要存储一个类型,序列化是最简单的一种实现方式,TreeView本省并不支持序列化,但是TreeNode支持,因此需要从TreeNode下手, 所有序列化TreeView其实就是序列化TreeNode.
1. 自定义一个类SerialzeTreeNode继承TreeNode继承并实现ISerializable接口,其实TreeNode已经实现了ISerializable接口,在实现这个接口时要调用基类TreeNode的Serialize函数,要不然序列化的节点会不全,在Serialize函数中添加自己的序列化逻辑,
3. 有可能的话实现一个IDeserializationCallback接口,以便于在反序列化后初始化一些变量之类的动作,因为,反序列化只调用反序列化的那个构造函数.
4. 添加泛型支持,其实也可以用Tag用来存储要序列化的值,但是Tag是object的,不是很好,因此增加一个泛型
public class SerializTreeNode<T>:TreeNode,ISerializable
public T TTag;
5. 如果要使用小图标的话还要做些工作,虽然查看反序列化中的数据,有ImageSelectedIndex项,但是却无效,因此在实现ISerializable接口中顺便把ImageSelectedIndex属性也序列化进去,然后在反序列化的时候设置其值,这样就可以保存其图片索引了.Key与Index冲突,只能一个有效,因此可以二选一,看TreeView是如何设置图片的了.
6. 对自定义类加上Serializable可序列化标记,要不然都正确了还是无法正确工作的.,同时泛型的那个类也必须要标记为Serializable,否则也会出错.
7. 扩展TreeView提供序列化和反序列化的函数以保存树节点和加载保存的树节点.
public interface ISerializeTreeView
bool SaveTreeView(string filename);
bool LoadTreeView(string filename);
Add object to Clipboard using C# in a couple of ways
This is a simple example of using the ClipBoard to transport objects. In this example I will generate a TreeNode and save it to a ClipBoard entry. I will then retrieve this node, cast it and either add it to the root of the TreeView or add it to the selected node's child nodes.
Method 1
Step 1: Copy new TreeNode to Clipboard
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
TreeNode t = new TreeNode("ClipBoardNode");
Clipboard.SetData("TreeNode", t);
Step 2: Paste new TreeNode from Clipboard to TreeView
private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
TreeNode t = (TreeNode)Clipboard.GetData("TreeNode");
if (treeView1.SelectedNode == null)
Method 2
Another way to append to the Clipboard is the method SetDataObject and GetDataObject. There is however some difference here.
You do not provide a key, you simply save it to a designated location
You are limited to the objects which you cast the returned object back into as you can see from the image below.
To solve this I made two simple helper methods which would serialize the object to a binary representation and then get the base64String of that data, thus giving me a string object. I then put this into the ClipBoard and going the other way I did the opposite. Converted the base64String into a byte array, instantiated a MemoryStream with it and then deserialized the data returning an object. It is then up to the calling code to cast the object.
The helper methods
private string Serialize(object objectToSerialize)
string serialString = null;
using (System.IO.MemoryStream ms1 = new System.IO.MemoryStream())
BinaryFormatter b = new BinaryFormatter();
b.Serialize(ms1, objectToSerialize);
byte[] arrayByte = ms1.ToArray();
serialString = Convert.ToBase64String(arrayByte);
return serialString;
private object DeSerialize(string serializationString)
object deserialObject = null;
byte[] arrayByte = Convert.FromBase64String(serializationString);
using (System.IO.MemoryStream ms1 = new System.IO.MemoryStream(arrayByte))
BinaryFormatter b = new BinaryFormatter();
deserialObject = b.Deserialize(ms1);
return deserialObject;
Method Code 2 Steps
Step 1: Copy new TreeNode to Clipboard
private void button1_Click_1(object sender, EventArgs e)
TreeNode t = new TreeNode("ClipBoardNode");
Clipboard.SetData("TreeNode", Serialize(t));
Step 2: Paste new TreeNode from Clipboard to TreeView
private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
TreeNode t = (TreeNode)DeSerialize(Clipboard.GetData("TreeNode").ToString());
if (treeView1.SelectedNode == null)