scala 特质的应用
package com.jason.qianfeng trait Loggertest { def logger(msg: String) } trait ConsoleLogger extends Loggertest { override def logger(msg: String): Unit = println(msg) } trait TimestampLogger extends ConsoleLogger { override def logger(msg: String): Unit = super.logger(s"${} : $msg") } trait ShortterLogger extends ConsoleLogger { override def logger(msg: String): Unit = { val msgLenghth = 16 if (msg.length > msgLenghth) { super.logger(msg.take(13) + "...") } else { super.logger(msg) } } } abstract class Account { protected var balance = 0.0 } class Saving extends Account with ConsoleLogger { def withdraw(ammount: Double): Unit = { if (ammount > balance) logger(s"balance is not enough") else balance -= ammount } } object TraitTest2 { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { val acc1 = new Saving with TimestampLogger with ShortterLogger val acc2 = new Saving with ShortterLogger with TimestampLogger val acc3 = new Saving with ShortterLogger val acc4 = new Saving with TimestampLogger val acc5 = new Saving acc1.withdraw(100.0) acc2.withdraw(100.0) acc3.withdraw(100.0) acc4.withdraw(100.0) acc5.withdraw(100.0) } }
2018-08-25T13:14:53.644Z : balance is no... // 先截断msg 再 加上timestamp 2018-08-25T13... //先给msg加上timestamp 再 截断 balance is no... 2018-08-25T13:14:53.814Z : balance is not enough balance is not enough
1.创建Saving 实例时所混入的特质必须是ConsoleLogger的子类,否则会报错
package com.jason.qianfeng trait Logger3 { def log(msg: String) def info(msg: String) = log(s"INFO : $msg") def warn(msg: String) = log(s"WARN : ${msg}") def severe(msg: String) = log(s"SEVERE : $msg") } class Accout3 { protected var balance = 0.0 } class Saving3 extends Accout3 with Logger3 { override def log(msg: String): Unit = println(msg) def withDraw(ammount: Double) = { if (ammount > balance) { severe("insufficient funds") } else { balance -= ammount info(s"withdraw funds ${ammount}") } } } object TraitTest3 { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { val sav = new Saving3() sav.withDraw(100) } }
在Logger3中定义了抽象方法log,Saving3中对log方法进行了实现,并且可以调用Logger3 的 其他方法