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如何做到JAVA和。NET之间相互使用WEBSERVICE呢?以前接触过,但很肤浅,这次好了,MSDN的MSDN TV即将推出很多
  • Creating a Web Service in WSAD 5.1.2 that interoperates with .NET
  • Creating a Web Service in .NET  that interoperates with WSAD 5.1.2
  • Using WSE 2.0 to send Web Services over MQ Series
  • Creating a Web Service in BEA WebLogic 8.1.3 that interoperates with .NET
  • Creating a Web Service in .NET  that interoperates with BEA WebLogic 8.1.3
  • Using WS-Security in BEA Web Logic 8.1.3 that interoperates with .NET
  • Creating a Web Service in SUN JWSDP 1.5 that interoperates with .NET
  • Creating a Web Service in .NET that interoperates with SUN JWSDP 1.5
  • Using WS-Security in SUN JWSDP 1.4 that interoperates with .NET
  • Creating a Web Service in Apache Axis 1.2 that interoperates with .NET
  • Creating a Web Service in .NET that interoperates with Apache Axis 1.2
  • Creating a Web Service using Systinet Server that interoperates with .NET
  • Creating a Web Service using .NET that interoperates with Systinet Server
  • Using WS-Security in Systinet WASP that interoperates with .NET
posted on 2005-01-15 23:07  jackyrong的世界  阅读(949)  评论(3编辑  收藏  举报