1.Using dd is the fastest method to accomplis h this. However, it is
necessary to know how many blocks to skip in the raw device (e.g.,
on Tru64 UNI X you must skip 64 KB ) so that y ou do not overwrite
inform ation necessary for the operating system. The information on
how many blocks to skip is different on differe nt platforms.
# dd if=/dev/raw/raw1
of=/u01/oradata/test_ts.dbf' bs=16K
(Keep the Block size to multiple of the Oracle Block Size)
From file system to raw device:
RMAN> run {
2> allocate channel c1 type disk;
3> copy datafile
‘/u01/oradata/test_ts.dbf' to
4> }
From raw device to file sy stem:
RMAN> run {
2> allocate channel c1 type disk;
3> copy datafile '/dev/raw/raw1' to
4> }