========================Append above
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Global TotCount As Integer

Function PrintLines(R As Report, TotGrp)
   TotCount = TotCount + 1
   If TotCount <= (10 - TotGrp) Then
        R.NextRecord = False
       ' R![LabWFIndex].Caption = 11 - TotCount
        'R![WIPCode].Visible = False
   ElseIf TotCount > (10 - TotGrp) And TotCount < 11 Then
        R.NextRecord = True
        'R![LabWFIndex].Caption = 11 - TotCount
        'R![WIPCode].Visible = True
   End If
End Function

Function SetCount(R As Report)
  TotCount = 0
  'R![WFIndex].Visible = False
End Function
===============Append below
Private Sub 詳細資料_Print(Cancel As Integer, PrintCount As Integer)
   TotCount = TotCount + 1
       Dim i As Integer
   If TotCount < Me.TotGrp Then
     Me.NextRecord = True
       For i = 0 To 14
       Me.Controls("Text" & i).Visible = True
       Next i
   End If

   If TotCount = Me.TotGrp Then
     Me.Report.NextRecord = False
     If (TotCount > Me.TotGrp) And (TotCount < 14) Then
       Me.Report.NextRecord = False
       For i = 0 To 14
       Me.Controls("Text" & i).Visible = False
       Next i
     End If
   End If
'   If TotCount <= (13 - Me.TotGrp) Then
'        Me.NextRecord = True
'       ' R![LabWFIndex].Caption = 11 - TotCount
'        'R![WIPCode].Visible = False
'   ElseIf TotCount > (13 - Me.TotGrp) Then
'        Me.NextRecord = False
'        'R![LabWFIndex].Caption = 11 - TotCount
'        'R![WIPCode].Visible = True
'   End If

End Sub

posted on 2005-01-19 09:42  James Wong   阅读(420)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报