CodeSmith 3.2 for .NET 2.0 and Visual Studio 2005 has now been released. This is a free upgrade for all CodeSmith 3.0 users. This version of CodeSmith is nearly identical to CodeSmith 3.1 except it ha... 阅读全文
CodeSmith 3.2 for .NET 2.0 and Visual Studio 2005 has now been released. This is a free upgrade for all CodeSmith 3.0 users. This version of CodeSmith is nearly identical to CodeSmith 3.1 except it ha... 阅读全文
最近要用到新的PHP5,但又不想影响原来的PHP4,因此找了很多共存的方法,但都不大理想,最后找到了一篇比较好的文章,讲的都是用APACHE来实现共存的,用不同的端口,十分方便,现转载如下 下载 PHP 4 for Windows Zip 二进制包,解压到任意目录(我解压到 E:php),将里面的 php.ini-dist 更名为 php.ini。将 php.ini 和 php4ts.dll 复制... 阅读全文