05 2011 档案
摘要:描述:确定 TCP/IP 可释放已关闭连接并重用其资源前,必须经过的时间。关闭和释放之间的此时间间隔通称 TIME_WAIT 状态或两倍最大段生命周期(2MSL)状态。此时间期间,重新打开到客户机和服务器的连接的成本少于建立新连接。减少此条目的值允许 TCP/IP 更快地释放已关闭的连接,为新连接提供更多资源。如果运行的应用程序需要快速释放和创建新连接,而且由于 TIME_WAIT 中存在很多连接,导致低吞吐量,则调整此参数。 如何查看或设置: 使用 regedit 命令访问 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\ Services\TCPIP
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摘要:Configure the max limit for concurrent TCP connections 6 March 2004 by Snakefoot | Comment » | Trackback Off To keep the TCP/IP stack from taking all resources on the computer, there are different parameters that control how many connections it can handle. If running applications that are const
GSM Command
摘要:Tutorial :: Using AT commands to Send and Receive SMS ThisAT command tutorial is written to support ourTeltonika T-ModemUSB,a USB2.0 GSM modem based on the Nokia 12i GSM module - fast EDGE technology is supported. Someof the most popular applications are SMS basedtelemetry, security and news broadca
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转Form Sub-Grids in Dynamics CRM 2011
摘要:Form Sub-Grids in Dynamics CRM 2011 One of the new UI capabilities in CRM 2011 is the Sub-Grid. This powerful feature gives users with proper security the ability to view, create, and modify records for a related entity directly within a form. As shown in the picture below, the contact entity has be