1) 通过Locate方法获取图层对象,图层对象中的SearchOID就是你点中的要素Objectid。
2) 通过GlobeServer.Identify读取结果集IGlobeServerIdentifyResults。
public override void OnMouseDown(int Button, int Shift, int X, int Y) { if (Button != 1) return; //Get the element that the user selects ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.IPoint ppPoint = new ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.PointClass(); ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.IZAware zAware = ppPoint as ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.IZAware; zAware.ZAware = true; object ppObject; object ppOwner; globeDisplay.Locate(globeDisplay.ActiveViewer, X, Y, false, false, out ppPoint, out ppOwner, out ppObject); if (ppPoint == null) return; if (!(ppOwner is IGlobeServerLayer)) return; Help_Globe.FlashPoint(ppPoint); gLayer = ppOwner as IGlobeServerLayer; IGlobeLayerInfo gLayeInfo = gLayer.GlobeLayerInfo; if (gLayeInfo.Name != "3dd文件中的点图层名称") return; IGlobeServerIdentifyResults results = gLayer.GlobeServer.Identify(gLayer.GlobeServerLayerID, gLayer.SearchOID, gLayeInfo.Extent.Envelope); if (results.Count > 0) { IGlobeServerIdentifyResult result = results.get_Element(0); object dwmc = result.Properties.GetProperty("DW_MC"); if (Convert.IsDBNull(dwmc) || dwmc == null) return; FormWuZhongInfo dlg = new FormWuZhongInfo(dwmc.ToString(), dwmc.ToString()); dlg.Text = dwmc.ToString(); dlg.ShowDialog(); } return; }