[Learn Note]2012-01-29
Table of Contents
1 Emacs Lisp Date Time Formats
Elisp provides a very convenient function format-time-string for printing data time. For example, you can write a command to print date in the yyyy-mm-dd format using (insert (format-time-string "%Y-%m-%d")). Here's the full code:
(defun insert-date () "Insert current date yyyy-mm-dd." (interactive) (when (region-active-p) (delete-region (region-beginning) (region-end) ) ) (insert (format-time-string "%Y-%m-%d")) )
2 C#与闭包
public class TCloser { public Func<int> T1() { var n = 999; return () => { Console.WriteLine(n); return n; }; } } class Program{ static void Main(){ var a =new TCloser(); var b = a.T1(); Console.WriteLine(b()); } }
因此如果你看到.net中的闭包,你就可以像js中那样理解它,由于返回的匿名函数对象是在函数T1中生成的,因此相当于它是属于T1的一个属性。如果你把T1的对象级别往上提升一个层次就很好理解了,这里就相当于T1是一个类,而返回的匿名对象则是T1的一个属性,对属性而言,它可以调用它所寄存的对象T1的任何其他属性或者方法,包括T1 寄存的对象TCloser内部的其他属性。如果这个匿名函数会被返回给其他对象调用,那么编译器会自动将匿名函数所用到的方法T1中的局部变量的生命周转期自动提升并与匿名函数的生命周期相同,这样就称之为闭合。
3 Bootstrapping
a self-sustaining process that proceeds without external help.
4 emacs searching
- Increament searching
C-S C-Shift-W - Searching Using TAGS
- Using ETAGS to creat the etags files
- Using M-. to search for a definition
- Using visit-tags-table to refresh the TAGs file
- sams-cm-rotate and sams-cm-save-point
- grep-find
- How to setup grep within the windows
Copy grep.exe and find.exe from git to the bin directionary of the emacs Add the bin of the emacs to the path like below: set path=<path of bin>;%path%
- How to setup grep within the windows
Date: 2012-01-30 21:44:46
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posted on 2012-01-30 21:47 Jalen Wang 阅读(188) 评论(0) 编辑 收藏 举报