Command 與 @PostedCommand 區別在於@Command發生在後續指令之前,而@PostedCommand在等待其它指令執行完以後才開始執行!

@If(@Command([FileOpenDatabase]; "NEWSUBJ"); ""; @Return("")); 開啟數據庫

@Command([OpenView];"Customers");    打開一個視圖
@PostedCommand([Compose];"PersonData"); 打開窗體並開始編輯
@Command([EditDocument] ); 開啟編輯模式
@Command([MoveToTrash]); 做刪除文檔標記,F9後即刪除
@Command([RefreshWindow] ); 刷新窗體,相當於F9動作
@Command([FileCloseWindow]); 關閉本文檔,可用一個隱藏計算域(SaveOptions)設置保存與否

@Command([EditGotoField]; "Subject");   自動跳到subject域
@Command([EditInsertText]; "New subject"); 為當前域寫入一個值

二、解析郵件地址:@Name 與 @username
1.返回"Mary Tsen/Illustration/"格式   @Name([ABBREVIATE];AUTHOR)
2. 返回"Mary Tsen"                 @Name([CANONICALIZE];"Mary Tsen")
3. 返回詳細層級 CN=MaryTsen/ OU=Illustration/OU=Documentation/O=Acme/C=US @Name([CANONICALIZE];"Mary Tsen/")
4. 返回"Mary Tsen"的對話框,如果AUTHOR值為: CN=Mary Tsen/OU=Illustration/O=Acme.
@Prompt([OK]; "Common Name"; @Name([CN]; AUTHOR))
  5. 返回層級         @Name([OU2];AUTHOR)
  6. 返回"US\Acme\R&D\Development\Documentation\Illustration"層級.      
  7. 返回外部郵件地址"Streitfeld, Sara (Miami)" <SStreitfeld@gazette.com> .
  8. 返回外部郵件地址"Streitfeld, Sara (Miami)" "Streitfeld, Sara (Miami)" <SStreitfeld@gazette.com> .
  9. 返回外部郵件地址 SStreitfeld@gazette.com  "Streitfeld, Sara (Miami)" <SStreitfeld@gazette.com> .
 10. 返回層級Cam/Lotus  (John Doe/Cam/Lotus). 

 11. This example returns "secretary," the LDAP AttributeType name for the Domino term, "assistant."
 12. This example returns "Internet Address," the Domino term equivalent to the LDAP AttributeType name "mail."
 13. This example returns "Number," the Domino term equivalent to the LDAP data type, "Integer."
 14. This example returns "Directory String," the syntax used in the LDAP directory for the Domino data type "Text."

@Prompt([OK]; "Department : "; "Department is : " + @DbLookup("Notes":"NoCache";@Subset(@DbName;1):"names.nsf";"($Users)"; @LowerCase(@UserName); "Department"))

@Prompt([OK]; "Department : "; "Department is : " + @DbLookup("Notes":"NoCache";@Subset(@DbName;1):"names.nsf";"People"; "james.wong"; "Department"))

posted on 2005-04-29 14:14  James Wong   阅读(1428)  评论(1编辑  收藏  举报