Subversion 有一个严重的问题,就是不能保存文件的创建/各版本的修改时间,issue #1256 描述了这个问题。
Sometimes it is useful to preserve creation/modification time of a files under version control. File importing/adding/committing should save these times together with all other file properties and checkout of this file should restore these times instead of putting current time. But since some other cases require file's last modification times to be a time of checkout - best solution will be to have an option for svn checkout and svn export to preserve file modification times.
------- 附加注释人: Karl Fogel 2003/04/29 14:54:43 -0700 -------
到目前为止Subversion 的答复:优先级:P3,目标里程碑:1.8-consider
------- 附加注释人: Stefan Sperling 2011/01/24 08:58:04 -0700 -------
There are a lot of issues that have been labeled as deal breakers which have been fixed (one example: issue #3242). I wasn't commenting on the nature or state of this particular issue, but on the generalised and bogus claim that the Subversion developer community didn't listen to Subversion's users. Such remarks are usually meant to put pressure on developers or patch contributors to stop whatever they're doing and start working on some particular issue, but that's not what they achieve. And I would of course love to see this issue fixed, just like everyone else. I didn't mean to dismiss the importance of this issue by calling it "pet issue". Maybe I should have said "your favourite issue" or something like that.
Subversion developers的态度是:爱用不用,我就是这样!