dlinq也更名为linq to sql.本文也跟着做相应变化,稍候,我会去更新前面的文章。我们先接着讲linq的语法。
1, var q =
from c in db.Customers
select c.ContactName;
匿名类的from c in db.Customers
select c.ContactName;
1, var q =
from c in db.Customers
select new {c.ContactName, c.Phone};
2, var q =
from e in db.Employees
select new {Name = e.FirstName + " " + e.LastName, Phone = e.HomePhone};
3, var q =
from p in db.Products
select new {p.ProductID, HalfPrice = p.UnitPrice / 2};
条件的from c in db.Customers
select new {c.ContactName, c.Phone};
2, var q =
from e in db.Employees
select new {Name = e.FirstName + " " + e.LastName, Phone = e.HomePhone};
3, var q =
from p in db.Products
select new {p.ProductID, HalfPrice = p.UnitPrice / 2};
var q =
from p in db.Products
select new {p.ProductName, Availability = p.UnitsInStock - p.UnitsOnOrder < 0 ? "Out Of Stock": "In Stock"};
这种条件的会被翻译成sql中{case when condition then else}的。from p in db.Products
select new {p.ProductName, Availability = p.UnitsInStock - p.UnitsOnOrder < 0 ? "Out Of Stock": "In Stock"};
name type形式的:
var q =
from e in db.Employees
select new Name {FirstName = e.FirstName, LastName = e.LastName};
只所以是name type的,是因为Name类是已经定义好的,也就是说,你可以用这种方式,返回你需要类型的对象集.from e in db.Employees
select new Name {FirstName = e.FirstName, LastName = e.LastName};
var q =
from c in db.Customers
select new {
CompanyInfo = new {c.CompanyName, c.City, c.Country},
ContactInfo = new {c.ContactName, c.ContactTitle}
该形式,其select操作使用了匿名对象,而这个匿名对象中,其属性也是个匿名对象。from c in db.Customers
select new {
CompanyInfo = new {c.CompanyName, c.City, c.Country},
ContactInfo = new {c.ContactName, c.ContactTitle}
var q =
from o in db.Orders
select new {
DiscountedProducts =
from od in o.OrderDetails
where od.Discount > 0.0
select od,
FreeShippingDiscount = o.Freight
其返回的对象集中的每个对象DiscountedProducts属性中,又包含一个小的集合。也就是每个对象也是一个集合类。from o in db.Orders
select new {
DiscountedProducts =
from od in o.OrderDetails
where od.Discount > 0.0
select od,
FreeShippingDiscount = o.Freight
var q = (
from c in db.Customers
select c.City )
该形式,筛选该字段中不相同的值。会被翻译为from c in db.Customers
select c.City )
select distinct city from customers
1, var q =
from c in db.Customers
where c.City == "London"
select c;
2, var q =
from e in db.Employees
where e.HireDate >= new DateTime(1994, 1, 1)
select e;
from c in db.Customers
where c.City == "London"
select c;
2, var q =
from e in db.Employees
where e.HireDate >= new DateTime(1994, 1, 1)
select e;
1, var q =
from p in db.Products
where p.UnitsInStock <= p.ReorderLevel && !p.Discontinued
select p;
2, var q =
from p in db.Products
where p.UnitPrice > 10m || p.Discontinued
select p;
3, var q =
db.Products.Where(p=>p.UnitPrice > 10m).Where(p=>p.Discontinued);
在上例中,1和2语句先被翻译成类似3语句的形式,再被翻译成sql语句,送回数据服务器。他们基本上一样的。from p in db.Products
where p.UnitsInStock <= p.ReorderLevel && !p.Discontinued
select p;
2, var q =
from p in db.Products
where p.UnitPrice > 10m || p.Discontinued
select p;
3, var q =
db.Products.Where(p=>p.UnitPrice > 10m).Where(p=>p.Discontinued);
first操作,其实质就是在sql语句前,加了一个top 1.
1, Customer cust = db.Customers.First(c => c.CustomerID == "BONAP");
2 Order ord = db.Orders.First(o => o.Freight > 10.00M);
2 Order ord = db.Orders.First(o => o.Freight > 10.00M);
Shipper shipper = db.Shippers.First();
var q =
(from c in db.Customers
where c.City == "London"
select c).First();
如果加入first操作,其返回是一个具体的对象,而不是一个集合。如果first操作没有条件,它只是简单的在sql语句中添加top 1,如果有条件,它在翻译时,就会加入条件语句。
(from c in db.Customers
where c.City == "London"
select c).First();