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   PHP5 的OOP是个好东西,最近找了些小资料给新手培训和给朋友看,还是老外的东西好,例子短小,有OOP基础的话,一看就

class Animal
var $name;
function set_name($text)
$this->name = $text;
function get_name()
return $this->name;
$lion = new Animal;
echo "The name of your new lion is ", $lion->name, ".";
2) 加上些访问控制符,如private
class Animal
private $name;
function set_name($text)
{$this->name = $text;}
function get_name()
{return $this->name;}
$lion = new Animal;
echo "The name of your new lion is ", $lion->name, ".";
class Animal
var $name;
function __construct($text)
$this->name = $text;
function set_name($text)
$this->name = $text;
function get_name()
return $this->name;
$lion = new Animal("Leo");
echo "The name of your new lion is ", $lion->get_name(), ".";
用 _ _construct()做构造函数( 注意,是两个紧跟着的_)
4  使用继承
class Animal
var $name;
function set_name($text)
$this->name = $text;
function get_name()
return $this->name;
class Lion extends Animal
var $name;
function roar()
echo $this->name, " is roaring!<BR>";
echo "Creating your new lion...<BR>";
$lion = new Lion;
5   Overriding 
class animal
var $name;
function set_name($text)
$this->name = $text;
function get_name()
return $this->name;
class Lion extends Animal
var $name;
function roar()
echo $this->name, " is roaring!<BR>";
function set_name($text)
$this->name = strtoupper($text);
echo "Creating your new lion...<BR>";
$lion = new Lion;
输出:LEO is roaring
6  访问父类中的被覆盖的方法
class Animal
var $name;
function set_name($text)
$this->name = $text;
function get_name()
return $this->name;
class Lion extends Animal
var $name;
function roar()
echo $this->name, " is roaring!<BR>";
function set_name($text)
echo "Creating your new lion...<BR>";
$lion = new Lion;

posted on 2007-04-12 23:13  jackyrong的世界  阅读(688)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报