andengine配置出现java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org.andengine.AndEngine

想配置andengine 但是一直出错查了好多,原来是

There are only three reasons you will ever get this error:

  1. The class genuinely doesn't exist. If you are using code from an official example and getting this, make sure you have the latest build of the library
  2. You have not added the jar to your build path. To fix this, right click on the jar in Eclipse, and do Build Path ► Add to Build Path.
  3. Your jar is not in the /libs folder. This happens when you have added the jar to the build path, but newer versions of ADT need it to be in /libs. Put it there and re-add it to the build path.

Mostly, such errors occur because newer versions of the ADT require all external jars to be in the libsfolder.


There are only three reasons you will ever get this error:

  1. The class genuinely doesn't exist. If you are using code from an official example and getting this, make sure you have the latest build of the library
  2. You have not added the jar to your build path. To fix this, right click on the jar in Eclipse, and do Build Path ► Add to Build Path.
  3. Your jar is not in the /libs folder. This happens when you have added the jar to the build path, but newer versions of ADT need it to be in /libs. Put it there and re-add it to the build path.

Mostly, such errors occur because newer versions of the ADT require all external jars to be in the libsfolder.

posted on 2013-03-03 13:33  jackrex  阅读(202)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
