


运行tracee容器后,这里指运行tracee-ebpf(使用 eBPF 的 Linux 跟踪和取证程序)和tracee-rules(运行时安全规则检测引擎)两个组件,那么会默认到容器内部的 /tracee/rules/ 目录下去读取规则进行配置,用户也可以使用参数 --rules-dir 来指定rules加载目录,默认加载目录下所有的规则,如果只想加载部分规则可以使用参数 --rules 来指定。也可以给tracee容器设定参数 -v /root/my_rule:/tracee/rules 来使用主机 /root/my_rule 下的rule.

  1. Inputs - Event sources to be processed. Currently only Tracee-eBPF is a supported event source.
  2. Rules (a.k.a Signatures) - The particular behavioral pattern to detect in the input source. Signatures can be authored in Golang, or Rego (OPA).
  3. Outputs - How to communicate detections. Print to stdout, post to a webhook, or integrate with external systems.
    The tracee full container will compile an eBPF object during startup, if you do not have one already cached in /tmp/tracee.


如何自定义规则,捕获可疑的系统行为。如下的规则被tracee载入后,当用户在容器所在的主机上输入命令'strace ls' 时就会触发事件。

package tracee.TRC_2

__rego_metadoc__ := {
    "id": "TRC-2",
    "version": "0.1.0",
    "name": "Anti-Debugging",
    "description": "Process uses anti-debugging technique to block debugger",
    "tags": ["linux", "container"],
    "properties": {
        "Severity": 3,
        "MITRE ATT&CK": "Defense Evasion: Execution Guardrails",

tracee_selected_events[eventSelector] {
	eventSelector := {
		"source": "tracee",
		"name": "ptrace"

tracee_match {
    input.eventName == "ptrace"
    arg := input.args[_] == "request"
    arg.value == "PTRACE_TRACEME"

这里eventSelector中的 source 一般都写成 tracee(看完了官网上所有的示例,source 值都是 tracee)。 name 字段的值就是系统事件名称, 一般跟tracee_match里面的input.eventName 一致。tracee_match 可以在同一个rego文件中有多个,例如官网 里面的 code_injection.rego 就是有多个tracee_match,并且有的有返回值有的没有返回。这里面的如果在主机执行strace ls, 或者尝试写/proc/xx/mem文件就会触发该告警,可以看到又返回值的就是把值写在Data里面。

*** Detection ***
Time: 2022-05-11T03:07:15Z
Signature ID: TRC-2
Signature: Anti-Debugging
Data: map[]
Command: strace
Hostname: test-virtual-mach

*** Detection ***
Time: 2022-05-11T03:06:09Z
Signature ID: TRC-3
Signature: Code injection
Data: map[file flags:O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_LARGEFILE file path:/proc/23/mem]
Command: vim
Hostname: test-virtual-mach

另外, illegitimate_shell.go里面示例了限定event发起的proc的写法。最后,这些rego文件中常常看到helpers.get_tracee_argument(“pathname”)等函数,还有helpers.is_elf_file(xxx)等函数。helpers的函数定义在了tracee代码库的/tracee/signatures/rego/helpers.rego中了,其中get_tracee_argument的参数还可以是 bytes、 alert、type等,如果需要查看可以获取哪些参数可以直接使用

docker run   --name tracee --rm -it   --pid=host --cgroupns=host --privileged   -v /etc/os-release:/etc/os-release-host:ro   -e LIBBPFGO_OSRELEASE_FILE=/etc/os-release-host   -e TRACEE_EBPF_ONLY=1   aquasec/tracee:0.7.0

只启动 tracee-ebpf,通过它打印出的事件参数来决定。

golang 接口的规则

package main

import (


// counter is a simple demo signature that counts towards a target
type counter struct {
	cb     detect.SignatureHandler
	target int
	count  int

// Init implements the Signature interface by resetting internal state
func (sig *counter) Init(cb detect.SignatureHandler) error {
	sig.cb = cb
	sig.count = 0
	return nil

// GetMetadata implements the Signature interface by declaring information about the signature
func (sig *counter) GetMetadata() (detect.SignatureMetadata, error) {
	return detect.SignatureMetadata{
		Version: "0.1.0",
		Name:    "count to " + strconv.Itoa(,
	}, nil

// GetSelectedEvents implements the Signature interface by declaring which events this signature subscribes to
func (sig *counter) GetSelectedEvents() ([]detect.SignatureEventSelector, error) {
	return []detect.SignatureEventSelector{{
		Source: "tracee",
		//Name:   "execve",
	}}, nil

// OnEvent implements the Signature interface by handling each Event passed by the Engine. this is the business logic of the signature
func (sig *counter) OnEvent(event protocol.Event) error {
	ee, ok := event.Payload.(trace.Event)

	if !ok {
		return fmt.Errorf("failed to cast event's payload")

	if ee.ArgsNum > 0 && ee.Args[0].Name == "pathname" && strings.HasPrefix(ee.Args[0].Value.(string), "yo") {
	if sig.count == {
		m, _ := sig.GetMetadata()
			Data: map[string]interface{}{
				"count":    sig.count,
				"severity": "HIGH",
			Event:       event,
			SigMetadata: m,
		sig.count = 0
	return nil

// OnSignal implements the Signature interface by handling lifecycle events of the signature
func (sig *counter) OnSignal(signal detect.Signal) error {
	source, sigcomplete := signal.(detect.SignalSourceComplete)
	if sigcomplete && source == "tracee" {
			Data: map[string]interface{}{
				"message": "done",
	return nil


tracee-rules --webhook http://my.webhook/endpoint \
  --webhook-template /path/to/my.tmpl \
  --webhook-content-type application/json
vagrant@ubuntu-impish:/vagrant$ sudo ./dist/tracee-ebpf \
  --output=format:gob \
  --output=option:parse-arguments \
  | ./dist/tracee-rules \
  --input-tracee=file:stdin \
Loaded 14 signature(s): [TRC-1 TRC-13 TRC-2 TRC-14 TRC-3 TRC-11 TRC-9 TRC-4 TRC-5 TRC-12 TRC-8 TRC-6 TRC-10 TRC-7]

*** Detection ***
Time: 2022-03-26T18:48:00Z
Signature ID: TRC-2
Signature: Anti-Debugging
Data: map[]
Command: strace
Hostname: ubuntu-impish

例如,命令sudo tracee-ebpf -o format:gob | tracee-rules --input-tracee file:stdin --input-tracee format:gob

  1. Start tracee-ebpf with the default tracing mode (see Tracee-eBPF's help for more info).
  2. Configure Tracee-eBPF to output events into stdout as gob format, and add a terminating event to signal end of stream.
  3. Start tracee-rules with all built-in rules enabled.
    input 值可以是file:stdin,或者file:/root/custom-file, 或者format:gob或者format:JSON. gob是一种输出格式和json、xml是相同的概念,它是一种比json更高效的表达方式,全称是go binary,我理解就是gRPC传递的那种二进制数值。

其他好用的tracee 命令

  1. 只查看容器事件,需要添加cgroup挂载点的文件挂载即挂载主机的 /sys/fs/cgroup/ 目录到容器里面,否则tracee只能监测到它自身启动后新启动的容器事件。(这是为什么呢?请知道的大牛留言!)
    docker run --name tracee --rm -it --pid=host --cgroupns=host --privileged -v /etc/os-release:/etc/os-release-host:ro -v /sys/fs/cgroup/:/sys/fs/cgroup/ -e LIBBPFGO_OSRELEASE_FILE=/etc/os-release-host -e TRACEE_EBPF_ONLY=1 aquasec/tracee:0.7.0 --trace container
  2. 还可以监控指定容器,使用参数 --trace container=<containerid>:
    docker run --name tracee --rm -it --pid=host --cgroupns=host --privileged -v /etc/os-release:/etc/os-release-host:ro -v /sys/fs/cgroup/:/sys/fs/cgroup/ -e LIBBPFGO_OSRELEASE_FILE=/etc/os-release-host -e TRACEE_EBPF_ONLY=1 aquasec/tracee:latest --trace container=4c8a5bf9d2e6bc65459ae327ff7463ebb9914e6e0a7655cccb1fe63cc7bd894d
  3. 查看tracee支持的系统调用,大概有484种事件,几乎涵盖了所有的系统调用:
    docker run --name tracee --rm -it --pid=host --cgroupns=host --privileged -v /etc/os-release:/etc/os-release-host:ro -v /sys/fs/cgroup/:/sys/fs/cgroup/ -e LIBBPFGO_OSRELEASE_FILE=/etc/os-release-host -e TRACEE_EBPF_ONLY=1 aquasec/tracee:0.7.0 --list


更加偏重规则, Falco目前注意支持两个event-engine,分别是sysdig和k8saudit,另外还由官方插件支持 AWS Cloudtrail 和 Okta 事件引擎。Falco支持的系统调用详见
如果sysdig,libsinsp或libscap不够快,无法跟上来自内核的事件流呢?sysdig会像strace那样导致系统变慢吗(聪明的读者会问)?当然不可能。在这种情况下,事件缓冲区会被填满,sysdig-probe开始遗漏传入的事件。 所以你会丢失一些跟踪信息,但机器和运行的其他进程不会减慢。(sysdig的架构从低到上分别是:sysdig-probe即tracepoints--libscap--libsinsp--sysdig. libscap和libsinsp这两个lib提供了读取、解码和解析事件的支持。具体来说,libscap提供了跟踪文件管理功能,而libsinsp包含复杂的状态跟踪功能(例如,您可以使用文件名而不是FD号),还可以过滤事件解码,Lua JIT编译器来运行chisels等等。最后,sysdig把它作为一个简单的包装器放在这些库中。)
环境变量FALCO_BPF_PROBE=""这样设置表示Falco can use eBPF with minimal configuration changes.

Your kernel has CONFIG_BPF_JIT enabled
net.core.bpf_jit_enable is set to 1 (enable the BPF JIT Compiler)
on kernels <5.8, Falco requires CAP_SYS_ADMIN, CAP_SYS_RESOURCE and CAP_SYS_PTRACE
on kernels >=5.8, CAP_BPF and CAP_PERFMON were separated out of CAP_SYS_ADMIN, so the required capabilities are CAP_BPF, CAP_PERFMON, CAP_SYS_RESOURCE, CAP_SYS_PTRACE. Unfortunately, Docker does not yet support adding the two newly introduced capabilities with the --cap-add option. For this reason, we continue using CAP_SYS_ADMIN, given that it still allows performing the same operations granted by CAP_BPF and CAP_PERFMON. In the near future, Docker will support adding these two capabilities and we will be able to replace CAP_SYS_ADMIN.

Falco rules

Falco Rules是包含三个部分的YAML文件:

  1. Rules(规则): 是重中之重,Rules是产生警报的条件(Condition)。 Rule一般伴随着一个描述性输出字符串,该字符串与警报一起发送。Rules中包含Macros和Lists.
  2. Macros(宏): 在Rules甚至其他Macros中可重用的规则条件片段。宏提供了一种方法来命名常见模式和排除规则中的冗余。前两句话好理解,“排除规则中的冗余”就是指可重用Macro来表示规则条件。
  3. Lists(列表):与规则和宏不同,列表不能被解析为过滤表达式! lists包含在规则、宏或其他列表中的项目集合中使用。
    if evt.type = execve and evt.dir = < and != host and = bash
    其中evt.type表示事件的类型,evt.dir表示事件的方向即“>”表示进入事件,"<"表示退出事件, != host表示不是在主机上即是在容器内部执行的,proc.name就是进程名称。另外falco还支持其他条件语法,可参考链接


- rule: Write below root
  desc: an attempt to write to any file directly below / or /root
  condition: >
    root_dir and evt.dir = < and open_write
    and proc_name_exists
    and not in (known_root_files)
    and not pmatch (known_root_directories)
    and not exe_running_docker_save
    and not gugent_writing_guestagent_log
    and not dse_writing_tmp
    and not zap_writing_state
    and not airflow_writing_state
    and not rpm_writing_root_rpmdb
    and not maven_writing_groovy
    and not chef_writing_conf
    and not kubectl_writing_state
    and not cassandra_writing_state
    and not galley_writing_state
    and not calico_writing_state
    and not rancher_writing_root
    and not runc_writing_exec_fifo
    and not mysqlsh_writing_state
    and not known_root_conditions
    and not user_known_write_root_conditions
    and not user_known_write_below_root_activities
  output: "File below / or /root opened for writing ( user_loginuid=%user.loginuid command=%proc.cmdline parent=%proc.pname image=%co     ntainer.image.repository)"
  priority: ERROR
  tags: [filesystem, mitre_persistence]

上面这条规则表示进入宏root_dir 定义的目录,并探测到事件open_write退出时如果进程名称不为空,并且不满足后面的那些宏条件就输出output格式的告警信息。这些告警信息的级别是error, Tag就是给这个rule打的标签,更多rule栏位信息参考,rule中所有条件的表示意义可查询有时我们可以根据输出的告警信息关键字来查找rule。另外,这个规则里面condition和output后面有个符号>我的理解是换行符。


- rule: Terminal shell in container
  desc: A shell was used as the entrypoint/exec point into a container with an attached terminal.
  condition: >
    spawned_process and container
    and shell_procs and proc.tty != 0
    and container_entrypoint
    and not user_expected_terminal_shell_in_container_conditions
  output: >
    A shell was spawned in a container with an attached terminal ( user_loginuid=%user.loginuid parent=%proc.pname cmdline=%proc.cmdline terminal=%proc.tty image=%container.image.repository)
  priority: NOTICE
  tags: [container, shell, mitre_execution]


docker exec -ti 796130fc3acc /bin/bash
docker exec -ti 796130fc3acc sh /root/


2022-05-06T03:37:09.417552054+0000: Notice A shell was spawned in a container with an attached terminal (user=root user_loginuid=-1 unruffled_sinoussi (id=796130fc3acc) shell=bash parent=runc cmdline=bash terminal=34816 container_id=796130fc3acc image=citizenstig/dvwa)
2022-05-06T03:38:01.430140657+0000: Notice A shell was spawned in a container with an attached terminal (user=root user_loginuid=-1 unruffled_sinoussi (id=796130fc3acc) shell=sh parent=runc cmdline=sh /root/ terminal=34816 container_id=796130fc3acc image=citizenstig/dvwa)

其中proc.tty表示进程运行所在的终端不为0,0表示没有终端。可以用ps -ef来查看进行的TTY值,有很多进程的TTY值是问号,表示该进程运行不需要终端,与终端无关(未考证这个说法,从百度上看来的)
如果要自定义规则要把规则写到falco容器内的/etc/falco/falco_rules.local.yaml 文件中,如果自定义的规则和/etc/falco/falco_rules.yaml中的规则重名,那么自定义的规则会覆盖/etc/falco/falco_rules.yaml中的规则。

posted @ 2022-05-09 11:10  JaneySJ  阅读(674)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报