Int64与ByteArray的相互转换 方法一
//Int64转换成ByteArray public function writeInt64(bigInt:Number):ByteArray { const zeros:String = "00000000"; var bytes:ByteArray = new ByteArray(); var str = bigInt.toString(16); str = zeros.substr(0,16-str.length)+str; bytes.writeUnsignedInt(parseInt(str.substr(0,8),16)); bytes.writeUnsignedInt(parseInt(str.substr(8,8),16)); bytes.position = 0; return bytes; } //ByteArray转换成Int64 public function readInt64(bytes:ByteArray):Number { const zeros:String = "00000000"; var s:String = bytes.readUnsignedInt().toString(16); var str:String = zeros.substr(0,8-s.length) + s; s = bytes.readUnsignedInt().toString(16); str += zeros.substr(0,8-s.length) + s ; return Number(parseInt(str, 16).toString()); }
Int64与ByteArray的相互转换 方法二
//Int64 to ByteArray public function writeInt64(n:Number):ByteArray { // Write your IEEE 754 64-bit double-precision number to a byte array. var b:ByteArray = new ByteArray(); b.writeDouble(n); trace("--"+n); for(var i:int = 0 ;i<b.length;i++) { trace(b[i].toString(2)); } trace("--"+n); var e:int = ((b[0] & 0x7F) << 4) | (b[1] >> 4); // 取得指数 var s:int = e - 1023; // Significant bits. var x:int = (52 - s) % 8; // Number of bits to shift towards the right. var r:int = 8 - int((52 - s) / 8); // Read and write positions in the byte array. var w:int = 8; // Clear the first two bytes of the sign bit and the exponent. b[0] &= 0x80; b[1] &= 0xF; // Add the "hidden" fraction bit. b[1] |= 0x10; // Shift everything. while (w > 1) { if (--r > 0) { if (w < 8) b[w] |= b[r] << (8 - x); b[--w] = b[r] >> x; } else { b[--w] = 0; } } // Now you've got your 64-bit signed two's complement integer. return b; } //ByteArray to Int64 public function readInt64(bytes:ByteArray):Number { //待实现 return 0; }
对于ActionScript加入对Int64数据的支持,Google Code中有开源的类。
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