;脚本功能是调整当前窗口的大小 ;sunwind ;2013年8月25日 ;需求是多爱英提出,我用了面向对象的ahk来实现的。 ;~ 按一下热键(win+z) ;~ 切换到 右下角1/4 ;~ 再按一下 ;~ 切换到 右下角 1/3 ;~ 再按一下 ;~ 切换到 右下角 2/3 ;~ 再按一下 ;~ 切换到 右下角 1/4 SetTitleMatchMode, 3 event_index:=-1 #z:: WinGetTitle, current_win, A if (current_win!=old_win) event_index=-1 if(event_index=-1) { old_win:=current_win WinGetPos, X, Y, current_Width, current_Height, %current_win% ;这里A应该改成目标窗口,只获取一次某窗口的大小 ;quarter := new quarter(current_Width,current_Height) ;one_third:= new one_third(current_Width,current_Height) ;two_third:= new two_third(current_Width,current_Height) ;若针对窗体而不是屏幕则解除上面注释 并给窗体值 ;用SysGet, MonitorWorkArea,而未用A_ScreenWidth A_ScreenHeight 避免任务条的影响 SysGet, MonitorWorkArea, MonitorWorkArea,1 ;MsgBox, Monitor:`t`nLeft:`t%MonitorLeft% (%MonitorWorkAreaLeft% work)`nTop:`t%MonitorTop% (%MonitorWorkAreaTop% work)`nRight:`t%MonitorRight% (%MonitorWorkAreaRight% work)`nBottom:`t%MonitorBottom% (%MonitorWorkAreaBottom% work) quarter := new quarter(MonitorWorkAreaRight ,MonitorWorkAreaBottom) one_third:= new one_third(MonitorWorkAreaRight ,MonitorWorkAreaBottom) two_third:= new two_third(MonitorWorkAreaRight ,MonitorWorkAreaBottom) } event_index+=1 event_index:=Mod(event_index, 3) ;3个状态循环,模3,模运算得出 0,1,2 commandArray := ["quarter", "one_third", "two_third"] runner:=commandArray[event_index+1] ;因为ahk的数组是从1开始的,对于索引为0时是空值,加一避免此问题 %runner%.zoom() ;TrayTip, %current_win%缩放%runner%,% "w=" %runner%.getNewWidth() ",h=" %runner%.getNewHeight() , 10, NewWidth:=%runner%.getNewWidth() NewHeight:=%runner%.getNewHeight() WinMove, %current_win%,,MonitorWorkAreaRight-NewWidth,MonitorWorkAreaBottom-NewHeight,NewWidth,NewHeight Return class WinSize { Width :=0 Height := 0 NewWidth:=0 NewHeight:=0 ;SetWidth(val){ ; Width := val ; Can set the color using a function of the class ;} ;SetHeight(val){ ; Height := val ; Can set the color using a function of the class ;} GetWidth(){ Return this.Width ;需要增加this } GetHeight(){ Return this.Height ;需要增加this } GetNewWidth(){ Return this.NewWidth ;需要增加this } GetNewHeight(){ Return this.NewHeight ;需要增加this } __New(w="",h=""){ if (w="") this.Width :=A_ScreenWidth Else this.Width :=w if (h="") this.Height:=A_ScreenHeight Else this.Height := h } } Class half extends WinSize{ zoom() { this.NewWidth:= this.Width//2 ;向下舍除 (//) this.NewHeight:= this.Height } } Class quarter extends WinSize{ zoom() { this.NewWidth:= this.Width//2 this.NewHeight:= this.Height//2 } } Class one_third extends WinSize{ zoom() { this.NewWidth:= this.Width//3 this.NewHeight:= this.Height } } Class two_third extends WinSize{ zoom() { this.NewWidth:= this.Width*2//3 this.NewHeight:= this.Height } }