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1.Flex 4  CSS theme sample


@namespace s "library://ns.adobe.com/flex/spark";
@namespace mx "library://ns.adobe.com/flex/mx";
    chrome-color: #333333;
    color: #CCCCCC;
    content-background-color: #777777;
    symbol-color: #000000;
    roll-over-color: #555555;
    selection-color: #333333;
    focus-color: #999999;
    accent-color: #8C8C8C;


2.Custom skin

(1) this skin should be affected by the chromeColor style
        override protected function initializationComplete():void
            useChromeColor = true;
(2)Names of items ("someCustomColorID1","someCustomColorID2") should not be colorized by the chromeColor style.
Only items of type DisplayObject or GraphicElement should be excluded.
 override public function get colorizeExclusions():Array
        return ["someCustomColorID1","someCustomColorID2"];  
(3)Names of items ("someCustomColorID1","someCustomColorID2") should have their color property defined by the symbolColor style
 override public function get symbolItems():Array {
            return ["someCustomColorID1","someCustomColorID2"]; 
(4)Names of items ("someCustomColorID1","someCustomColorID2")  should have their color property defined by
  the contentBackgroundColor style.
 override public function get contentItems():Array
        return ["someCustomColorID1","someCustomColorID2"];    
posted on 2011-05-13 15:05  janyou  阅读(374)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报