ElasticSearch之cat transforms API


curl -X GET "https://localhost:9200/_cat/transforms?v=true&format=json" --cacert $ES_HOME/config/certs/http_ca.crt -u "elastic:ohCxPH=QBE+s5=*lo7F9"


    "id" : "ecommerce_transform",
    "state" : "started",
    "checkpoint" : "1",
    "documents_processed" : "705",
    "checkpoint_progress" : "100.00",
    "changes_last_detection_time" : null


curl -X GET "https://localhost:9200/_cat/transforms?v=true&help=true&pretty" --cacert $ES_HOME/config/certs/http_ca.crt -u "elastic:ohCxPH=QBE+s5=*lo7F9"


id                               |                            | the id
state                            | s                          | transform state
checkpoint                       | c                          | checkpoint
documents_processed              | docp,documentsProcessed    | the number of documents read from source indices and processed
checkpoint_progress              | cp,checkpointProgress      | progress of the checkpoint
last_search_time                 | lst,lastSearchTime         | last time transform searched for updates
changes_last_detection_time      | cldt                       | changes last detected time
create_time                      | ct,createTime              | transform creation time
version                          | v                          | the version of Elasticsearch when the transform was created
source_index                     | si,sourceIndex             | source index
dest_index                       | di,destIndex               | destination index
pipeline                         | p                          | transform pipeline
description                      | d                          | description
transform_type                   | tt                         | batch or continuous transform
frequency                        | f                          | frequency of transform
max_page_search_size             | mpsz                       | max page search size
docs_per_second                  | dps                        | docs per second
reason                           | r,reason                   | reason for the current state
search_total                     | st                         | total number of search phases
search_failure                   | sf                         | total number of search failures
search_time                      | stime                      | total search time
index_total                      | it                         | total number of index phases done by the transform
index_failure                    | if                         | total number of index failures
index_time                       | itime                      | total time spent indexing documents
documents_indexed                | doci                       | the number of documents written to the destination index
delete_time                      | dtime                      | total time spent deleting documents
documents_deleted                | docd                       | the number of documents deleted from the destination index
trigger_count                    | tc                         | the number of times the transform has been triggered
pages_processed                  | pp                         | the number of pages processed
processing_time                  | pt                         | the total time spent processing documents
checkpoint_duration_time_exp_avg | cdtea,checkpointTimeExpAvg | exponential average checkpoint processing time (milliseconds)
indexed_documents_exp_avg        | idea                       | exponential average number of documents indexed
processed_documents_exp_avg      | pdea                       | exponential average number of documents processed


posted @ 2023-11-29 01:26  jackieathome  阅读(12)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报