The Visual Studio 2005 Team Suite Release Candidate is now available on MSDN Subscriber Downloads. I'm sure this will be one of the many downloads I'll be doing in the next couple of days, including B... 阅读全文
The Visual Studio 2005 Team Suite Release Candidate is now available on MSDN Subscriber Downloads. I'm sure this will be one of the many downloads I'll be doing in the next couple of days, including B... 阅读全文
不知道是SUN故意还是巧合,java 2005 开发者中国大会,也选在13日-14日举行。早上见有空,跑去SUN那边看了下,是转播北京主会场的节目为主。居然早到的有抽奖,北京的早到抽奖居然有DV,DC,呵呵。免费的活动,居然也有大书包拿,可见 SUN为了庆祝JAVA的生日,花了不少心思。其实看了下课程表,发觉还是北京的主会场最多东西看,其他分会场都是讲的虚的为主咯,呵呵,学东西,还是北京好,... 阅读全文