ElasticSearch之cat thread pool API


curl -X GET "https://localhost:9200/_cat/thread_pool?v=true&pretty" --cacert $ES_HOME/config/certs/http_ca.crt -u "elastic:ohCxPH=QBE+s5=*lo7F9"


node_name     name                                   active queue rejected
jackie-ubuntu analyze                                     0     0        0
jackie-ubuntu auto_complete                               0     0        0
jackie-ubuntu azure_event_loop                            0     0        0
jackie-ubuntu ccr                                         0     0        0
jackie-ubuntu cluster_coordination                        0     0        0
jackie-ubuntu downsample_indexing                         0     0        0
jackie-ubuntu esql                                        0     0        0
jackie-ubuntu esql_worker                                 0     0        0
jackie-ubuntu fetch_shard_started                         0     0        0
jackie-ubuntu fetch_shard_store                           0     0        0
jackie-ubuntu flush                                       0     0        0
jackie-ubuntu force_merge                                 0     0        0
jackie-ubuntu generic                                     0     0        0
jackie-ubuntu get                                         0     0        0
jackie-ubuntu inference_utility                           0     0        0
jackie-ubuntu management                                  1     0        0
jackie-ubuntu ml_datafeed                                 0     0        0
jackie-ubuntu ml_job_comms                                0     0        0
jackie-ubuntu ml_native_inference_comms                   0     0        0
jackie-ubuntu ml_utility                                  0     0        0
jackie-ubuntu profiling                                   0     0        0
jackie-ubuntu refresh                                     0     0        0
jackie-ubuntu repository_azure                            0     0        0
jackie-ubuntu rollup_indexing                             0     0        0
jackie-ubuntu search                                      0     0        0
jackie-ubuntu search_coordination                         0     0        0
jackie-ubuntu search_throttled                            0     0        0
jackie-ubuntu search_worker                               0     0        0
jackie-ubuntu searchable_snapshots_cache_fetch_async      0     0        0
jackie-ubuntu searchable_snapshots_cache_prewarming       0     0        0
jackie-ubuntu security-crypto                             0     0        0
jackie-ubuntu security-token-key                          0     0        0
jackie-ubuntu snapshot                                    0     0        0
jackie-ubuntu snapshot_meta                               0     0        0
jackie-ubuntu system_critical_read                        0     0        0
jackie-ubuntu system_critical_write                       0     0        0
jackie-ubuntu system_read                                 0     0        0
jackie-ubuntu system_write                                0     0        0
jackie-ubuntu warmer                                      0     0        0
jackie-ubuntu watcher                                     0     0        0
jackie-ubuntu write                                       0     0        0


curl -X GET "https://localhost:9200/_cat/thread_pool?v=true&help=true&pretty" --cacert $ES_HOME/config/certs/http_ca.crt -u "elastic:ohCxPH=QBE+s5=*lo7F9"


node_name         | nn  | node name
node_id           | id  | persistent node id
ephemeral_node_id | eid | ephemeral node id
pid               | p   | process id
host              | h   | host name
ip                | i   | ip address
port              | po  | bound transport port
name              | n   | thread pool name
type              | t   | thread pool type
active            | a   | number of active threads
pool_size         | psz | number of threads
queue             | q   | number of tasks currently in queue
queue_size        | qs  | maximum number of tasks permitted in queue
rejected          | r   | number of rejected tasks
largest           | l   | highest number of seen active threads
completed         | c   | number of completed tasks
core              | cr  | core number of threads in a scaling thread pool
max               | mx  | maximum number of threads in a scaling thread pool
size              | sz  | number of threads in a fixed thread pool
keep_alive        | ka  | thread keep alive time


posted @ 2023-11-29 00:42  jackieathome  阅读(64)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报