
社区当前推荐开发者使用Jetty 12.X版本。

依据End of Community Support for Jetty 9.x - June 2022,社区对Jetty 9.x的支持,已在2022年6月1日停止。
依据End of Community Support for Jetty 10 / Jetty 11 - January 2024,社区对Jetty 10.X、Jetty 11.X的支持,已在2024年1月停止。






cd ~/software
mkdir test

tar vxfz jdk-21_linux-x64_bin.tar.gz -C test
mv test/jdk-21.0.2 .
ln -s jdk-21.0.2 jdk21

rm -rf test

export JAVA_HOME=~/software/jdk21
export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH


java --version


java 21.0.2 2024-01-16 LTS
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 21.0.2+13-LTS-58)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 21.0.2+13-LTS-58, mixed mode, sharing)



java -jar $JETTY_HOME/start.jar --version


Classpath: Jetty
Version Information on 8 entries in the classpath.
Note: order presented here is how they would appear on the classpath.
      changes to the --module=name command line options will be reflected here.
 0:                    (dir) | ${jetty.base}/resources
 1:                    2.0.9 | ${jetty.home}/lib/logging/slf4j-api-2.0.9.jar
 2:                   12.0.6 | ${jetty.home}/lib/logging/jetty-slf4j-impl-12.0.6.jar
 3:                   12.0.6 | ${jetty.home}/lib/jetty-http-12.0.6.jar
 4:                   12.0.6 | ${jetty.home}/lib/jetty-server-12.0.6.jar
 5:                   12.0.6 | ${jetty.home}/lib/jetty-xml-12.0.6.jar
 6:                   12.0.6 | ${jetty.home}/lib/jetty-util-12.0.6.jar
 7:                   12.0.6 | ${jetty.home}/lib/jetty-io-12.0.6.jar


export JETTY_BASE=~/workspace/jetty_run
mkdir -p $JETTY_BASE

export JETTY_HOME=~/software/jetty-home-12.0.6
mkdir -p $JETTY_HOME




java -jar $JETTY_HOME/start.jar --list-modules=connector


Modules [connector]:

connector modules:
   acceptratelimit - Enables a server-wide accept rate limit.
   connectionlimit - Enables a server-wide connection limit.
              http - Enables a clear-text HTTP connector.
    http-forwarded - Enables processing of the "Forwarded" HTTP header (and its predecessors "X-Forwarded-*" HTTP headers).
             http2 - Enables the support for the secure HTTP/2 protocol.
            http2c - Enables the support for the clear-text HTTP/2 protocol.
             http3 - Enables experimental support for the HTTP/3 protocol.
             https - Adds HTTPS protocol support to the TLS(SSL) Connector.
        inetaccess - Enables the InetAccessHandler.
proxy-protocol-ssl - Enables the Proxy Protocol on the TLS(SSL) Connector.
        ssl-reload - Enables the KeyStore to be reloaded when the KeyStore file changes.
   unixdomain-http - Enables support for clear-text HTTP/1.1 over Java 16 Unix-Domain server sockets.



java -jar $JETTY_HOME/start.jar --list-modules=*


Modules [*]:
                       acceptratelimit - Enables a server-wide accept rate limit.
                             alpn-java - Provides the ALPN implementation based on the Java APIs.
                        bytebufferpool - Configures the ByteBufferPool used by ServerConnectors.
              bytebufferpool-quadratic - Configures the ByteBufferPool used by ServerConnectors.
                                client - Adds the Jetty HTTP client to the server classpath.
                       connectionlimit - Enables a server-wide connection limit.
                             conscrypt - Installs the Conscrypt JSSE provider.
                       console-capture - Redirects the JVM console stderr and stdout to a rolling log file.
                            core-demos - A meta module to enable all core demo modules.
                           core-deploy - Enables application based on core handlers deployed from the $JETTY_BASE/webapps/ directory.
                          cross-origin - Enables CrossOriginHandler to support the CORS protocol and protect from cross-site request forgery (CSRF) attacks.
                                 debug - Enables the DebugListener.
                              decorate - Jetty setup to support Decoration of Listeners, Filters and Servlets within a deployed webapp.
                   delay-until-content - Applies DelayedHandler to entire server.
                          demo-handler - Demo Handler
                             demo-jaas - Setup for jaas demos.
                    demo-moved-context - Demonstrate a Moved Context Handler setup in XML
                            demo-realm - Configure a demo authentication realm.
                             demo-root - Demo root context.
                                 demos - A meta module to enable all demo modules.
                                deploy - This module enables web application deployment from the `$JETTY_BASE/webapps` directory.
                      ee10-annotations - Enables Annotation scanning for deployed web applications.
                       ee10-apache-jsp - Enables use of the apache implementation of JSP.
                              ee10-cdi - Provides integration of CDI within webapp to Jetty container object lifecycles.
                     ee10-cdi-decorate - Configures Jetty to use the "CdiDecoratingListener" as the default CDI mode.
                          ee10-cdi-spi - Configures Jetty to use the "CdiSpiDecorator" as the default CDI mode.
                  ee10-demo-async-rest - Demo Async Rest webapp
                        ee10-demo-jaas - Demo EE10 JAAS webapp
                       ee10-demo-jetty - Demo Jetty Webapp
                        ee10-demo-jndi - Demo JNDI Resources Webapp
                         ee10-demo-jsp - Demo Simple JSP Webapp
              ee10-demo-mock-resources - Download and install some Demo Mock Resources
                       ee10-demo-proxy - Demo Proxy Webapp
                     ee10-demo-rewrite - Demonstrate the rewrite module.
                      ee10-demo-simple - Demo Simple Webapp
                        ee10-demo-spec - Download and deploy the Test Spec webapp demo.
                            ee10-demos - A meta module to enable all EE10 demo modules.
                           ee10-deploy - This module enables webapp deployment from the `$JETTY_BASE/webapps` directory.
                       ee10-fcgi-proxy - Enables support for EE10 FastCGI proxying.
                   ee10-glassfish-jstl - Enables the glassfish version of JSTL for all webapps.
                            ee10-jaspi - Enables JASPI authentication for deployed web applications.
ee10-jaspi-default-auth-config-factory - Provides a DefaultAuthConfigFactory for jaspi
                       ee10-jaspi-demo - Enables JASPI basic authentication the /test context path.
                             ee10-jndi - Adds the Jetty EE10 JNDI reference factories
                              ee10-jsp - Enables JSP for all web applications deployed on the server.
                             ee10-jstl - Enables JSTL for all web applications deployed on the server.
                           ee10-openid - Adds openid security for EE10.
                             ee10-plus - Enables Servlet resource injection.
                            ee10-proxy - Enables the Jetty Proxy service.
                       ee10-quickstart - Enables the Jetty Quickstart module for rapid deployment of preconfigured web applications.
                         ee10-security - Adds servlet standard security handling to the classpath.
                          ee10-servlet - Enables standard Servlet handling.
                         ee10-servlets - Adds Jetty EE10 utility servlets and filters available to a webapp.
                           ee10-webapp - This module enables deployment of Java Servlet web applications.
                ee10-websocket-jakarta - Enable jakarta.websocket APIs for deployed web applications.
                  ee10-websocket-jetty - Enable the Jetty WebSocket API support for deployed web applications.
    ee10-websocket-jetty-client-webapp - Expose the Jetty WebSocket Client classes to deployed web applications.
                       ee8-annotations - Enables Annotation scanning for deployed web applications.
                        ee8-apache-jsp - Enables use of the apache implementation of JSP.
                   ee8-demo-async-rest - Demo Async Rest webapp
                         ee8-demo-jaas - Demo EE8 JAAS webapp
                        ee8-demo-jetty - Demo Jetty Webapp
                         ee8-demo-jndi - Demo JNDI Resources Webapp
                          ee8-demo-jsp - Demo Simple JSP Webapp
               ee8-demo-mock-resources - Download and install some Demo Mock Resources
                ee8-demo-moved-context - Demonstrate a Moved Context Handler.
                        ee8-demo-proxy - Demo Proxy Webapp
                      ee8-demo-rewrite - Demonstrate the rewrite module.
                       ee8-demo-simple - Demo EE8 Simple Webapp
                         ee8-demo-spec - Download and deploy the Test Spec webapp demo.
                             ee8-demos - A meta module to enable all EE8 demo modules.
                            ee8-deploy - This module enables webapp deployment from the `$JETTY_BASE/webapps` directory.
                    ee8-glassfish-jstl - Enables the glassfish version of JSTL for all webapps.
                              ee8-jndi - Adds the Jetty EE8 JNDI reference factories
                               ee8-jsp - Enables JSP for all web applications deployed on the server.
                              ee8-jstl - Enables JSTL for all web applications deployed on the server.
                            ee8-openid - Adds OpenId Connect authentication to the server.
                              ee8-plus - Enables Servlet 3.1 resource injection.
                             ee8-proxy - Enables the Jetty Proxy service.
                        ee8-quickstart - Enables the Jetty Quickstart module for rapid deployment of preconfigured web applications.
                          ee8-security - Adds servlet standard security handling to the classpath.
                           ee8-servlet - Enables standard Servlet handling.
                          ee8-servlets - Adds Jetty EE8 utility servlets and filters available to a webapp.
                            ee8-webapp - Adds support for servlet specification web applications to the server classpath.
                   ee8-websocket-javax - Enable javax.websocket APIs for deployed web applications.
                   ee8-websocket-jetty - Enable the Jetty WebSocket API support for deployed web applications.
            ee8-websocket-jetty-client - Expose the Jetty WebSocket Client classes to deployed web applications.
     ee8-websocket-jetty-client-webapp - Expose the Jetty WebSocket Client classes to deployed web applications.
                       ee9-annotations - Enables Annotation scanning for deployed web applications.
                        ee9-apache-jsp - Enables use of the apache implementation of JSP.
                               ee9-cdi - Provides integration of CDI within webapp to Jetty container object lifecycles.
                      ee9-cdi-decorate - Configures Jetty to use the "CdiDecoratingListener" as the default CDI mode.
                           ee9-cdi-spi - Configures Jetty to use the "CdiSpiDecorator" as the default CDI mode.
                   ee9-demo-async-rest - Demo Async Rest webapp
                         ee9-demo-jaas - Demo EE9 JAAS webapp
                        ee9-demo-jetty - Demo Jetty Webapp
                         ee9-demo-jndi - Demo JNDI Resources Webapp
                          ee9-demo-jsp - Demo Simple JSP Webapp
               ee9-demo-mock-resources - Download and install some Demo Mock Resources
                        ee9-demo-proxy - Demo Proxy Webapp
                      ee9-demo-rewrite - Demonstrate the rewrite module.
                       ee9-demo-simple - Demo EE9 Simple Webapp
                         ee9-demo-spec - Download and deploy the Test Spec webapp demo.
                             ee9-demos - A meta module to enable all EE9 demo modules.
                            ee9-deploy - This module enables webapp deployment from the `$JETTY_BASE/webapps` directory.
                        ee9-fcgi-proxy - Enables support for EE9 FastCGI proxying.
                    ee9-glassfish-jstl - Enables the glassfish version of JSTL for all webapps.
                             ee9-jaspi - Enables JASPI authentication for deployed web applications.
 ee9-jaspi-default-auth-config-factory - Provides a DefaultAuthConfigFactory for jaspi
                        ee9-jaspi-demo - Enables JASPI basic authentication the /test context path.
                              ee9-jndi - Adds the Jetty EE9 JNDI reference factories
                               ee9-jsp - Enables JSP for all web applications deployed on the server.
                              ee9-jstl - Enables JSTL for all web applications deployed on the server.
                            ee9-openid - Adds OpenId Connect authentication to the server.
                              ee9-plus - Enables Servlet 3.1 resource injection.
                             ee9-proxy - Enables the Jetty Proxy service.
                        ee9-quickstart - Enables the Jetty Quickstart module for rapid deployment of preconfigured web applications.
                          ee9-security - Adds servlet standard security handling to the classpath.
                           ee9-servlet - Enables standard Servlet handling.
                          ee9-servlets - Adds Jetty EE9 utility servlets and filters available to a webapp.
                            ee9-webapp - Adds support for servlet specification web applications to the server classpath.
                 ee9-websocket-jakarta - Enable jakarta.websocket APIs for deployed web applications.
                   ee9-websocket-jetty - Enable the Jetty WebSocket API support for deployed web applications.
     ee9-websocket-jetty-client-webapp - Expose the Jetty WebSocket Client classes to deployed web applications.
                                   ext - Adds the jar file from $JETTY_HOME/lib/ext and $JETTY_BASE/lib/ext to the server classpath.
                                  fcgi - Enables support for the FastCGI protocol.
                            fcgi-proxy - Enables support for HTTP to FastCGI proxying.
                       flight-recorder - Enables Java Mission Control's Flight Recorder for low overhead profiling.
                                gcloud - Controls GCloud API classpath.
                      gcloud-datastore - Enables GCloud Datastore API and implementation.
                  global-webapp-common - Enables Deployer to apply common configuration to all webapp deployments.
                              graceful - Enables Graceful processing of requests
                                  gzip - Enables GzipHandler for dynamic gzip compression for the entire server.
                     home-base-warning - Generates a warning that server has been run from $JETTY_HOME rather than from a $JETTY_BASE.
                                  http - Enables a clear-text HTTP connector.
                        http-forwarded - Enables processing of the "Forwarded" HTTP header (and its predecessors "X-Forwarded-*" HTTP headers).
                                 http2 - Enables the support for the secure HTTP/2 protocol.
                                http2c - Enables the support for the clear-text HTTP/2 protocol.
                                 http3 - Enables experimental support for the HTTP/3 protocol.
                                 https - Adds HTTPS protocol support to the TLS(SSL) Connector.
                            inetaccess - Enables the InetAccessHandler.
                   infinispan-embedded - Setup infinispan embedded without querying.
             infinispan-embedded-query - Enables querying with the Infinispan session cache.
                     infinispan-remote - Default setup for the remote infinispan cache without queries.
               infinispan-remote-query - Enables querying with a remote Infinispan cache.
                                  jaas - Enables JAAS for deployed web applications.
                                  jdbc - Enables the java.sql JPMS module.
                                   jmx - This module enables local Java Management Extension (JMX) support for Jetty components.
                            jmx-remote - Enables clear-text remote RMI access to platform MBeans.
                       jmx-remote-auth - Enables authentication and authorization for remote clients
                        jmx-remote-ssl - Enables secure remote RMI access to platform MBeans.
                                   jna - Provides Java Native Access (JNA) support.
                                  jndi - Adds the Jetty JNDI implementation to the classpath.
                                   jvm - Creates an ini template for setting JVM arguments (eg -Xmx ).
                   logging-jcl-capture - Captures jakarta-commons-logging events and bridges them to SLF4J.
                         logging-jetty - Base configuration for the jetty logging mechanism.
                           logging-jul - Configures jetty logging to use Java Util Logging (jul).
                   logging-jul-capture - Captures java.util.logging events and bridges them to slf4j.
                        logging-log4j1 - Configures Jetty logging to use Log4j.
                logging-log4j1-capture - Captures Apache log4j events and bridges them to SLF4J.
                        logging-log4j2 - Configures Jetty logging to use log4j version 2.
                       logging-logback - Configures Jetty logging to use Logback Logging.
                          logging-noop - Configures Jetty logging to use SLF4J No-Op Implementation.
                         logging/slf4j - Configures logging to use SLF4J.
                          lowresources - Enables a low resource monitor on the server.
                                openid - Adds OpenId Connect authentication to the server.
                                   pid - Creates the PID file for the Jetty process
                                  plus - Adds the Jetty Plus JNDI support to the classpath.
                                 proxy - Enables support for HTTP proxying.
                        proxy-protocol - Enables PROXY Protocol (
                    proxy-protocol-ssl - Enables the Proxy Protocol on the TLS(SSL) Connector.
                                quiche - Provides Native binary builds for the Quiche library.
                            requestlog - Logs requests using CustomRequestLog and AsyncRequestLogWriter.
                             resources - This module adds the `$JETTY_BASE/resources` directory to the server's classpath.
                               rewrite - Enables the jetty-rewrite handler.
                   rewrite-compactpath - Add a rule to the rewrite module to compact paths.
                    rewrite-customizer - Enables a rewrite Rules container as a request customizer.
                       secure-redirect - Enable SecuredRedirectHandler to redirect all http requests to https on the secure port configured in the server.ini file.
                              security - Adds core security handling to the classpath.
                                server - Enables and configures the Jetty server.
                    session-cache-hash - Enable first level session cache.
                    session-cache-null - A SessionCache that does not actually cache sessions.
                   session-store-cache - Enables caching of SessionData in front of a SessionDataStore.
                    session-store-file - Enables session persistent storage in files.
                  session-store-gcloud - Enables GCloudDatastore session management.
      session-store-hazelcast-embedded - Enables session data store in an embedded Hazelcast Map.
        session-store-hazelcast-remote - Enables session data store in a remote Hazelcast Map.
     session-store-infinispan-embedded - Enables session data store in a local Infinispan cache.
       session-store-infinispan-remote - Enables session data store in a remote Infinispan cache.
                    session-store-jdbc - Enables JDBC persistent/distributed session storage.
                   session-store-mongo - Enables NoSql session management with a MongoDB driver.
                              sessions - Enables session management.
                                setuid - Enables the UNIX setUID configuration.
                            ssl-reload - Enables the KeyStore to be reloaded when the KeyStore file changes.
                                 state - Creates and updates state file used by
                            statistics - Enables statistics collection for the server.
                                  stop - This module causes Jetty to stop immediately after starting.
                         test-keystore - Test keystore with self-signed SSL Certificate.
                           threadlimit - Applies ThreadLimitHandler to entire server, to limit the threads per IP address for DOS protection.
                            threadpool - Enables and configures the Server ThreadPool.
                    threadpool-virtual - Enables and configures the Server ThreadPool with support for virtual threads in Java 21 or later.
            threadpool-virtual-preview - Enables and configures the Server ThreadPool with support for virtual threads in Java 19 and Java 20.
                       unixdomain-http - Enables support for clear-text HTTP/1.1 over Java 16 Unix-Domain server sockets.
                       websocket-jetty - Enables the Jetty WebSocket API support for deployed web applications.
                websocket-jetty-client - Expose the Jetty WebSocket Client classes to deployed web applications.
                            well-known - Serve static files from a directory for the "/.well-known" context path.
                                  work - Creates the $JETTY_BASE/work directory as a persistent temp directory.

Enabled Modules:
  0) resources                 transitive provider of resources for logging-jetty
  1) logging/slf4j             transitive provider of logging/slf4j for logging-jetty
                               dynamic dependency of logging-jetty
  2) logging-jetty             transitive provider of logging for threadpool
                               transitive provider of logging for bytebufferpool
                               transitive provider of logging for server
  3) bytebufferpool            transitive provider of bytebufferpool for server
                               ini template available with --add-modules=bytebufferpool
  4) threadpool                transitive provider of threadpool for server
                               ini template available with --add-modules=threadpool
  5) server                    ${jetty.base}/start.d/server.ini
  6) http                      ${jetty.base}/start.d/http.ini
  7) ssl                       ${jetty.base}/start.d/ssl.ini
  8) https                     ${jetty.base}/start.d/https.ini



java -jar $JETTY_HOME/start.jar --add-modules=http


INFO  : mkdir ${jetty.base}/start.d
INFO  : server          transitively enabled, ini template available with --add-modules=server
INFO  : logging-jetty   transitively enabled
INFO  : http            initialized in ${jetty.base}/start.d/http.ini
INFO  : resources       transitively enabled
INFO  : threadpool      transitively enabled, ini template available with --add-modules=threadpool
INFO  : logging/slf4j   dynamic dependency of logging-jetty
INFO  : bytebufferpool  transitively enabled, ini template available with --add-modules=bytebufferpool
INFO  : mkdir ${jetty.base}/resources
INFO  : copy ${jetty.home}/modules/logging/jetty/resources/ to ${jetty.base}/resources/
INFO  : Base directory was modified




├── resources
│   └──
└── start.d
    └── http.ini

2 directories, 2 files



java -jar $JETTY_HOME/start.jar --help



$ java -jar $JETTY_HOME/start.jar [command] [options...]

Commands can be of two types: report commands or configuration commands.
Commands execute and then exit the JVM.
Options can be specified with or without commands.
When no command is specified, Jetty is started with the given options.

Report Commands:

                   Prints this help / usage information.

                   Prints the version information for Jetty and
                   dependent jars, then exits.

                   Prints the class-path (or module-path) information that
                   will be used to start Jetty.

                   Lists the resolved configuration that will be used to
                   start Jetty.
                   Output includes:
                     o  Enabled Jetty modules
                     o  Java environment
                     o  Jetty environment
                     o  Config file search order
                     o  JVM arguments
                     o  System properties
                     o  Properties
                     o  Java class-path or module-path
                     o  XML configuration files

                   Lists the modules defined in ${jetty.base}/modules/*.mod
                   and then in ${jetty.home}/modules/*.mod.

                   Lists the modules by tag. Use '*' for all tags.
                   Prefix a tag with '-' to exclude the tag.
                   The special tag "internal" is always excluded unless it is
                   explicitly included.

                   Lists all modules.

                   Shows the detail of the listed modules, including
                   dependencies, tags, libraries and XMLs.

                   Sends a stop signal to the running Jetty instance.
                   The running Jetty instance must have been started with a
                   stop.port=<port> property and the --stop command must
                   be executed with the same property.

                   Prints the command line that start.jar generates,
                   in a format usable by a POSIX compliant shell, then exits.
                   This may be used to generate command lines into scripts:
                     $ java -jar start.jar --dry-run >

                   Prints specific parts of the command line in a format usable by
                   a POSIX compliant shell. The parts are:
                     o  "java" - the JVM to run
                     o  "opts" - the JVM options (e.g. -D, -X and -XX flags)
                     o  "path" - the JVM class-path and/or the JPMS module-path
                     o  "main" - the main class to run
                     o  "args" - the arguments passed to the main class
                     o  "envs" - the generated XML files to create the environments

Configure Commands:

                   Adds the given modules to the list of modules enabled at
                   when Jetty starts.
                   Transitive dependencies are followed and dependent
                   modules may also explicitly added.
                   Modules are added by creating an *.ini file in the
                   ${jetty.base}/start.d/ directory.
                   The *.ini file contains the --module option that enables
                   the module, and any other option defined in the module's
                   [ini-template] section.
                   If the *.ini file specifies properties, these may be
                   overridden by specifying the same properties on the
                   command line.

                   If a module is transitively enabled, its *.ini file will
                   not be generated.
                   To generate the *.ini file, the module must be explicitly
                   listed in the --add-modules=... command.

                   This option replaces the deprecated --add-to-start and
                   --add-to-startd commands.

                   Creates a ${jetty.base}/start.d directory.
                   If the ${jetty.base}/start.ini file exists, then it is
                   moved into the ${jetty.base}/start.d/ directory.
                   Using a ${jetty.base}/start.d/ directory is the default and
                   this option is only needed to either force the creation of
                   the ${jetty.base}/start.d/ directory, or to move a
                   ${jetty.base}/start.ini file to ${jetty.base}/start.d/.

                   Creates a ${jetty.base}/start.ini file.
                   If a ${jetty.base}/start.d/ directory exists, then all
                   the contained *.ini files are concatenated into the
                   ${jetty.base}/start.ini file.

                   Scans all the ${jetty.base}/start.d/*.ini files and updates
                   any property with values specified on the command line.
                   For example:
                     $ java -jar ${}/start.jar --update-ini jetty.http.port=8888

                   Creates any missing files that are required by enabled
                   modules, as specified in their [files] section.
                   This may download a file from the network if a HTTP URI
                   is specified in the [files] section.

                   Creates a graphviz *.dot file of the module graph as it
                   is configured for the current ${jetty.base}.
                   See for details on how to post-process
                   this file into the output best suited for your needs.


                   Enables a module for this execution.
                   To enable a module for all future executions, use the
                   --add-modules command.
                   Note: this option is used in the ${jetty.base}/start.ini
                   file or in ${jetty.base}/start.d/*.ini files created by
                   the --add-modules command.

                   Adds the specified class-path entries to the the server
                   class-path (or module-path).

                   Downloads a file from the given HTTP URI, if it does
                   not already exist at the given location.
                   Note: the location is always relative to ${jetty.base}.
                   You might need to escape the pipe "\|" to use it in
                   some shell environments.

                   Executes the generated command line in a forked JVM
                   (see the --dry-run command).
                   This can be used when ${jetty.base}/start.d/*.ini files
                   contain -D, -X or -XX arguments, but creates an extra
                   JVM process.

                   Assigns a fixed name to the file used to transfer
                   properties to the sub process. This allows the
                   generated properties file to be saved and reused.
                   Without this option, a temporary file is used.

                   Uses each line of the specified file as arguments on the
                   JVM command line.

                   Starts Jetty in JPMS mode in a forked JVM (see also the
                   --dry-run command).
                   The library *.jar files are set on the forked JVM module-path
                   (rather than the forked JVM class-path), while directories
                   are set on the forked JVM class-path.
                   The main class is specified with the JPMS option
                   --module <moduleName>/<mainClassName>.

                   Enables debug output of the startup execution.
                   Note: this does not setup debug logging for Jetty itself,
                   only for the startup execution.
                   If you want debug logging for Jetty, configure one of the
                   available logging modules using the --add-modules command.

                   A filename, relative to ${jetty.base}, where all startup
                   output will be sent.  This is useful for capturing startup
                   issues when the Jetty logging module has not yet started
                   due to configuration errors.

                   Allow the use of insecure `http://` scheme for content download.

                   Approves all license questions from modules that have
                   particular license requirements.
                   Useful for enabling modules from a script, so that it
                   does not require user interaction.

                   Disables the creation of files as specified by the
                   [files] section of the specified modules.
                   Useful if a logging module specifies a *.properties
                   config file, but you want to use that module with an
                   *.xml config file instead.

                   Includes the specified directory as a configuration source.
                   This directory behaves similarly to ${jetty.base} but sits
                   at a layer between ${jetty.home} and ${jetty.base}.
                   Useful when you want to apply a common "corporate"
                   configuration to all specific ${jetty.base} directories
                   without having to modify ${jetty.home}.

                   Sets the ${jetty.home} directory.
                   By default it is resolved from the start.jar file path.

                   Sets the ${jetty.base} directory.
                   By default it is resolved from the current directory path.<string>
                   Used with the --stop command.
                   Specifies the host where the Jetty server to stop is
                   running (defaults to

                   Used with the --stop command.
                   Specifies the port to use to contact the Jetty server
                   to stop.

                   Used with the --stop command.
                   The passphrase required to stop the Jetty server.

                   Used with the --stop command.
                   The time, in seconds, to wait for confirmation that the
                   running Jetty server has stopped.
                   If not specified, the stopper will not wait.

                  The base URL to use to download Maven dependencies.
                  Defaults to:

                  Specifies a property value that overrides the same
                  property defined in a ${jetty.base}/start.d/*.ini file,
                  or in the [ini] section of a *.mod file.

                    Sets the property value unconditionally.
                    Appends the given value to the existing value.
                    Sets the property value only if it is not already set.

                  Specifies a system property, as well as a start property.
                  Note: this is a program argument that is interpreted and
                  added to the existing JVM system properties.

                  Specifies a Jetty XML file relative to ${jetty.base}.
                  This file is in addition to the Jetty XML files resolved
                  from the [xml] sections of the enabled modules.



java -jar $JETTY_HOME/start.jar --show-modules=http


     Module: http
           : Enables a clear-text HTTP connector.
           : By default clear-text HTTP/1.1 is enabled, and clear-text HTTP/2 may be added by enabling the "http2c" module.
       Tags: connector, http
     Depend: server
        XML: etc/jetty-http.xml
    Enabled: ${jetty.base}/start.d/http.ini



java -jar $JETTY_HOME/start.jar --dry-run


/home/jackie/software/jdk-21.0.2/bin/java -Djetty.home=/home/jackie/software/jetty-home-12.0.6 -Djetty.base=/home/jackie/workspace/jetty_run --class-path /home/jackie/workspace/jetty_run/resources:/home/jackie/software/jetty-home-12.0.6/lib/logging/slf4j-api-2.0.9.jar:/home/jackie/software/jetty-home-12.0.6/lib/logging/jetty-slf4j-impl-12.0.6.jar:/home/jackie/software/jetty-home-12.0.6/lib/jetty-http-12.0.6.jar:/home/jackie/software/jetty-home-12.0.6/lib/jetty-server-12.0.6.jar:/home/jackie/software/jetty-home-12.0.6/lib/jetty-xml-12.0.6.jar:/home/jackie/software/jetty-home-12.0.6/lib/jetty-util-12.0.6.jar:/home/jackie/software/jetty-home-12.0.6/lib/jetty-io-12.0.6.jar org.eclipse.jetty.xml.XmlConfiguration java.version=21.0.2 jetty.base=/home/jackie/workspace/jetty_run jetty.base.uri=file:///home/jackie/workspace/jetty_run jetty.home=/home/jackie/software/jetty-home-12.0.6 jetty.home.uri=file:///home/jackie/software/jetty-home-12.0.6 jetty.webapp.addServerClasses=org.eclipse.jetty.logging.,file:///home/jackie/software/jetty-home-12.0.6/lib/logging/,org.slf4j. runtime.feature.alpn=true slf4j.version=2.0.9 /home/jackie/software/jetty-home-12.0.6/etc/jetty-bytebufferpool.xml /home/jackie/software/jetty-home-12.0.6/etc/jetty-threadpool.xml /home/jackie/software/jetty-home-12.0.6/etc/jetty.xml /home/jackie/software/jetty-home-12.0.6/etc/jetty-http.xml /home/jackie/software/jetty-home-12.0.6/etc/jetty-ssl.xml /home/jackie/software/jetty-home-12.0.6/etc/jetty-ssl-context.xml /home/jackie/software/jetty-home-12.0.6/etc/jetty-https.xml
posted @ 2024-03-04 22:55  jackieathome  阅读(189)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报