


 1 private class PerformClick implements Runnable {
2 Button hhButton;
3 public PerformClick(Button HHButton) {
4 hhButton = HHButton;
5 }
7 @Override
8 public void run() {
9 hhButton.performClick();
10 }
11 }


 1 public void stressTestForButton(final Button btn,int pressNumber) {
2 for(int i = 0;i <= pressNumber;i++) {
3 new Thread(new Runnable() {
4 @Override
5 public void run() {
6 btn.requestFocus();
7 btn.performClick();
8 btn.clearFocus();
9 }
10 });
11 Log.i("count times", i + "");
12 }
13 }


1 public void testText() {
2 //testing String values
3 assertEquals(hayhouseLinkButtonString, (String)hayhouseLinkButton.getText());
4 assertEquals(hayhouseradioLinkButtonString, (String)hayhouseradioLinkButton.getText());
5 assertEquals(healLinkButtonString, (String)healLinkButton.getText());
6 }


 1 public void testButtonStress() {
2 Log.v(TAG, "testButtonStress method is starting");
3 SystemClock.sleep(400);
4 new OperateUtil().new performButtonClickStress(hayhouseLinkButton,10);
5 SystemClock.sleep(400);
6 addClickTimes(hayhouseLinkButton,50);
7 SystemClock.sleep(400);
8 addClickTimes(hayhouseLinkButton,100);
9 SystemClock.sleep(400);
10 addClickTimes(hayhouseLinkButton,200);
11 SystemClock.sleep(400);
12 new OperateUtil().new performButtonClickStress(hayhouseradioLinkButton,10);
13 SystemClock.sleep(400);
14 addClickTimes(hayhouseradioLinkButton,50);
15 SystemClock.sleep(400);
16 addClickTimes(hayhouseradioLinkButton,100);
17 SystemClock.sleep(400);
18 addClickTimes(hayhouseradioLinkButton,200);
19 SystemClock.sleep(400);
20 new OperateUtil().new performButtonClickStress(healLinkButton,10);
21 SystemClock.sleep(400);
22 addClickTimes(healLinkButton,50);
23 SystemClock.sleep(400);
24 addClickTimes(healLinkButton,100);
25 SystemClock.sleep(400);
26 addClickTimes(healLinkButton,200);
27 }


 1 @Override
2 protected void tearDown() throws Exception {
3 hayhouseLinkButton.clearFocus();
4 hayhouseLinkButton.clearComposingText();
5 hayhouseradioLinkButton.clearFocus();
6 hayhouseradioLinkButton.clearComposingText();
7 healLinkButton.clearFocus();
8 healLinkButton.clearComposingText();
9 detailView.clearFocus();
11 hayHouseActivity.finish();
12 super.tearDown();
13 }


public void testPreConditions() {
		assertTrue(hayhouseLinkButton != null);
		assertTrue(hayhouseradioLinkButton != null);
		assertTrue(healLinkButton != null);
		assertTrue(gobackButton_hayhouse != null);
		assertTrue(detailView != null);


 1 /**
2 * From sdk description
3 *
4 * This test case provides a framework in which you can test Service classes
5 * in a controlled environment. It provides basic support for the lifecycle of a
6 * Service, and hooks with which you can inject various dependencies and
7 * control the environment in which your Service is tested.
8 */
10 public class AudioServiceTest extends ServiceTestCase<AudioService> {
11 private static final String TAG = "-----AudioServiceTest-----";
13 public AudioServiceTest() {
14 super(AudioService.class);
15 }
17 @Override
18 protected void setUp() throws Exception {
19 Log.i(TAG, "=====AudioServiceTest setUp Start=====");
20 super.setUp();
22 Log.i(TAG, "=====AudioServiceTest setUp End=====");
23 }
25 /**
26 * 2011.09.16 jack.li add......
27 * test basic startup/shutdown of Service
28 */
29 @SmallTest
30 public void testStartable() {
31 Log.i(TAG, "+++++AudioServiceTest testStartable Start+++++");
32 Intent startIntent = new Intent();
33 startIntent.setClass(getContext(), AudioService.class);
34 startService(startIntent);
35 assertNotNull(getService());
36 }
38 /**
39 * 2011.09.16 jack.li add......
40 * test binding to service
41 */
42 @MediumTest
43 public void testBindable() {
44 Log.i(TAG, "+++++AudioServiceTest testBindable Start+++++");
45 Intent startIntent = new Intent();
46 startIntent.setClass(getContext(), AudioService.class);
47 IBinder service = bindService(startIntent);
48 assertNotNull(service);
49 }
51 }


 1 import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;   
2 import java.util.ArrayList;
3 import java.util.Date;
4 import java.util.HashMap;
5 import java.util.List;
6 import java.util.Map;
7 import java.util.Random;
9 import android.content.ContentValues;
10 import android.content.Context;
11 import android.database.Cursor;
12 import android.database.DatabaseUtils;
13 import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase;
15 import com.android.hanhan.R;
17 public class DatabaseService {
18 private DatabaseHelper dbOpenHelper;
19 protected static final String TBL_NAME = "article";
20 protected static final String FIELD_ID = "id";
21 protected static final String FIELD_TITLE = "title";
22 protected static final String FIELD_CONTENT = "content";
23 protected static final String FIELD_DELETE = "deleted";
24 protected static final String FIELD_PUBLISHDATE = "publishdate";
25 protected static final String FIELD_FAVORITE = "favorite";
26 protected static final String FIELD_CLICKCOUNT = "clickcount";
27 protected static final String FIELD_FAVORITEDATE = "favoritedate";
29 //构造器,初始数据库服务
30 public DatabaseService(Context context) {
31 dbOpenHelper = new DatabaseHelper(context);
32 }
34 //删除表
35 public void dropTable(String taleName) {
36 dbOpenHelper.getWritableDatabase().execSQL(
37 "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " + taleName);
38 }
39 //关闭数据库
40 public void closeDB() {
41 dbOpenHelper.getWritableDatabase().close();
42 }
43 //取得数据库TBL_NAME 表的所有数据
44 public List<Map<String, Object>> fetchALLArticle() {
45 SQLiteDatabase db = dbOpenHelper.getReadableDatabase();
46 List<Map<String, Object>> list = new ArrayList<Map<String, Object>>();
47 Cursor cur = db.query(TBL_NAME, new String[] {FIELD_ID, FIELD_TITLE, FIELD_CONTENT,
49 null, null);
50 list = getListFromDb(list, cur);
51 return list;
52 }
53 //取得数据库TBL_NAME表的数据个数
54 public long getPageCount(){
55 SQLiteDatabase db = dbOpenHelper.getReadableDatabase();
56 return DatabaseUtils.queryNumEntries(db, TBL_NAME);
57 }
58 //根据分页尺寸和页数,取得数据列表
59 public List<Map<String, Object>> fetchCustomArticle(long pageSize, long pageID) {
60 SQLiteDatabase db = dbOpenHelper.getReadableDatabase();
61 List<Map<String, Object>> list = new ArrayList<Map<String, Object>>();
62 String sql = "select * from " + TBL_NAME +
63 " Limit "+String.valueOf((pageID-1)*pageSize)+" ,"+String.valueOf((pageID)*pageSize);
64 Cursor cur = db.rawQuery(sql, null);
65 list = getListFromDb(list, cur);
66 return list;
67 }
68 //取得数据列表方法
69 private List<Map<String, Object>> getListFromDb(List<Map<String, Object>> list, Cursor cur) {
70 if(cur.moveToFirst()){
71 do{
72 Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>();
73 map = addValueToMap(cur);
74 list.add(map);
75 }while(cur.moveToNext());
76 }
77 return list;
78 }
79 //将数据映射到map
80 private Map<String, Object> addValueToMap(Cursor cur) {
81 Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>();
82 map.put("id", cur.getString(cur.getColumnIndex(FIELD_ID)));
83 map.put("title", cur.getString(cur.getColumnIndex(FIELD_TITLE)));
84 map.put("info", cur.getString(cur.getColumnIndex(FIELD_PUBLISHDATE)));
85 map.put("content", cur.getString(cur.getColumnIndex(FIELD_CONTENT)));
86 map.put("publishdate", cur.getString(cur.getColumnIndex(FIELD_PUBLISHDATE)));
87 map.put("favorite", cur.getString(cur.getColumnIndex(FIELD_FAVORITE)));
88 map.put("delete", cur.getString(cur.getColumnIndex(FIELD_DELETE)));
89 map.put("img", R.drawable.stop);
90 return map;
91 }
92 }


 1 import android.test.AndroidTestCase;   
2 import com.android.hanhan.util.DatabaseService;
4 public class DatabaseServiceTest extends AndroidTestCase{
5 private DatabaseService dbs;
7 @Override
8 protected void setUp() throws Exception {
9 dbs = new DatabaseService(getContext());
10 }
12 @Override
13 protected void tearDown() throws Exception {
14 dbs.closeDB();
15 }
17 public void testPageCount() throws Exception{
18 assertEquals(12, dbs.getPageCount());
19 }
21 public void testFetchALLArticle() throws Exception{
22 assertEquals(12, dbs.fetchALLArticle().size());
23 }
25 }


  1 package com.ceosoftcenters.healyourbody.db.test;
3 import java.util.ArrayList;
4 import java.util.HashMap;
5 import java.util.Iterator;
6 import java.util.List;
7 import java.util.Map;
9 import com.ceosoftcenters.healyourbody.sqlite.SQLiteHelper;
10 import com.ceosoftcenters.healyourbody.sqlite.vo.ProblemDetailVO;
11 import com.ceosoftcenters.healyourbody.sqlite.vo.ProblemVO;
12 import com.ceosoftcenters.healyourbody.util.ConstantsUtil;
14 import android.database.Cursor;
15 import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase;
16 import android.test.AndroidTestCase;
17 import android.util.Log;
19 /**
20 * @file SQLiteHelperTest.java
21 * @author Jack.Li
22 * @date 2011.09.15
23 * @description this class is mainly for SQLite Database's unit testing
24 * AndroidTestCase--->Extend this if you need to access Resources or other things that depend on Activity Context.
25 *
26 */
28 public class SQLiteHelperTest extends AndroidTestCase {
29 private static final String TAG = "-----SQLiteHelperTest-----";
31 //declare SQLiteHelper's instance ---> testSQLiteHelper
32 private SQLiteHelper testSQLiteHelper;
34 //private HealYourBodyApplication hybApp;
36 //declare SQLiteDatabase's instance ---> database
37 SQLiteDatabase database;
39 //all the data from the database
40 private ArrayList<ProblemVO> problemDataSet = null;
42 //2011.09.26 jack add......custom data for testing
43 private List<Map<String,Object>> list_testSQLiteHelper = null;
45 public static final String ITEM_PROBLEM_ID= "problem_Id";
46 public static final String ITEM_PROBLEM_NAME = "problem_Name";
48 //2011.10.12.PM jack new add...
49 public int ITEM_Number;
51 @Override
52 protected void setUp() {
53 try {
54 super.setUp();
55 }catch (Exception e) {
56 e.printStackTrace();
57 }
59 Log.i(TAG, "==SQLiteHelperTest setUp method is starting==");
61 testSQLiteHelper = new SQLiteHelper(getContext());
62 System.out.println("+++++" + testSQLiteHelper + "+++++");
64 database = SQLiteDatabase.openOrCreateDatabase(getContext().getFilesDir().getAbsolutePath() + ConstantsUtil.HEAL_YOUR_BODY_DBFILE_PATH, null);
65 System.out.println("+++++" + database + "+++++");
67 list_testSQLiteHelper = new ArrayList<Map<String,Object>>();
68 getListValue(list_testSQLiteHelper);
70 problemDataSet = new ArrayList<ProblemVO>();
71 setProblemDataSet(problemDataSet);
73 Log.i(TAG, "==SQLiteHelperTest setUp method is ending==");
75 }
77 //set values for problemDataSet
78 public void setProblemDataSet(ArrayList<ProblemVO> problemDataSet) {
79 //query database file to set data for list view
80 SQLiteDatabase database = SQLiteDatabase.openOrCreateDatabase(getContext().getFilesDir().getAbsolutePath() + ConstantsUtil.HEAL_YOUR_BODY_DBFILE_PATH, null);
82 //query all data from the table bookdata -----> String sql = "select id,problem from bookdata";
83 Cursor cursor = database.rawQuery(ConstantsUtil.QUERY_ALL_ITEMS_ID_PROBLEM_SQL,null);
84 if (cursor.getCount() > 0) {
85 cursor.moveToFirst();
86 ProblemVO pd = null;
87 while(!cursor.isLast()) {
88 int id = cursor.getInt(0);
89 String problemName = cursor.getString(1);
90 pd = new ProblemVO(id,problemName);
91 problemDataSet.add(pd);
92 cursor.moveToNext();
93 }
94 int id = cursor.getInt(0);
95 String problemName = cursor.getString(1);
96 pd = new ProblemVO(id,problemName);
97 problemDataSet.add(pd);
98 //get the problemDtaSet's size -----> because it is a manually edit database,some items do not be used.
99 //So the last id number is not the problemDataSet's size
100 //get the problemDataSet's size
101 System.out.println("**********" + problemDataSet.size() + "**********");
102 ITEM_Number = problemDataSet.size();
103 }
104 cursor.close();
105 database.close();
106 }
108 //custom list values for testing
109 public void getListValue(List<Map<String,Object>> list_testSQLiteHelper) {
110 //I don't know why the last item is -----> "Itis" -----> solved
111 //we think "Itis" is a dirty data
112 //the custom data's number are 20
113 list_testSQLiteHelper.add(SQLiteHelperTest.getHashMapValue("5", "Acne"));
114 list_testSQLiteHelper.add(SQLiteHelperTest.getHashMapValue("11", "Aids"));
115 list_testSQLiteHelper.add(SQLiteHelperTest.getHashMapValue("16", "Amnesia"));
116 list_testSQLiteHelper.add(SQLiteHelperTest.getHashMapValue("22", "Anus"));
117 list_testSQLiteHelper.add(SQLiteHelperTest.getHashMapValue("48", "Bad Breath"));
118 list_testSQLiteHelper.add(SQLiteHelperTest.getHashMapValue("54", "Birth"));
119 list_testSQLiteHelper.add(SQLiteHelperTest.getHashMapValue("64", "Blood"));
120 list_testSQLiteHelper.add(SQLiteHelperTest.getHashMapValue("80", "Brain"));
121 list_testSQLiteHelper.add(SQLiteHelperTest.getHashMapValue("117", "Coma"));
122 list_testSQLiteHelper.add(SQLiteHelperTest.getHashMapValue("134", "Death"));
123 list_testSQLiteHelper.add(SQLiteHelperTest.getHashMapValue("169", "Fat"));
124 list_testSQLiteHelper.add(SQLiteHelperTest.getHashMapValue("177", "Fever"));
125 list_testSQLiteHelper.add(SQLiteHelperTest.getHashMapValue("186", "Fistula"));
126 list_testSQLiteHelper.add(SQLiteHelperTest.getHashMapValue("198", "Gastritis"));
127 list_testSQLiteHelper.add(SQLiteHelperTest.getHashMapValue("234", "Hypertension"));
128 list_testSQLiteHelper.add(SQLiteHelperTest.getHashMapValue("252", "Itching"));
129 list_testSQLiteHelper.add(SQLiteHelperTest.getHashMapValue("260", "Knee"));
130 list_testSQLiteHelper.add(SQLiteHelperTest.getHashMapValue("331", "Petit Mal"));
131 list_testSQLiteHelper.add(SQLiteHelperTest.getHashMapValue("364", "Root Canal"));
132 list_testSQLiteHelper.add(SQLiteHelperTest.getHashMapValue("444", "Wrist"));
133 }
135 //jack new add...2011.09.26.am
136 public static HashMap<String,Object> getHashMapValue(String problem_Id,String problem_Name) {
137 HashMap<String,Object> hm_testSQLiteHelper = new HashMap<String,Object>();
138 hm_testSQLiteHelper.put(ITEM_PROBLEM_ID, problem_Id);
139 hm_testSQLiteHelper.put(ITEM_PROBLEM_NAME, problem_Name);
141 return hm_testSQLiteHelper;
142 }
144 public void testGetProblemDetailById() {
145 //total item's number is 440 -----> get the size 2011.10.08.am
146 //iterator the list_testSQLiteHelper,to get per item's id and name
147 Iterator<Map<String,Object>> it = list_testSQLiteHelper.iterator();
148 while(it.hasNext()) {
149 Map<String,Object> hm = it.next();
150 String problem_Id = (String)hm.get(ITEM_PROBLEM_ID);
151 String Problem_Name = (String)hm.get(ITEM_PROBLEM_NAME);
153 ProblemDetailVO pdvo = testSQLiteHelper.getProblemDetailById(problem_Id, Problem_Name);
154 //perform toString() method
155 System.out.println(">>>>>" + pdvo + "<<<<<");
156 }
157 System.out.println("@@@" +"iterator method is ending......" + "@@@");
159 }
161 public void testGetProblemDetailByIdAllData() {
162 for(ProblemVO pd: problemDataSet) {
163 String problemId = pd.getId() + "";
164 String problemName = pd.getProblemName();
165 ProblemDetailVO pdvo = testSQLiteHelper.getProblemDetailById(problemId, problemName);
167 System.out.println(">>>>>" + pdvo + "<<<<<");
168 }
169 }
171 //test the data count ---> sum
172 public void testSetProblemDataSetSize() throws Exception{
173 //put all the ProblemVO instance into the problemDataSet ArrayList
174 //problemDataSet = new HealYourBodyApplication().getProblemDataSet();
175 assertEquals(440, problemDataSet.size());
176 assertEquals(false, problemDataSet.size() == 445);
177 assertEquals(false, problemDataSet.size() == 335);
178 }
180 @Override
181 protected void tearDown() throws Exception {
182 Log.i(TAG, "==SQLiteHelperTest tearDown method is starting==");
183 //close the resource
184 database.close();
185 super.tearDown();
186 }
188 }






posted on 2011-10-21 16:02  jack.li  阅读(951)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报