ElasticSearch之cat trained model API


curl -X GET "https://localhost:9200/_cat/ml/trained_models?v=true&pretty" --cacert $ES_HOME/config/certs/http_ca.crt -u "elastic:ohCxPH=QBE+s5=*lo7F9"


id                 heap_size operations create_time              type       ingest.pipelines data_frame.id
lang_ident_model_1 1mb       39629      2019-12-05T12:28:34.594Z lang_ident 0                __none__


curl -X GET "https://localhost:9200/_cat/ml/trained_models?v=true&help=true&pretty" --cacert $ES_HOME/config/certs/http_ca.crt -u "elastic:ohCxPH=QBE+s5=*lo7F9"


id                      |                                 | the trained model id
created_by              | c,createdBy                     | who created the model
heap_size               | hs,modelHeapSize                | the estimated heap size to keep the model in memory
operations              | o,modelOperations               | the estimated number of operations to use the model
license                 | l                               | The license level of the model
create_time             | ct                              | The time the model was created
version                 | v                               | The version of Elasticsearch when the model was created
description             | d                               | The model description
type                    | t                               | The model type
ingest.pipelines        | ip,ingestPipelines              | The number of pipelines referencing the model
ingest.count            | ic,ingestCount                  | The total number of docs processed by the model
ingest.time             | it,ingestTime                   | The total time spent processing docs with this model
ingest.current          | icurr,ingestCurrent             | The total documents currently being handled by the model
ingest.failed           | if,ingestFailed                 | The total count of failed ingest attempts with this model
data_frame.id           | dfid,dataFrameAnalytics         | The data frame analytics config id that created the model (if still available)
data_frame.create_time  | dft,dataFrameAnalyticsTime      | The time the data frame analytics config was created
data_frame.source_index | dfsi,dataFrameAnalyticsSrcIndex | The source index used to train in the data frame analysis
data_frame.analysis     | dfa,dataFrameAnalyticsAnalysis  | The analysis used by the data frame to build the model


posted @ 2023-11-29 01:09  jackieathome  阅读(12)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报