[置顶] 二叉树层次遍历的应用--判断一颗二叉树是否为规则二叉树
一 问题
二 解题方法
三 测试
四 代码
/* * to judge whether a binary tree is a binary tree */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <math.h> #define ElemType int #define END -1 #define MAX 100 typedef struct BinNode { ElemType data; struct BinNode *left; struct BinNode *right; }BinNode; int leaves[MAX]; typedef struct QueueNode { struct BinNode *data; struct QueueNode *next; }QueueNode; QueueNode *front, *rear; void InQueue(struct BinNode *e) { QueueNode *p = (QueueNode *)malloc(sizeof(QueueNode)); if(!p) { perror("memory error!\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } p->data = e; p->next = 0; if(rear) rear->next = p; rear = p; if(!front) front = rear; } struct BinNode *DeQueue() { if(!front) { perror("the queue is empty!\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } struct BinNOde *p = front->data; QueueNode *r = front; front = front->next; free(r); if(!front) rear = NULL; return p; } int QueueEmpty() { return front == NULL?1:0; } void CreateBinTree(BinNode **t) { ElemType e; if(scanf("%d", &e) != 1) { perror("input error!\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if(e == END) return; if(*t == NULL) { *t = (BinNode *)malloc(sizeof(BinNode *)); (*t)->left = NULL; (*t)->right = NULL; (*t)->data = e; } CreateBinTree(&((*t)->left)); CreateBinTree(&((*t)->right)); } void PreTranverse(BinNode *t) { if(t) { printf("%d\n", t->data); PreTranverse(t->left); PreTranverse(t->right); } } int JudgeRuleBinTree(BinNode *t) { if(!t) return 1; int level = 1; // the level of bintree int thislevel; // the number of nodes in this level int nextlevel; // the number of nodes in next level int k = 0; // the number of leaves in bintree int i, j; BinNode *p; InQueue(t); thislevel = 1; // when the root node is added into the queue nextlevel = 0; while(!QueueEmpty()) { p = DeQueue(); /* * if a leaf occurs */ if(!p->left && !p->right) leaves[k++] = level; thislevel--; // when a node is out from the queue if(p->left) { InQueue(p->left); nextlevel++; // the children of current node } if(p->right) { InQueue(p->right); nextlevel++; } if(!thislevel) { thislevel = nextlevel; nextlevel = 0; level++; } } printf("the level of all the leaves in binary tree is:\n"); for(i = 0;i < k;i++) printf("%d\t", leaves[i]); for(i = 0;i < k - 1;i++) { for(j = i + 1;j < k;j++) { if(fabs(leaves[i] - leaves[j]) != 0 && fabs(leaves[i] - leaves[j]) != 1) { return 0; } } } return 1; } int main() { BinNode *root = NULL; CreateBinTree(&root); PreTranverse(root); if(JudgeRuleBinTree(root)) printf("\nrule binary tree!\n"); else printf("\nNOT rule binary tree!\n"); return 0; }
五 编程体会