

-----'UUID'----(Universally Unique Identifier)'通用唯一识别码'

1.UUID 的目的,是让'分布式系统中的所有元素',都能有'唯一的辨识'资讯,而不需要透过中央控制端来做辨识资讯的指定。.


----查看UUID && LABEL 命令

'blkid'--command-line utility to locate/print block device attributes('查询块设备属性'的命令行应用程序)

1.blkid //查看/dev/下所有块设备的详细属性

2.blkid /dev/sda1 //查看指定设备的属性

3.blkid -s [TYPE|UUID|LABEL] //产看块设备的UUID|TYPE|LABEL

'/*不要在虚拟机里执行 blkid /dev/* 命令,虚拟机会挂起fedora,并导致网络断开*/'

-------'UUID' && 'LABEL' 的应用--------

'注':This will make the system more robust(强健的): adding or removing a SCSI disk
changes the disk device name but not the filesystem volume label.


1.e2label /dev/hda1 /boot //为/dev/hda1设置卷标为'/boot'

----在mount 命令中使用 LABEL/UUID

1.mount LABEL=/boot1 /boot
mount -L /boot /mnt/smbLung/

2.mount UUID="51f7e9a4-5154-4e29-a7a6-208417290b85" /mnt/
mount -U 7826f66e-4fdc-4ab8-9d95-6a1ddb1c7eaa /mnt/smbJon/


'/etc/fstab file system table

'/etc/mtab table of mounted file systems //通过mount查到的fs

----在 /etc/fstab 中使用 LABEL/UUID

1.LABEL=/ / ext3 defaults 1 1

2.LABEL=/boot1 /boot ext3 defaults 1 2

3.UUID=e61f4197-5f00-4f4f-917c-290922a85339 /usr ext3 defaults 1 12



1./proc/filesystems // a list of filesystem types to try

2./proc/partitions //分区表;没有fdisk -l 返回的信息完整

3./etc/fstab //file system table


1.usermount //root用户执行该命令


--------fdisk(partition table manipulator for Linux:'Linux的分区表操作器')-------------------------

注:'a'.It understands 'DOS-type'partition tables and 'BSD- or SUN-type disklabels.'

'b'.fdisk does not understand GUID partition tables (GPTs) and it is 'not'
designed for 'large partitions'. In these cases, use the more advanced
GNU 'parted'(8)
/* fdisk 不适用于大分区,此时应用parted命令*/

0.fdisk -l [device] //列出指定设备的分区表;If no devices are given,
//those mentioned in /proc/partitions (if that exists) are used

1.A sync() are performed before exiting when the partition table has been updated.
Note that both the kernel and the disk hardware may buffer data.

翻译:在修改 分区表 后,推荐使用sync() 命令,将缓冲区的数据写入磁盘。
内核 和 磁盘 都可能 缓冲数据

2.For best results, you should always use an 'OS-specific partition table program'

a.'make DOS partitions' with the 'DOS FDISK program'
b.'Linux partitions ' with the 'Linux fdisk program'

------------------df - report file system disk space usage------------------- //查看磁盘使用信息

1.df -h //以human-readable格式列出


mount -t vfat /dev/sdb1 /mnt/usb //-t指定文件系统

mount -o iocharset=cp936 /dev/sdb1 /mnt/usb //显示Window下的中文字符

mount -a //将fstab设置的没有使用noauto选项的所有文件系统按照指定方式挂载


/***In order to make it possible to treat all types in a uniform way,
mount will execute the program /sbin/mount.TYPE (if that exists)
when called with type TYPE.

mkfs -t ext3 /dev/hd4 //格式化
mkfs.ext3 /dev/hd4

mkfs -t vfat /dev/hd3
mkfs.vfat /dev/hd3

---------tune2fs:调整可调的文件系统参数 on ext2/3/4 fs.

1.tune2fs -l /dev/sda1 //列出文件系统 现在的各项参数

---------dd:convert and copy a file:转换并且拷贝文件

1.dd if=/dev/hdx of=/dev/hdy //将本地的/dev/hdx整盘备份到/dev/hdy


2.dd if=/dev/hdx of=/path/to/image //将/dev/hdx全盘数据备份到指定路径的image文件:

3.dd if=/path/to/image of=/dev/hdx //将备份文件恢复到指定盘:、


4.dd if=/dev/hdx | gzip >/path/to/image.gz //备份/dev/hdx全盘数据,并利用gzip工具进行压缩,保存到指定路径:

5.gzip -dc /path/to/image.gz | dd of=/dev/hdx //将压缩的备份文件恢复到指定盘 :


1.dd if=/dev/hdx of=/path/to/image count=1 bs=512 //备份磁盘开始的512Byte大小的MBR信息到指定文件:

2.dd if=/path/to/image of=/dev/hdx //将备份的MBR信息写到磁盘开始部分:


1.dd if=/dev/mem of=/root/mem.bin bs=1024 //将内存里的数据拷贝到root目录下的mem.bin文件:


1.dd if=/dev/cdrom of=/root/cd.iso //拷贝光盘数据到root文件夹下,并保存为cd.iso文件:


1.dd if=/dev/zero of=swapfile bs=1M count=100 //创建100M空文件swapfile

2.mkswap swapfile

3.swapon swapfile //激活

4.swapon -s //查看所有swap文件或分区

5.mount -a (写入fstab文件) //重启时由rc.sysinit初始化脚本激活,以后启动系统即可自动挂载


1.dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/hda1 //利用随机的数据填充硬盘:


/*当硬盘较长时间(比如一两年年)放置不使用后,磁盘上会产生magnetic flux point。当磁头读到

1.dd if=/dev/sda of=/dev/sda

------'/dev/zero':特殊c文件,当读取它时,它将提供充足的 null characters (ASCII NULL, 0x00; not ASCII character "digit zero", "0", 0x30)


1.provide a character stream for overwriting information.

# Initialise partition (important note: trying out this command will eradicate
# any files that were on the partition, make sure you have a backup of any important data.)

dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/hda7

2.Another might be to generate a clean file of a certain size.

# Create a large empty file called 'foobar'
dd if=/dev/zero of=foobar count=1000 bs=1000

3.Using mmap to map /dev/zero to RAM is the BSD way of implementing shared memory.

posted on 2012-03-20 21:09  笑剑钝  阅读(683)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
