which already exists |
KEComErrDriveNotFound | -17019 | An attempt has been made to update registry information for a dll on a drive that does not exist |
KEComErrIndexEntryNotFound | -17020 | |
KEComErrNoRegistrationData | -17021 | An IIC has been found which does not have a corresponding registration information file |
KEComErrInvalidRegistryData | -17022 | An attempt has been made to update the registry information for a non-existent DLL. An ECom internal error |
KEComErrMismatchedTags | -17023 | |
KEComErrInstantiationPointerNotFound | -17024 | |
KEComErrInstantiationPointerNotAvailable | -17025 | |
KEComErrTooManyNotificationsOutstanding | -17026 | The client has requested too many notifications. ECom can only support a finite number of notifications |
KEComErrDestroyingWithNullDtorKey | -17027 | The client called DestroyedImplementation with a destruction key of NULL. This is an irrecoverable error because the object cannot be deleted |
KEComErrMissingParameter | -17028 | An ECom service was requested with an essential parameter missing. For example, this error code will be supplied when calling an overload of CreateImplementationL which uses a non-default resolver if you fail tosupply the resolver |
KEComErrListInvalidAwaitNotification | -17029 | The registry index is invalid but the client has requested notifications - so they will receive a notification when the indexis ready again |
KEComErrListCurrentlyUnavailable | -17030 | The registry index is invalid and the client has not requested notifications. They will have to try again later after discoveries have completed |
HTTP Errors
EHttpGeneralError | -20000 | "A general error has occurred" |
EHttpCannotFindServer | -20001 | "The URL specified a non-existent or inaccessible server" |
EHttpCannotFindPlugin | -20002 | "The plugin name/type was not found on the device" |
EHttpUnsupportedMethod | -20003 | "The method requested is not supported" |
EHttpWapAPReadFailure | -20004 | "Access point information is missing" |
EHttpNetDialSetupFailed | -20005 | "Net dial setup has failed" |
EHttpWtlsConfigFailed | -20006 | "The WAP stack has been configured incorrectly for WTLS" |
EHttpWtlsBadServerCert | -20007 | "The WAP stack has rejected the gateway certificate" |
EHttpWtlsServerCertRejected | -20008 | "The security certificate has been rejected and the session will be aborted" |
EHttpWtlsCipherRejected | -20009 | "The session has been aborted due to low security status" |
EHttpGatewayCannotBeReached | -20010 | "A session could not be established with the WAP Gateway" |
EHttpGatewayTransactionAbort | -20011 | "A transaction was aborted by the gateway or the stack" |
EHttpGatewaySessionDisconnect | -20012 | "The session was disconnectedby the WAP Gateway" |
EHttpCancellationAbort | -20013 | "Error code for leave when cancellation has occured during RunL()" |
EHttpReceivingErrorDeck | -20014 | "Could not find document, so receiving an error deck" |
HTTP Status Code 400 | -20400 | "The request sent does not use the correct syntax" |
HTTP Status Code 401 | -20401 | "Unauthorized request, authentication must be used" |
HTTP Status Code 402 | -20402 | "Payment is required for this action to succeed" |
HTTP Status Code 403 | -20403 | "The document requested cannot be disclosed by the server" |
HTTP Status Code 404 | -20404 | "The document requested cannot be found on the server" |
HTTP Status Code 405 | -20405 | "The methodrequested is not currentlyallowed" |
HTTP Status Code 406 | -20406 | "The header information of the returned resource is incorrect" |
HTTP Status Code 407 | -20407 | "Proxy authentication is required" |
HTTP Status Code 408 | -20408 | "The request has timed out" |
HTTPStatus Code 409 | -20409 | "A Conflict has occurred" |
HTTP Status Code 410 | -20410 | "The document requested cannot be found on the server" |
HTTP Status Code 411 | -20411 | "Length is required here" |
HTTP Status Code 412 | -20412 | "A precondition has not been met" |
HTTP Status Code 413 | -20413 | "The request entity is too large" |
HTTP Status Code 414 | -20414 | "The URL requested is too long" |
HTTP Status Code 415 | -20415 | "The media type requested is unsupported" |
HTTP Status Code 500 | -20500 | "An internal server error has occurred" |
HTTP Status Code 501 | -20501 | "An internal server error has occurred" |
HTTP Status Code 502 | -20502 | "An error has occurred within the WAP gateway" |
HTTP Status Code 503 | -20503 | "The service requested is unavailable" |
HTTP Status Code 504 | -20504 | "The connection to the gateway has timed out" |
HTTP Status Code 505 | -20505 | "This HTTP version is not supported" |