Playing a console-based game
To solve the problem, your program must be able to:
Choose a random word to use as the secret word. That word is chosen from a word list, as described in the following paragraph. Keep track of the user’s partially guessed word, which begins as a series of dashes and then updated as correct letters are guessed. Implement the basic control structure and manage the details (ask the user to guess a letter, keep track of the number of guesses remaining, print out the various messages, detect the end of the game, and so forth) */
简单说需求就是从一个单词集合中随机选取一个单词, 假设猜想单词school, 就在控制台上输出 _ _ _ _ _ _,根据英语普遍规律,绝大部分的单词都有元音字母,所以从元音字母开始猜比较容易。假设用户猜字母O,单词school中出现了,就在单词上预留的位置中填写此字母,_ _ _ o o _ 当用户们猜测的单词为school中并未出现的字母,则将在控制台中输出最近一次单词的状态。若给定猜测次数内,单词仍未猜出,则系统获胜,若猜出此单词,则为用户获胜。
namespace GuessWord { class Program { static int wrongGuess, lettersLeft; static void Main() { string wordToGuess = GetWordToGuess(); char[] maskedWord = GetHiddenLetters(wordToGuess, '-'); lettersLeft = wordToGuess.Length; char userGuess; wrongGuess = 3; while (wrongGuess > 0 && lettersLeft > 0) { DisplayCharacters(maskedWord); Console.WriteLine("Enter a letter?"); userGuess = char.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); maskedWord = CheckGuess(userGuess, wordToGuess, maskedWord); } Console.WriteLine("Well done! Thanks for playing."); Console.ReadLine(); } static string GetWordToGuess() { Random number = new Random(); int wordNumber = number.Next(0, 9); string[] words = { "picture", "chinese", "school", "question", "include", "simple", "difficult", "understand", "necessary", "support" }; string selectWord = words[wordNumber]; return selectWord; } static char[] GetHiddenLetters(string word, char mask) { char[] hidden = new char[word.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < word.Length; i++) { hidden[i] = mask; } return hidden; } static void DisplayCharacters(char[] characters) { foreach (char letter in characters) { Console.Write(letter); } Console.WriteLine(); } static char[] CheckGuess(char letterToCheck, string word, char[] characters) { if (word.Contains(letterToCheck.ToString())) { for (int i = 0; i < word.Length; i++) { if (word[i] == letterToCheck) { characters[i] = word[i]; lettersLeft--; } } } else { wrongGuess--; } return characters; } } }